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Foundry-Gorn Sparring
Gorn Offiziere sparring

Namhafte Spezies:
Politisches System:
König Slathis
Klingonen orientiert

Zilant Battleship port
Ein Zilant Schlachtschiff

Die Gorn-Hegemonie ist der Staat, der von der Gorn-Gesellschaft gebildet wird. Es wird von einem König und einem Rat regiert. Im 25. Jahrhundert wurde die Hegemonie vom klingonischen Reich übernommen, behält jedoch das Recht auf Selbstverwaltung und hat einen nicht stimmberechtigten Sitz im klingonischen Hohen Rat.


Über die Kultur der Gorn-Hegemonie ist wenig bekannt, außer dass sie auf einem Kastensystem basiert. Territorialangelegenheiten scheinen sehr wichtig zu sein, da die Hegemonie auf jeden Einfall sehr heftig reagiert.


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Gornar, Heimatwelt der Gorn

Vor dem 24. Jahrhundert[]

  • In der Antike kontrollierten die Gorn viel mehr Raum.
  • Das Metron-Konsortium verhindert, dass der erste Kontakt zwischen der Hegemonie und der Föderation 2267 zu einer Schlacht in der Nähe von Cestus III wird..

Vorspiel zum Konflikt[]

  • On Stardate 61829.83, acting against orders a Gorn ship attacks the I.K.S. Quv in the space between the Hegemony and the Klingon Empire in 2384. 207 Klingons die but King Xrathis refuses to surrender the surviving Klingons. In response, Chancellor Martok sends additional ships to their common border and expels Gorn diplomats.
  • When King Xrathis dies of natural cause, his son, Crown Prince Slathis, ascends to the throne. (2386). He re-enforces the Gorn-Klingon border. Several skirmishes are reported soon after.

Gorn-Klingonen Konflikt (2386-2389)[]

  • On Stardate 63504.74, the Klingon-Gorn War begins when the KDF bombards the Gorn colony at Gila IV. After two days of bloody battle with the defenders the Klingon Empire conquers the planet. The conflict quiets after the battle.
  • Due to the worsening relationship between the Hegemony and the Klingon Empire, the United Federation of Planets offers to mediate talks between the two powers.

Gorn-Klingonen Kalter Krieg und Friedensbemühungen (2389-2399)[]

  • In 2389, the war erupts again when the Gorn and Klingons struggle for control of the Gamma Orionis System. King Slathis negotiates a beneficial deal with the Nausicaans: For contributing weapons and ships the Nausicaans get the rights to several asteroid belts and a substantial payment. Despite the reinforcment of the Gorn military the Klingons refuse to surrender the system and win several battles. Starfleet Intelligence projects that the conflict won't end anytime soon.
  • Due to increased Nausicaan raids in the Gorn-Federation borderland, the Federation again offers to mediate between the warring states at a neutral location. However, the preliminary talks drag on for weeks and come to an abrupt halt when Chancellor Martok demands Starfleet to remove its ships from the Romulan-Klingon border. (2390)
  • The following year, Starfleet submits to Martok's demand and reassigns its ships to fight the Nausicaan raiders. In response, the Klingon Chancellor agrees to participate in peace talks. Representatives from the Klingons, Gorn and Nausicaans meet at Deep Space K-7. Despite initial progress the talks fail when Gorn Ambassador Zogozin is seriously injured by a hidden explosive device two days into the conference. Station security finds evidence that Klingon extremist J'dah is responsible for the attack, however, he is killed by someone unknown.
  • Following the failure of the talks the Klingons advance deeper into Gorn territory. To protect their homeworld the Gorn recall ships from the outlying colonies. King Slathis tries to hire Lethean mercenaries but outside analysts doubt the Gorn have the resources to pay both Nausicaans and Letheans.
  • In 2392, Cestus III hosts renewed peace talks between the Gorn and Klingons. Again, the premilinary talks don't come to a conclusion.
  • On Stardate 69259.56 the hopes of peace finally collapse when a Gorn and Nausicaan fleet attacks the Klingon world of Ogat. The KDF manages to repel the invaders more than two weeks later and both military forces now attack on sight.
  • Chancellor J'mpok reluctantly agrees to a third round of peace talks. (2397)
  • On Stardate 75705.90 (2398), the Federation-mediated peace talks between the Hegemony and the Empire are disrupted by an explosion that rocks the resort on Casperia Prime where the talks are being held. Again, a Klingon extremist group is found responsible for the dishonorable attack. The Federation attempts to restart the peace talks, but both the Klingons and the Gorn recall their delegations and the cease-fire ends.

Krieg in vollem Umfang und klingonische Invasion (2400-2403)[]

  • The I.K.S. Kang returns to Qo'noS, proving the Council of the Gorn Hegemony has been infiltrated by Undine. Chancellor J'mpok order a full-scale invasion of Gorn space the day after. The border is stormed by a combined Klingon-Orion fleet within weeks. The simmering conflict erupts into open warfare when Gorn and Nausicaan ships clash with the invaders in multiple systems. (2399)
  • In 2400, the Gorn-Nausicaan fleet initially repels the invader's advance, earning respect for their ferocity in battle. Victory for the Klingons is almost assured but does come with a high blood toll. The Federation Council declares the war to be unlawful but the censure is ignored by the belligerents.
  • The defenders are holding the line in 2401 and the war becomes a stalemate. However, the Gorn don't have enough ships to repel the Klingons and Orions.
  • After two years of war, the Klingons blockade the Gorn homeworld, finally decisively turning the war into their favor. (2402).
  • On Stardate 80344.81, the Klingons manage to make planetfall when the web of transport inhibtors protecting the Gorn homeworld fails. Remaining Gorn forces defend key areas while the civilian population arms itself. However, the Klingons spare the militias and assault the capitol city. Twenty-eight hours after the planetary invasion began, the royal palace is stormed, King Slathis surrenders and the Gorn Hegemony falls. Klingon General Klag agrees to lift martial law orders for the civilian population. The Klingons treat the population remarkably civilized. (2403)

Klingonische Besetzung und Aufnahme in das Reich (2403)[]


Gorn Ambassador S'taass represents the Klingon Empire

  • General Klag, military governor of the Gorn homeworld, stabilizes the situation there in the following week. Chancellor J'mpok meets with King Slathis and broadcasts a message throughout the entire Hegemony, revealing the scale of Undine infiltration of the Gorn Council and military. These infiltrators are executed.
  • Despite demands by hardliners in the Klingon High Council, J'mpok chooses not to have the royal family executed. Rather, he offers them self-rule as long as they swear loyalty to the Empire. Slathis agrees and is given a non-voting seat in the High Council. The Klingon Fifth Fleet is withdrawn from Gorn space.

Teilnahme am dritten Föderation-Klingonen Krieg (2405-2409)[]

  • Now involved with the Empire, the Hegemony participates in the Third Federation-Klingon War and invades Sherman's Planet on Stardate 82626.64. However, Starfleet is able to repel the attack. (2405)
  • The same year, King Slathis brokers a deal between the Nausicaans and Klingons, resulting in the signing of a non-aggression pact.
  • In 2408, Klingons and Gorn invade Cestus III. Starfleet masses fleet to defend this worlds and its population.
  • By 2409, some Gorn have begun to rebel against the Klingon Empire, staging attacks on Klingon starbases.


Die Gorn-Hegemonie ist eine parlamentarische Monarchie, die vom König regiert wird. Dieser König ist das Staatsoberhaupt, während die Regierung aus dem Gorn-Rat, dem Premierminister und Beratern wie dem Chef des militärischen Geheimdienstes besteht. Obwohl die Hegemonie heute ein Vasallenstaat des klingonischen Reiches ist, bleibt ihre Regierungsstruktur unverändert. Mehrere hochrangige Regierungsbeamte, darunter der Premierminister, wurden jedoch 2403 als Infiltratoren von Undine entlarvt, was zu ihrer Hinrichtung führte. Trotzdem blieb König Slathis an der Macht und regiert derzeit die Hegemonie ab 2409.



  • Critter Rank 1 icon Naga Jäger
  • Critter Rank 1 icon Makar Fregatte
  • Critter Rank 1 icon Vishap Fregatte
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Ddraig Kreuzer
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Tuatara Kreuzer
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Draguas Support Vessel
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Phalanx Science Vessel
  • Critter Rank 3 icon Kulshedra Battleship
  • Critter Rank 3 icon Varanus Fleet Support Vessel
  • Critter Rank 3 icon Zilant Battleship
  • Critter Rank 4 icon Balaur Dreadnought


  • Critter Rank 0 icon Attack Saur
  • Critter Rank 1 icon Trooper
  • Critter Rank 1 icon Ranger
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Heavy Ranger
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Handler
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Mortar
  • Critter Rank 3 icon Ra'wiq
  • Critter Rank 4 icon Hodch

Gorn Augments[]

  • Critter Rank 2 icon Augmented Crazy Gorn
  • Critter Rank 3 icon Augmented Gorn Brute
  • Critter Rank 4 icon Augment Experiment



Siehe auch[]

  • Spielbare Gorn Raumschiffe

Externe Links[]

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Klingonische Verteidigungsstreitmacht
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β Föderation (SternenflotteDSC SternenflotteTOS Sternenflotte) • Gorn-HegemonieIconianerKlingonisches Reich (Klingonische Verteidigungsstreitmacht) • Klingonisches Reich RebellenKlingonen (2256)NausikaanerOrion-SyndikatRomulanische RepublikRomulanisches SternenimperiumRemaner WiderstandSon'aVulkanier
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