Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction NeutralKuumaarke
Milit. Rang:
Critter Rank 1 icon
Unerforschtes System
20 Draconis System
Stimme von:
Kipleigh Brown

Kuumaarke ist eine Lukari Wissenschaftlerin.

Beteiligt in Missionen

  • “Sonnenaufgang”: Der Spieler findet beim Untersuchen von ungewöhnlichen Solaraktivitäten in einem unerforschten System Kuumaarkes Heimatwelt. Administrator Kuumaarke hat versucht, ihre Welt durch Stabilisieren des Sterns zu retten, was ihr aber nicht gelang. Der Spieler hilft Kuumaarke bei ihren Plan, eine warpfähige Sonde in den Stern zu starten. Der Plan geht schief. Allerdings kommt Kal Dano, um mit fortgeschrittener Technologie, zu helfen. An Bord von Danos Schiff, werden Kuumaarke und der Spieler von Tholianern angegriffen. Dem Spieler gelingt es, den Angriff zurückschlagen und den Stern zu stabilisieren. Kuumaarke kehrt nach Hause zurück.
  • “Echos des Lichts”: Nun werden der Captain der L.S.S. Concordium, Kuumaarke und der Spieler einer Forschungsmission im 20 Draconis System ausgesetzt. Dort erkunden sie Deep Space K-13, welche seit dem [Erde|Erdenjahr]] 1571 in diesem System gestrandet ist.
  • “Von Zeichen und Wundern”: Captain Kuumaarke begleitet den Spieler und General Rodek bei der Untersuchung der Verwendung von Protomaterie-Waffen durch die Tzenkethi.

Andere Beteiligungen

  • "Lukari Species": This entry of the Post War Era series details Kuumaarke's efforts to determine what has happened to her world's star prior to the events of "Sunrise."
  • "Back Channels": Kuumaarke has been granted temporary command of the U.S.S. Defiant and sent on a diplomatic mission to the Na'kuhl System to offer to help the Na'kuhl re-ignite their star. The Na'kuhl refuse her offer, and she retreats from the system in accordance to their demands; however, she then has her crew re-enter the system under cloak to scan the star. Unfortunately, the scans determine that the fusion within the star has been permanently disrupted, and cannot be restored without Kal Dano or the Tox Uthat.
  • "Of Hawks and Doves": Kuumaarke meets with Captains Tom Paris and Nog of Starfleet to discuss the Lukari ship-building program, which Starfleet is providing assistance with. The specifications provided by the Lukari Planetary Council are contradictory, with some emphasizing weaponry and durability, and others focusing on sensor and long-range capabilities. After some discussion of the merits of each approach, they agree to try to find a middle path between the two sets of specifications.
  • "Conquests": * Kuumaarke meets with Ambassador S'taass aboard the Lukari space station Orbital. Frustrated, she explains the conflict and political interference surrounding her administration of the station, and the development of the Lukari starship. S'tass advises her to harness the conflicting interests in the project and turn them to her advantage, by placing the politically-appointed members of her staff into positions where she can control the outcome of their actions. He also informs her that he has brought her an older Gorn vessel to command.
  • "Calm Before the Storm": Kuumaarke, now a captain, interrupts a simulation being run by Doctor Laarme, a Lukari scientist, in which he commands the U.S.S. Enterprise. She tells him that she wishes him to join the crew of the L.S.S. Concordium's inaugural mission. Laarme is initially skeptical that he is the best choice for the position, but is convinced when Kuumaarke informs him that his work in the field of xenoarchaeology was deemed "satisfactor" by Scholar T'Ven of Vulcan.


