Spielbare Spezies
Rigel V
Rigelianer sind eine Himanoide Rasse und Eingeborene von Rigel V. Rigelianer have been a warp capable species since at least the mid 22nd century, and took part in the 2155 Coalition of Planets talks which lead to the formation of the United Federation of Planets. Rigelianers are a playable race in Star Trek Online for the Federation faction. Starting with Season 5, this race is unlocked for all players.
Physical features[]
It is believed Rigelians have four or five genders. Their internal physiology is similar to Vulcans and Romulans, blood chemistry included. The three races also have similar neurology as they are each susceptible to Tuvan Syndrome, a neurological disease.
Other information[]
- The Rigelian Trade Commission regulated commerce in their system during the 22nd century. They continued to operate their own freighters independently through the 24th century.
- Rigelians think of themselves of being on a spiritual journey towards enlightenment.
- Species trait: Activatable Ground Trait. Activating "Spirit Walk" temporarily increases your damage resistance and provides a surge of healing.
- +60 Hit Points
- +9 Hit Points/sec for 6 sec
- +100 All Damage Resistance Rating for 6 sec
- Available
- Akkurat
- Aggressiv
- Astrophysiker
- Kreativ
- Schwer zu fassen
- Eingeschränkte telepathische Fähigkeiten
- Glückspilz
- Mentale Disziplin
- Hohe Gesundheitswerte
- Belastbar
- Hartnäckig
- Robustheit
- Standfest
- Technikfreak
- Warptheoretiker
- Siehe Liste der Rigelianer NSCs
Externe Links[]
- Rigelianer bei Memory Alpha, das Star Trek Wiki.
- Jelna auf Memory Beta, das nicht-kanonische Star Trek Wiki.