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Forcas III ist der dritte Planet in dem Forcas-System.
Ein klingonischer Planet, Forcas III ist die Heimat des regelmäßig abgehaltenen Bat'leth Wettkampfes.
Due to the famous tournament, many historically important Klingons have visited the system and it is likely that General Chang and Dahar Master Kor fought in the tournament at some time, though not against each other.
At some point of time, the House of Mo'Kai stole their opponent's bat'leth by simply beaming it away. This incident caused transporter inhibitors to be set up.
When Chancellor J'mpok was young, he was a masterful and fluid participant in the tournament.
Worf won Champion Standing in 2370 while he still served in Starfleet. While experiencing a parallel timeline, he only achieved the ninth place.
In 2409, some Bar Patrons considered the fighter from the House of Duras to be a contender for Championship. However, he did not appear in any of the three rounds.
Missionen beteiligt[]

Der Bat'leth Wettkampf auf Forcas III
- “Das Haus zu Fall bringen!”: Teilnehmer aus vielen Großen Häusern nehmen an dem Turnier teil. Der romulanische Attentäter Tarsen nutzt die Gelegenheit, um M'ven vom Haus von Martok in eine Falle zu locken. Obwohl gewarnt, kämpft M'ven gegen Tarsen und stirbt im Kampf.
- “Das Haus gewinnt immer ...”: In the training room near the arena grounds, the player has to defeat warriors of the House of Torg.
- “Tournament on Forcas”: Worf asks the player to take M'ven's place as the House of Martok's representative at the bat'leth tournament on Forcas III. Depending on his standing, the player then receives a trophy:
- In Star Trek Generations Guinan offers Data a drink from Forcas III. After his new emotion chip triggers a response to the beverage, he describes it as disgusting but still wants more.
Externe Links[]
- Forcas III bei Memory Alpha, das Star Trek Wiki.
- Parallels (episode) bei Memory Alpha, das Star Trek Wiki.
- Star Trek Generations bei Memory Alpha, das Star Trek Wiki.