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Für den Rura Penthe Gefängniswächter, siehe Rodek (Rura Penthe).

Milit. Rang:
I.K.S. Kor

General Rodek, Sohn des Noggra ist ein Klingone General welcher in der Klingonische Verteidigungsstreitmacht im 24. und 25. Jahrhundert diente. He is the persona assumed by Kurn, Worf's brother, after having his memories erased. He commands the I.K.S. Kor.


Originally born Kurn, son of Mogh in the year 2345, Kurn was only a year old and living on Qo'noS when the Romulanisches Sternenimperium attacked the Khitomer Außenposten where his father and older brother Worf were living. Kurn was subsequently raised by Lorgh, a close family friend. In the year 2366, Duras accused Mogh of conspiring with the Romulans and facilitating the attack on the outpost, at which time Kurn approached Worf on the U.S.S. Enterprise-D and revealed himself to be his brother. The sons of Mogh and Captain Jean-Luc Picard traveled to Qo'noS to contest Duras' allegations, but were forced to accept defeat when it was found that Duras' power within the Klingonischer Hoher Rat was too strong; Worf bore the discommendation of their house alone, as Kurn's lineage remained secret.

A year later, Chancellor K'mpek died after being poisoned. When Duras' sisters Lursa and B'Etor attempted to seize power from Gowron, K'mpek's rightfully-chosen successor, Kurn and Worf fought in the ensuing Klingonischer Bürgerkrieg on the side of Gowron with Kurn commanding the I.K.S. Hegh'ta. Following Gowron's victory, the House of Mogh was reinstated.

By 2372, Kurn had earned a seat on the High Council. That same year, the Klingon Empire declared war on the Cardassianische Union, alleging that the Cardassian government had been infiltrated by the Dominion. When Worf refused to condone or participate in the conflict, the House of Mogh was again discommendated and Kurn was expelled from the High Council. Kurn then came to Worf, now serving on Deep Space 9 and tried to convince his brother to aid him in the Mauk-to'Vor ritual so that he could die with honor. After the senior officers of DS9 interceded, it was decided that Kurn would be surgically altered and given a new identity; he was henceforth known as Rodek, son of Noggra.

At some point during Rodek/Kurn's career, the General had engaged in direct combat with the Tzenkethi Koalition. Whether this was before or after becoming Rodek or even false memories is unclear.


Andere Vorkommen[]

  • "A Gathering of Wills": Rodek meets with Colonel Taanu of the Lukari Security Force. He compliments Taanu on the strength of his forces, and provides him with intelligence on Tzenkethi activity. Taanu confirms that the Lukari have determined that the Tzenkethi are using Protomaterie weaponry, and have detonated several devices along the Alpha Quadrant frontier. Taanu speculates that the Tzenkethi may be testing their weapon in advance of deploying it against the Alliance. Taanu states that the Lukari will be sending their new flagship to investigate the protomatter activity, though he is displeased with the design compromises made as a result of Captain Kuumaarke's advocacy of scientific capabilities. Rodek assures Taanu that he will personally lead a Klingon force to accompany the Lukari ship on its mission.


  • Rodek wird synchronisiert durch Tony Todd, der selbe Sprecher der Rodek/Kurn in Star Trek: The Next Generation und Deep Space Nine spielt.
  • Another Klingon named Rodek is present in the game, and prior to Season 12 it was unknown whether this was the same character, though it is now known they are entirely different characters.

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