Die Vorbrennkammer ist eine Taktische Konsole die deiner Raumschiffkanone und deinem Geschützturm einen Bonus auf den Energieschaden hinzufügt. Dies betrifft alle Kanonen und Geschütze, unabhängig von der Schadensart.
Console - Tactical - Bellum Prefire Chamber/Info Console - Tactical - Pax Prefire Chamber/Info Siehe auch: Flotte taktische Konsolen
Bellum and Pax variants of this console can be obtained from the Discovery Legends reputation system. These have the same weapon damage increase as above, plus an additional boost to Critical Hit Chance or Hull Capacity, respectively.
Variant stats[]
Captains may wish to consider the following alternatives to this console:
- Phaser Relay to affect phaser cannons, turrets, and beams.
- Disruptor Induction Coil to affect disruptor cannons, turrets, and beams.
- Plasma Infuser to affect plasma cannons, turrets, and beams.
- Tetryon Pulse Generator to affect tetryon cannons, turrets, and beams.
- Polaron Phase Modulator to affect polaron cannons, turrets, and beams.
- Antiproton Mag Regulator to affect antiproton cannons, turrets, and beams.
But note that the above options only affect cannon and turrets of the relevant damage type.
Diese Konsole kann in der Standardversion ausgeschlachtet und aufgewertet werden.
- Before the skill revamp in Season Five, this console used to improve the Starship Cannon Weapons skill, which no longer exists.