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Diese Seite ist für das NPC Raumschiff. Füt das spielbare Schiffe, siehe Tzenkethi Rhas'bej-Schlachtkreuzer.
Tzenkethi Rhas'bej-Schlachtschiff
Tzenkethi Rhas'bej Battleship NPC
Critter Rank 3 icon
Secret Command Codes icon
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The Rhas'bej-class Battleship is one of larger ship classes in Coalition's arsenal. While vessels of this class are usually supported by Shuk-din Frigates or Broln'ta Cruisers, they are capable of holding their own ground against most of the Alliance forces.

Players will be forced to take precaution when approaching these battleships, as their long range protomatter-laced weaponry and potent torpedo spreads are capable of obliterating foes in matter of seconds.

Players are advised to attack battleship's forward 90-degree arc as Tzenkethi were forced to sacrifice their forward-facing shield power to accommodate their vast weapons system. However, this tactic is not without risk, as it requires the player's ship to be durable enough to withstand a huge amount of beating. Abilities such as Brace for Impact, Hold Together or Secondary Shields can be used to achieve this.

When paired with Broln'ta Cruiser, players should avoid using abilities such as Gravity Well, which will pull all Tzenkethi ships together and prevent players from destroying the battleships as they'll be constantly healed and reinforced by nearby cruisers.


Vordere Waffen

  • No iconCommon icon [vorne1 nicht definiert!]
  • No iconCommon icon [vorne2 nicht definiert!]
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Hintere Waffen

  • No iconCommon icon [hinten4 nicht definiert!]
  • No iconCommon icon [hinten3 nicht definiert!]


  • No icon Launch Tzenkethi Reinforced Shield Repair Units
  • No icon Lock Trajectory
  • No icon Rocket Barrage
  • Torpedo High Yield icon (Federation) Torpedo: High Yield II
  • Torpedo Spread icon (Federation) Torpedo: Spread II


Level Normal Difficulty Advanced Difficulty Elite Difficulty
60 135 113 - -

Schiffe dieser Klasse[]

Bild Klasse Namhafte Schiffe
Datei:RSSRelentless.png Rhas'bej-Klasse C.S.S. Relentless

Missionen beteiligt[]

  • Faction FedRomKDF “Von Zeichen und Wundern”: Player faces the Tzenkethi fleet for the first time over Khufano.
  • Faction FedRomKDF Tzenkethi Kampfzone: Alliance battles Coalition in the Gon'cra System in an attempt to prevent them from harvesting rare materials needed for manufacture of new dangerous and potent weaponry.
  • Faction FedRomKDF “Die Tzenkethi-Front”: Coalition deploys Rhas'bej-Schlachtschiffs to carry protomatter bombs during an atack on a Klingon starbase in the Eta Serpentis System.
  • Faction FedRomKDF “Tötungen durch Gravitationskraft”: Alliance players clash with the Coalition fleet in an attempt to stop the enemy from harvesting dangerous Hawking particles.
  • Faction FedRomKDF “Schall und Rauch”: Rhas'bej-Schlachtschiffs are part of the fleet sent to destroy the Kentari moon in Gon'Cra Nebula. Player faces them after failing to prevent the activation of the protomatter bomb on the moon's surface.
  • Faction FedRomKDF “Grenzkriege”: C.S.S. Relentless, a Rhas'bej-Schlachtschiff under Waram Tzen-Gravu's command, leads a Coalition fleet against an Alliance player over Son'a facility in the Briar Patch.

Externe Links[]

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Tzenkethi Koalition
Faction Tzenkethi
Details Tzenkethi KoalitionTzenkethiTzenketh-System • Gon'Cra-System
Bodentruppen Cloak Drone • Gravity Drone • Tzenkethi-Energiepaket • Kreth • Kreth'ko • Kreth'ko Grenadier • Kreth'ko Tech • Pylon Operator • Vranh Tech
Raumschiffe Reinforced Schild Reparatureinheit • Shuk-din-Fregatte • Broln'ta-Kreuzer • Rhas'bej-Schlachtschiff • Tzen'tar-Dreadnought
NSCs Aarn Tzen-Tarrak
NSC Raumschiffe Tzen-Tarrak's Flagschiff