23. Jahrhundert Brückenoffiziere are Brückenoffizier candidates available from Flottenstation K-13 at K-13 Retrofit Engineering Tier III. They come with 23rd century outfits, as well as unique traits described in the section below.
NOTE: Training Manuals obtained from this officer will be Bind-on-Pickup
Unique Traits [ ]
All 23c. officers possess the following traits, in addition to a random assortment of three others:
K-13 Überlebender Techniker :
Passive (Engineering Officers Only)
+10 Starship Impulse Expertise
+10 Starship Electro-Plasms System Flow
K-13 Überlebender Wissenschaftler :
Passive (Science Officers Only)
+10 Starship Control Expertise
+10 Starship Drain Expertise
K-13 Überlebender Taktiker :
Passive (Tactical Officers Only)
+10 Starship Defensive Maneuvering
+10 Starship Weapon Accuracy
The Andrea Type Android and Dr. Brown Type Android possess the following traits:
Android (Superior) :
+15% Physical Damage
+30 All Damage Resistance Rating
+300 Radiation Damage Resistance Rating
+300 Toxic Damage Resistance Rating
+300 Psionic Damage Resistance Rating
20% Healing Resistance
Immunity to Confuse
Immunity to Placate
Neustart :
Revive self to 75% HP once every 10 minutes
Streamlined Retrofit Engineering :
+15 Starship Impulse Expertise
+15 Starship Electro-Plasma System Flow
Sternenflotte Brückenoffiziere [ ]
[23c. Andorian Female Engineering Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Andorian Male Engineering Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Andorian Female Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Andorian Male Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Andorian Female Tactical Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Andorian Male Tactical Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Human Female Engineering Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Human Male Engineering Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Human Female Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Human Male Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Human Female Tactical Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Human Male Tactical Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Tellarite Female Engineering Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Tellarite Male Engineering Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Tellarite Female Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Tellarite Male Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Tellarite Female Tactical Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Tellarite Male Tactical Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Vulcan Female Engineering Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Vulcan Male Engineering Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Vulcan Female Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Vulcan Male Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Vulcan Female Tactical Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Vulcan Male Tactical Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
KVS Brückenoffiziere [ ]
[23c. Klingon Male Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Klingon Female Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Klingon Male Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Klingon Female Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Klingon Male Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
[23c. Klingon Female Science Officer Candidate ]
160,000 40,000
Besondere Brückenoffiziere [ ]
[Andrea Type Android Engineering Officer Candidate ]
160,000 34,000
[Dr. Brown Type Android Engineering Officer Candidate ]
160,000 34,000
Hinweise [ ]
Character is limited to only one K-13 Android bridge officer at a time.
K-13 Android bridge officer's appearance cannot be modified, while regular 23c bridge officers can be freely customized at the tailor .
Siehe auch [ ]
Liste der Flotteneinrichtungen Bearbeiten
Name (Hinzugefügt)
Flottensternenbasis (12. Juli 2012)
Militär Technik Wissenschaft
Schiffswaffen , Schiffsschilde Deflektoren , Impulsantriebe Bodenwaffen , Personenschutzschilde , Elite Träger Begleitung
Aldebaran & Archanis Sektoren
Botschaft (13. November 2012)
Rekrutierung Diplomatie
Waffensignaturneutralisator und Verstärker Romulanische Kit Rahmen und Module , Verbrauchsgüter, DOff Auftragsslots , Romulanische Brückenoffiziere
Dilithiummine (20. Juni 2013)
Entwicklung Handel
Flotte Warpkerne /Flotte Singularitätskerne Erweiterte technische Rüstungs-Konsolen /Erweiterte technische RCS Konsolen
Bajoranischer Sektor
Spire (12. November 2013)
Forschung Einsatz
Plasma-Integrierte Warpkerne /Thoron-Infussionierende Singularitätskerne Erweiterte taktische Schwachstellen Konsolen , Spire Trägerbegleitung Spire Experimentelle und Prototypen Kit Rahmen und Module
Forschungslabor (16. Juli 2015)
Forschung Entwicklung
Vielseitige Kit Rahmen und Berufsspezifische Module Strategische Sekundäre Deflektoren , Partikel-fokussierende Wissenschaftliche Konsolen Erweiterte Slots für Eigenschaften und F&E Projekte , Krenim BOffs und DOffs
K-13 (25. Oktober 2016)
Xenotechnologie Nachrüstungstechnik
23. Jahrhundert Bodenwaffen , Raumwaffen 23. Jahrhundert BOffs , DOffs , Lehrbücher , Kit Module Eigenschaften Erweiterungen Xenotech technische Konsolen
Koloniewelt (3. Oktober 2017)
Moral Infrastruktur Erneuerbare Energie
Lukari & Kentari gestaltete Bodenwaffen , Personenschilde , Rüstung , Raumwaffen Protomaterie-Matrix-Infusion-Konsolen Taktisch ; Protomaterie-Warpkerne , Singularitätskerne Deflekoten , Sekundäre Deflektoren , und Antrieb ; Channeling Schiffschilde Lukari/Kentari BOffs , Kitrahmen , Kit module & Lehrbücher