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Klingone Negh'Var Kriegsschiff
Critter Rank 3 icon
Negh'Var Klassen
 ~Schwerer Schlachtkreuzer Varianten
Klasse 5 Varianten
Klasse 6 Varianten
  • Schwerer Negh'Tev-Schlachtkreuzer
  • Flotte: Schwerer Negh'Tev-Schlachtkreuzer
  • Negh'Var Kriegsschiff
  • Molecular Cohesion Nullifier

Das Negh-Var-Kriegsschiff ist ein sehr großes, gewaltiges klingonisches Schiff und das Flaggschiff der Klingonischen Vertreidigungsstreitmacht. Das Negh'Var ist das Haupt-Schlachtschiff des KVS, schwer bewaffnet und mit einem sehr starken Rumpf. Das Schiff ist im Design dem Schlachtkreuzer der Vor'cha-Klasse ähnlich, aber hat vier Warpgondeln und größere, vorwärtsgerichtete Flügel sowie eine große Waffenschale unter jedem Flügel montiert.



  • No icon Torpedo: High Yield II
  • Boarding Party icon (Klingon) Boarding Party
  • Isometric Charge icon (Klingon) Isometric Charge


Stufe Normale Schwierigkeit Schwierigkeit: Schwer Schwierigkeit: Elite
1 6825 8258 9213
3 11233 - -
53 83813 - -

In Missionen anzutreffen[]

  • Features heavily in the Klingon Front
  • “Trainingsflug”: The I.K.S. Chot ambushes Federation players and sends boarding parties aboard their vessel.
  • “Feldbeförderungen”: Federation players must defend themselves against attack from the I.K.S. Chot.
  • “Die Vault” (KDF): The I.K.S. Azetbur arrives to support the player in the Haakona System, engaging a Reman D'deridex Battlecruiser at The Vault.
  • Dozens of Negh'Var Warships accompany Klingon fleets attacking starbases in:
    • “Flottenalarm”
    • “Starbase Fleet Defense”
    • “Flottensternbasis-Blockade”
  • “Slowing the Expeditionary Force”: Numerous Negh'Var Warships take part in an invasion of the Laurentian System.
  • “The Cure Found”: A number of Negh'Var Warships have been assimilated by the Borg, and the players must prevent them from destroying the I.K.S. Kang.
  • “Beta Thoridor System Patrol”: The player must defeat Negh'Var Warships attacking Romulan Republic ships in the Beta Thoridor System.
  • “Officer of the Watch (Daily)” (KDF): The player is tasked with escorting a Negh'Var carrying a dignitary to their Fleet Starbase.
  • “Embassy Officer or the Watch (Daily)” (KDF): The I.K.S. N'Korta transports a member of the High Council to New Romulus and must be escorted by the player.
  • “No Win Scenario”: Negh'Var Warships are among a massive fleet attacking a transport in Combat Simulation 347.
  • “Operation Gamma” (KDF): Negh'Var Warships are part of a KDF fleet that engages the Dominion fleet occupying Deep Space 9 in order for KDF players to sneak into the Bajoran Wormhole unnoticed.
  • “Report to Gamma Orionis”: The I.K.S. ChuQun, I.K.S. Jorn, I.K.S. M'Wur, and I.K.S. Wek are part of a Klingon fleet assembled to counter the threat of the Borg.
  • “Fluide Dynamik”: The I.K.S. Klinzhai is part of a Starfleet/KDF/Romulan Republic expedition sent to halt a Borg incursion of Fluidic Space. Several other Negh'Vars are part of a fleet that remains behind to secure the Kuda System.
  • “Zwickmühle” and “Schattenspiel”: The I.K.S. Kang is part of a joint Starfleet/KDF fleet that assists the Romulan Republic in repelling an Elachi invasion of the New Romulus System.
  • “Day of Honor”: Several Negh'Var Warships arrive to provide reinforcements when the I.K.S. Bortasqu' is ambushed by the Undine in the Ganalda System.
  • “Grenzkriege”: Torg commands the I.K.S. Charghwi' in battle against the player after they and General Rodek liberate Martok from Torg's prison in the Briar Patch. During the battle, Martok beams over to the Charghwi' and kills Torg in hand-to-hand combat, claiming the ship for his own. Two other Negh'Var-class vessels commanded by Lady Sirella and Worf also join the battle, leading forces loyal to the House of Martok.

Schiffe der Klasse[]

Bild Klasse Namhafte Schiffe
Datei:STONeghVarNew.JPG Negh'Var-Klasse I.K.S. Azetbur
I.K.S. Batlh
I.K.S. Charghwi'
I.K.S. Chot
I.K.S. ChuQun
I.K.S. Kang
I.K.S. Klinzhai
I.K.S. Mogh's Revenge
I.K.S. M'Wur
I.K.S. N'Korta
I.K.S. Qla'zander
I.K.S. Reclaw
I.K.S. Sarpek
I.K.S. Wek
Qu'Daj Qu'Daj-Klasse I.K.S. Jorn



  • The Negh'Var Warships assimilated by the Borg in “The Cure Found” will use plasma weapons instead of the normal photon and disruptor weapons. They also have the additional ability to use Tractor Beams to seize enemy ships.
    • The I.K.S. Kang in this mission was originally a Negh'Var, but as of September 2012 she has been replaced by a Tor'Kaht-class Battle Cruiser bearing the same name.
  • When KDF players use the Fleet Support ability, a Negh'Var Warship has a small chance to appear to aid them in battle; this chance increases to 100% with tier III of this ability.
  • The Negh'Var Warship was remodeled in April 2015 to more closely match her canon appearance, particularly how she looked in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Externe Links[]

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