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KlingonAlexander Rozhenko
Stimme von:
Brook Chalmers

Alexander, Sohn von Worf (auch bekannt als K'mtar) war ein Klingone/Mensch Hybride, arbeitete als ein Diplomat auf Qo'noS. Geboren 2366, war er auch der Halbbruder von K'Dhan sowie der Stiefbruder von Koren.


After the death of his mother K'Ehleyr, Alexander was raised on Earth by Worf's human foster parents, the Rozhenkos, and later by Worf himself on the U.S.S. Enterprise-D.

In 2374 and 2375, Alexander participated in the Dominion War; first as Bekk on the IKS Rotarran, and later as weapons officer of the IKS Ya'Vang.

Sometime after 2375, Alexander marries B'Enn and fathers a son, D'Vak.

In 2392, Alexander leads a Federation diplomatic team alongside President Aennik Okeg to a conference with the Klingon Empire and the Gorn Hegemony on Cestus III. Initially hoping for a successful cease fire agreement between the Klingons and the Gorn, the talks collapse without any results.

By 2394, B'Enn had left Alexander and he had resigned his position as a diplomat for the Federation. Sending his son D'Vak to stay with Worf and his family, Alexander subsequently left Qo'noS for Boreth in order to undergo the Challenge of Spirit.

In 2396, Alexander returned to Earth with his son D'Vak. He took a post teaching political science at the Saint Petersburg State University and told friends that he was considering writing a book about his experiences on Boreth. He had no plans to return to the Klingon Empire.

By 2409 he is a diplomat and, despite his former plans, dedicated to uniting the Great Houses of the Klingon Empire. Alexander's son, D'Vak is head of Task Force Omega.

Beteiligte Missionen[]


K'mtar old

Alexander prior to Season 20

  • During “Treasure Trading Station”, Marta will reveal details of Alexander's demise to Federation players.
  • Alexander being stabbed and dying in his father's arms in the High Council chamber is a nod to the Next Generation episode "Firstborn". Here, "K'mtar" aka Alexander from the future of an alternate timeline reports of almost the opposite event, i.e., that he will have to witness Worf being killed on the floor of the High Council in 2410.
  • Alexander's death was the first on-screen death of a canon character in Star Trek Online and remains one of the very few along with those of Dukan'Rex, Gaul, Golin Shel-la, Taris, and Kahless.
  • Alexander's model was revamped with Season Twenty: House Divided as part of the Year of Klingon updates.

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