Das Romulanisches Sternenimperium (oder einfach, das Romulanische Imperium) ist seit dem 22. Jahrhundert eine bedeutende Glaktische Macht und ist die traditionelle Regierung des romulanischen Volkes und seiner Subjektwelten und Spezies.
Während des größten Teils der aufgezeichneten interstellaren Geschichte war das Imperium für seinen fremdenfeindlichen Charakter und seine Politik der extremen Geheimhaltung und des territorialen Protektionismus bekannt. Die Hobus-Supernova von 2387 und die sich daraus ergebende Zerstörung von Romulus brachten das Imperium in große Aufruhr und umfassten mehrere Bürgerkriege, territoriale Trennung, Wiedervereinigung und Wiederaufbau.
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Since then, a new capital was established on Rator III, where Sela eventually proclaimed herself Empress in 2408. However, after her disappearance in 2409, the status of Rator III as capital was challanged by Romulan and Reman fugitives who strive for an eventual re-unification with the Vulcans and have founded a new faction - the Romulan Republic - on New Romulus.
Romulan society is secretive and xenophobic. Romulan intellectuals thrive on deceit and subterfuge, and they favor more of a cunning approach to battle rather than sheer brute force, and this is reflected in the fact that most Romulan vessels have cloaking technology.
- Hauptartikel: Geschichte von den Romulanischen and Remanischen Leuten
- Hakeev oversees Imperial Forces during the invasion of Virinat from his flagship, the I.R.W. Khnial. (“Flucht von Virinat”) In a broadcast to the citizens of the Romulan Star Empire, Sela blames the Romulan Republic for the destruction of the colony on Virinat. (“Schattenspiel”)
- Tal Shiar have taken over Gasko Station and work on Borg technology there. (“Gasko-Blues”)
- A Tal Shiar fleet that engages the player in orbit of Nimbus III, which hosts the Tal Shiar facility Installation 18. (“Installation 18”)
- Listening Post Hephaestus is discovered, where Hakeev and Janek are present spying on various powers in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Janek raises concerns over the lives lost during their operations on the planet.
- It is discovered that Hakeev and the Tal Shiar are working for the Iconians, who have put Hakeev in charge of an arena on Nopada Prime in order to test the weaknesses of Alpha Quadrant species. (“Kolosseum”)
- In 2409 Romulan and Reman fugitives under D'Tan and Obisek, opposing Sela and the Tal Shiar, are motivated by the new vacuum of power. Together they found the Romulan Republic, a peaceful faction open towards the Federation and the Klingons, with New Romulus as its capital.
- In order to dissuade the Federation from its alliance with the Romulan Republic, Sela holds a peace conference between the Star Empire and the Federation in the Agrama System; however, the conference is a cover for an attack on Vulcan. (“Kaiserin Sela”)
- Sela and Colonel Hakeev attempt to brainwash Romulan Republic players into working for the Tal Shiar. (“Gedankenspiele”)
- In the Delta Corvi System the I.R.W. Leahval attempts to take fugitive Reman Vrimek into custody. (“Nacht und Nebel”)
- In the Iconia System, Sela demands Federation players to deliver Taris to the Star Empire her role in the destruction of Romulus. However, the player instead transfers Taris to the U.S.S. Belfast to be given a Federation trial. (“Taris”)
- Obisek kills Hakeev following the Reman Resistance's victory over the Tal Shiar in the Brea System. Sela then engages the attackers in the I.R.W. Leahval. After Sela is defeated she disappears as a mysterious vessel tows the Leahval through an Iconian gateway. The resulting power vacuum plunges the Empire even deeper into civil war and causes more elements of the remaining Imperial fleet to break away and defect. (“Die Leitung kappen”)
- Khiana of the Tal Shiar attempts to do a deal with D'Tan in order to influence the Romulan Republic and secure new leadership of the Tal Shiar, which has been in chaos in the absence of Sela and Hakeev. (“Versteckte Kamera”)
Politik und Regierung[]
The Romulan Star Empire used to be ruled by the Romulan Senate and the Continuing Committee, both of which were overseen by the Praetor. In 2408, the Romulan Star Empire was transformed into a monarchy ruled by self-proclaimed Empress Sela on Rator III. She enjoyed the support of the Empire's noble houses but it is not clear if the Romulan Senate has been dissolved by the latest reforms.
Aktuelles Regierungsoberhaupt[]
- Vacant since Kaiserin Sela's disappearance in 2409 and detention by the Romulan Republic in 2410
Ehemalige Regierungsoberhäupter[]
- Praetor/Empress Sela - 2403-2408 Praetor, 2408-2409 Empress
- Praetor Taris - 2388-2403 (first praetor of the newly constituted Romulan Star Empire)
- Praetor Chulan - 2385-2387 (last praetor of the pre-Hobus Romulan Star Empire)
- Praetor Tal'aura - 2379-2384
- Praetor Shinzon (only for a short period in 2379 after the Reman coup d'état)
- Praetor Hiren - late 2370s-2379
- Praetor Neral - 2360s-2370s
The military arm of the Empire is known as the Romulan Star Navy. It is overseen by the Tal Shiar.
- Romulan Analyst
- Technician
- Rekrut (Romulaner)
- Uhlan
- Sublieutenant Medic
- Romulan Interrogator
- Centurion
- Centurion Engineer
- Centurion Medic
- Centurion Scientist
- Subcommander
- Subcommander Engineer
- Romulan Commander
- Commander Arranhu (“Taris”)
- Praetor Taris (“Taris”)
- Commander Janek (“Feind der Mine”)
- Colonel Hakeev (“Die Leitung kappen”)
- Romulanisches Sternenimperium Sektoren
- Romulanisches Sternenimperium Systeme
- Romulanisches Sternenimperium Planeten
- Das Romulan Sternenreich basiert auf dem Romanischen Reich. Die ehemaligen Hauptplaneten Romulus und Remus sind nach den Begründern von Romulus und Remus benannt..
Siehe auch[]
Externe Links[]
- Romulanisches Sternenimperium bei Memory Alpha Nova, das Star Trek Wiki.
- Romulanisches Sternenimperium bei Memory Alpha, das Star Trek Wiki.
Romulanisches Sternenimperium (23. Jahrhundert)
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Details | Romulanisches Sternenimperium (23. Jahrhundert) • Romulaner • Galorndon-Kern-System • Tal Shiar | |
Bodentruppen | Ulan • Centurion • Subcommander Wissenschaftler | |
Raumschiffe | T'Liss Fregatte • Khenn Kreuzer • Thrai Schlachtschiff | |
NSCs | Chulak | |
NSC Raumschiffe | I.R.W. Vauthil |
Romulanisches Sternenimperium (25. Jahrhundert)
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Details | Romulanisches Sternenimperium (25. Jahrhundert) • Romulaner • Remaner • Hirogen • Rator III • Gasko Station • Tal Shiar • Romulanische Geschichte | |
Bodentruppen | Romulanischer Analyst • Techniker • Rekrut (Romulanisch) • Ulan • Medizinischer Sublieutenant • Centurion • Centurion Techniker • Centurion Medizinisch • Centurion Wissenschaftler • Subcommander • Subcommander Techniker • Subcommander Wissenschaftler • Commander (Mob) • Romulanischer Captain | |
Raumschiffe | Romulanisches Shuttle • Scorpion Jäger (Mob) • Leichter T'varo-Warbird (Mob) • Schwerer Mogai-Warbird (Mob) • D'deridex-Schlachtkreuzer • Scimitar Dreadnought | |
NSCs | Arranhu • Charva • Hakeev • Janek • Khaiel N'Vek • Khiana • Ruul • Sela • Taris • Tarsen | |
NSC Raumschiffe | I.R.W. Aethra • I.R.W. Areinnye • I.R.W. Esemar • I.R.W. Khnial • I.R.W. Leahval • I.R.W. Rea • Sela's Armed Freighter • I.R.W. Sithesh |
Fraktionen nach Quadrant
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α | Breen Konföderation • Cardassianische Union • Deferi • Drantzuli • Föderation (Sternenflotte) • Ferengi-Allianz • Kentari Union • Lukari Concordium • Na'kuhl • Tholianische Versammlung • Der Wahre Weg Allianz • Tzenkethi Koalition |
β | Föderation (Sternenflotte • DSC Sternenflotte • TOS Sternenflotte) • Gorn-Hegemonie • Iconianer • Klingonisches Reich (Klingonische Verteidigungsstreitmacht) • Klingonisches Reich Rebellen • Klingonen (2256) • Nausikaaner • Orion-Syndikat • Romulanische Republik • Romulanisches Sternenimperium • Remaner Widerstand • Son'a • Vulkanier |
γ | Dominion • Fek'Ihri Horde • Hur'q |
Δ | Automatische Personaleinheit • Benthane • Borg Kollektiv • Die Kooperative • Bluegill • Hazari • Hierarchie • Hirogen • Kazon • Kobali • Krenim • Malon • Ocampa • Octanti • Talaxianer • Turei • Tuterianer • Vaadwaur Supremacy • Voth |
Andere | Kreaturen • Devidianer • Elachi • Terranisches Imperium • Undinen (Spezies 8472) • Vorgone |