Star Trek Online Wiki

Die Solanae-Dyson-Sphäre

Das Dyson-Oberkommando ist eine Versbindung von Streitkräften der Föderation des Kingonischen Reichs und der Romulanischen Republik. Da die Romulaner eine Allianz mit der Föderation und dem Reich haben, wurde ihren Offizieren die Kontrolle über die Gebäude in der Solanae-Dyson-Sphäre übergeben, auch wenn die einzelnen Offiziere noch ihren entsprechenden Vorgesetzten berichten.
Unser Ziel ist es die Spähre zu erkunden, die Kontrolle über die darin enthaltene gefährliche Technologie zu behalten und die Gefahr der Omegapartikel zu neutralisieren. Um dies zu tun müssen wir die Voth aufhalten.

Das Dyson-Oberkommando Rufsystem wurde mit Staffel Acht: Die Sphäre veröffentlicht. Es konzentriert sich auf die Kreuzzüge gegen die Operationen der Voth.

Secret Command Codes icon
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Der Dyson-Oberkommando Joint Command-Ruf beinhaltet Sets. Set-Gegenstände können für Dysonmarken Dysonmarken, Refined dilithium icon Dilithium, Energy credit icon Energy Credits, und [Kypernetisches Implantat der Voth] erworben werden. Die folgenden Sets sind vom Dyson-Oberkommando Ruf erhältlich:


  • Set: Dyson-Oberkommando Technologien
  • Set: Protonisches Arsenal

Boden Set:

Erreichen der Klasse V mit Dyson-Oberkommando gewährt die Mission “Unausgesprochener Dank”, welche die folgenden Belohnungen gibt: 750 Dysonmarken, 32,000 Refined dilithium icon, 65,000 Expertise icon, 40,000 Energy credit icon, 5 [Kypernetisches Implantat der Voth] und einen [Voth Brückenoffizier Kandidat - Wissenschaft (Sehr selten)].

Einsatzkommandos und Zonen[]

Die Projekte in dem Dyson-Oberkommando-Ruf erfordern DysonmarkenDysonmarken für den Abschluß, diese Marken können von den folgenden Quellen erhalten werden:

Anhaltende Zonen:


Sowie alle Inhalte oder Belohnungen, die [Markenpaket - Zufällige Auswahl] gewähren.

Für Weltraum- und Bodenausrüstungsprojekte sind außerdem kybernetische Implantate der Voth sowie fortgeschrittene oder Elite-Versionen von "Storming the Spire" und "Breach" erforderlich.

Klassen Übersicht[]

Erreichen von Klasse I mit Dyson-Oberkommando erfordert 5,000 Ruf-EP.

Ausrüstung Freischaltungen:

  • [Konsole - Universal - Protonenpartikelstabilisator Mk XII]
  • [Reaktiver Dyson-Personenschutzschild Mk XII]

Verschiedene Freischaltungen

  • Transwarp - Solanae-Dyson-Sphäre Zone der Verbündeten

Laden Freischaltungen:

  • Schildfrequenzmodulator wissenschaftliche Konsolen

Eigenschaften Freischaltungen:
Deadly Aim icon Tödliche Zielsicherheit
Integrated Nanofibers icon Integrierte Nanofasern

Erreichen von Klasse II mit Dyson-Oberkommando erfordert 15,000 Ruf-EP.

Rüstung Freischaltungen:

  • [Dyson-Deflektorschild Mk XII]
  • [Gravimetrischer Photonen-Torpedowerfer Mk XII]

Laden Freischaltungen:

  • Sehr seltene Protonen-Polaron Bodenwaffen Mk XII

Eigenschaft Freischaltungen:
Advanced Targeting Systems icon Fortgeschrittene Zielsysteme
Advanced Hull Reinforcement icon Hüllenverstärkung (Erweitert)

Erreichen von Klasse III mit Dyson-Oberkommando erfordert 32,500 Ruf-EP.

Gear Unlocks:

Store Unlocks:

  • Very Rare Energy Signal Dampeners Engineering Consoles

Eigenschaft Freischaltungen:
Active Armor Hardening icon Aktive Panzerhärtung
Vanquish icon Besiegen

Erreichen von Klasse IV mit Dyson-Oberkommando erfordert 60,000 Ruf-EP.

Gear Unlocks:

  • [Dyson Proton Weapon Mk XII]
  • [Dyson Field Stabilizing Warp Core Mk XII]
  • [Dyson Field Stabilizing Singularity Core Mk XII]

Store Unlocks:

  • Very Rare Protonic Polaron Space Weapons

Trait Unlocks:
Active Hull Hardening icon Aktive Hüllenhärtung
Tactical Advantage icon} Taktischer Vorteil

Erreichen von Klasse V mit Dyson-Oberkommando erfordert 100,000 Ruf-EP.

Gear Unlocks:

  • [Dyson Regenerative Shield Array Mk XII]
  • [Dyson Heavy Combat Armor Mk XII]

Store Unlocks:

  • Very Rare Auto-Targeting Module Tactical Consoles

Trait Unlocks:
Defiance icon Defiance
This trait is an Active Reputation Ability.

Erreichen von Klasse VI mit Dyson-Oberkommando erfordert 250,000 Ruf-EP.

New Gear Unlocks:

New Traits:
Rank II variants of all previous trait unlocks
These are all around 25% more powerful than their Rank I counterparts.

Miscellaneous Unlocks:
Project - [Dyson Joint Command Vanity Shield]
Project - [Fleet Ship Module] (One Time Project)
Project - [Captain Retrain Token] (One Time Project)
Unlock - Tier VI Unlock on Reputation Flourish
Passive - Improved Set Weapon Damage

Projekt Übersicht[]

Name & Beschreibung Zeit Anforderungen Belohnungen Anmerkungen
Voth-Aktionen vereiteln (Täglich)
Through various actions and contributions, you will gain favor with Dyson Joint Command. This project grants a large amount of reputation and takes 20 hours to complete.

20 Stunden

  • 30 Dysonmarken
  • 2,000 Expertise icon
  • 15,000 Energy credit icon
  • 2,500 Dyson-Ruf
  • 340 Refined dilithium icon
  • [Dyson Equipment Requisition  (Tier <>)]


Gefechtsberichte an das Dyson-Oberkommando übergeben (Stündlich)
Through various actions and contributions, you will gain favor with Dyson Joint Command. This project grants a small amount of reputation. This project takes 1 hour to complete and awards reputation experience and may be completed up to 3 times per 20 hour period.

20 Stunden

  • 15 Dysonmarken
  • 1,000 Expertise icon
  • 7,500 Energy credit icon
  • 200 Dyson-Ruf
  • 140 Refined dilithium icon
  • [Dyson Equipment Requisition  (Tier <>)]

Can only be ran 3 times every 20 hours

Continued Joint Command Support (Hourly)
Continue to support the Dyson Joint Command. This project allows you to turn in valuable resources in exchange for Dilithium.

20 Stunden

  • 30 Dysonmarken
  • 2,000 Expertise icon
  • 15,000 Energy credit icon
  • 340 Refined dilithium icon
  • [Dyson Equipment Requisition  (Tier <>)]

Available after running the other (Hourly) project three times.

Ongoing Efforts Against the Voth
Dyson Joint Command is willing to help fund your efforts on their behalf with an amount of Dilithium Ore, in return for proof of your ongoing progress.

5 Sekunden

  • 50 Dysonmarken
  • 5 Dyson-Ruf
  • 500 Refined dilithium icon


Provide Cybernetic Implant Samples to Dyson Joint Command
Dyson Joint Command is willing to help fund your efforts on their behalf with an amount of Dilithium Ore, in return for proof of your ongoing progress.

5 Sekunden

  • 3 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 5 Dyson-Ruf
  • 1000 Refined dilithium icon


Dyson Joint Command - Claim Tier <> Reputation
Your reputation has increased to Tier <> with Dyson Joint Command. Run this project to unlock progression into the next tier.

5 Sekunden

  • 5 Dysonmarken
  • Unlocks next tier of projects
  • Unlocks next tier of traits

Becomes available after getting enough Reputation Experience to progress to the next tier

Name & Beschreibung Zeit Anforderungen Belohnungen Anmerkungen
Requisition : Console - Universal - Proton Particle Stabilizer
Claim a Tier I equipment reward

2 Minuten

  • 500 Dysonmarken
  • 2 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 15,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 30,000 Energy credit icon
  • [Console - Universal - Proton Particle Stabilizer Mk XII]


Requisition : Dyson Reactive Personal Shield Mk XII
Claim a Tier I equipment reward

2 Minuten

  • 500 Dysonmarken
  • 5 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 9,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 30,000 Energy credit icon
  • [Dyson Reactive Personal Shield Mk XII]


Name & Beschreibung Zeit Anforderungen Belohnungen Anmerkungen
Requisition : Gravimetric Photon Torpedo Launcher
Claim a Tier II equipment reward

2 mins

  • 500 Dysonmarken
  • 2 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 15,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 30,000 Energy credit icon
  • [Gravimetric Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XII]


Requisition : Dyson Deflector Array Mk XII
Claim a Tier II equipment reward

2 Minuten

  • 750 Dysonmarken
  • 5 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 32,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 40,000 Energy credit icon
  • [Dyson Deflector Array Mk XII]


Name & Beschreibung Zeit Anforderungen Belohnungen Anmerkungen
Requisition : Dyson Combat Engines Mk XII
Claim a Tier III equipment reward

2 mins

  • 750 Dysonmarken
  • 5 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 32,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 40,000 Energy credit icon
  • [Dyson Combat Engines Mk XII]


Requisition : Dyson Experimental Proton Beam Rifle Mk XII
Claim a Tier III equipment reward

2 mins

  • 500 Dysonmarken
  • 5 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 9,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 40,000 Energy credit icon
  • [Dyson Experimental Proton Beam Rifle Mk XII]


Name & Beschreibung Zeit Anforderungen Belohnungen Anmerkungen
Requisition : Dyson Proton Weapon Mk XII
Claim a Tier IV equipment reward

2 mins

  • 500 Dysonmarken
  • 2 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 15,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 30,000 Energy credit icon
  • [Dyson Proton Weapon Mk XII]


Requisition : Dyson Field Stabilizing Warp Core Mk XII
Claim a Tier IV equipment reward

2 mins

  • 750 Dysonmarken
  • 5 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 32,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 40,000 Energy credit icon
  • [Dyson Field Stabilizing Warp Core Mk XII]

Cannot be used on Warbirds

Requisition : Dyson Field Stabilizing Singularity Core Mk XII
Claim a Tier IV equipment reward

2 mins

  • 750 Dysonmarken
  • 5 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 32,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 40,000 Energy credit icon
  • [Dyson Field Stabilizing Singularity Core Mk XII]

Only claimable by Romulans

Name & Beschreibung Zeit Anforderungen Belohnungen Anmerkungen
Requisition : Dyson Heavy Combat Armor Mk XII
Claim a Tier V equipment reward

2 mins

  • 500 Dysonmarken
  • 5 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 9,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 40,000 Energy credit icon
  • [Dyson Heavy Combat Armor Mk XII]


Requisition : Dyson Regenerative Shield Array Mk XII
Claim a Tier V equipment reward

2 mins

  • 750 Dysonmarken
  • 32,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 40,000 Energy credit icon
  • [Dyson Regenerative Shield Array Mk XII]


Name & Beschreibung Zeit Anforderungen Belohnungen Anmerkungen
Claim Account-Wide Dyson Joint Command Reputation Gear Discount
This will discount requirements for Normal Marks, Dilithium, and Energy Credits.

5 secs

  • 100 Dysonmarken
  • 5 [Voth Cybernetic Implant]
  • 20,000 Refined dilithium icon
  • 100,000 Energy credit icon
  • Account Wide Discount for Dyson Joint Command Gear Projects

Only available once per account

Dyson Joint Command - Claim a Fleet Ship Module
Claim a character-bound Fleet Ship Module: This item can be used for purchasing Fleet Ships from a Ship Store.

5 secs

  • 100 Dysonmarken
  • [Fleet Ship Module]

Only available once per character

Dyson Joint Command - Claim a Retrain Token
Claim a Retrain Token: This item can be used to retrain your Ground and Space Skills..

5 secs

  • 100 Dysonmarken
  • [Captain Retrain Token]

Only available once per character

Requisition : Dyson Joint Command Vanity Shield (Tier 6)
Claim Tier 6 variant Vanity Shield based on shield visuals from this reputation.

5 secs

  • 300 Dysonmarken
  • [Dyson Joint Command Vanity Shield]

This is a vanity only item.

Dyson Ausrüstung Anforderung[]

Dyson Equipment Requisition icon
Rare icon
Dyson Equipment Requisition
Selten Inventar
Wird beim Aufheben Charaktergebunden

This box contains 1 piece of Dyson Joint Commandequipment.

Right click on the box and select "Use" to open.

Wert:  Energy credit icon

A [Dyson Equipment Requisition] is obtained upon completion the following Dyson Joint Command projects:

  • Thwart Voth Efforts (Daily)
  • Submit Battle Reports to Dyson Joint Command (Hourly)
  • Continued Joint Command Support (Hourly)

Kiste Inhalte[]

  • High chance of awarding a science Shield Refrequencer console
  • Low chance of awarding a Protonic Polaron ground weapon

  • Low chance of awarding a science Shield Refrequencer console
  • High chance of awarding a Protonic Polaron ground weapon
  • Low chance of awarding an engineering Energy Signature Dampener console

  • Low chance of awarding a science Shield Refrequencer console
  • Low chance of awarding a Protonic Polaron ground weapon
  • High chance of awarding an engineering Energy Signature Dampener console
  • Low chance of awarding a Protonic Polaron Space Weapon

  • Low chance of awarding a science Shield Refrequencer console
  • Low chance of awarding a Protonic Polaron ground weapon
  • Low chance of awarding an engineering Energy Signature Dampener console
  • Low chance of awarding a Protonic Polaron space weapon
  • High chance of awarding a tactical Auto Targeting Module console

  • Anmerkungen[]

    • All weapons rewarded from these requisition boxes are Mk XII of either Selten or sehr selten quality.
    • Tier level of each box depends on reputation progress.

    Ruf Laden[]

    The store contains ground and space weapons, that are purchasable through the Dyson Joint Command Reputation with Dilithium Refined dilithium icon. Prices don't include discounts from the Fleet Dilithium Mine holding.


    Symbol Gegenstand Kosten
    Mark XII Protonen-Polaron-Pistolen - Freischaltung auf Klasse II
    Protonic Polaron Wide Beam Pistol iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Wide Beam Pistol 7,500 Refined dilithium icon
    Protonic Polaron Compression Pistol iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Compression Pistol 7,500 Refined dilithium icon
    Protonic Polaron Stun Pistol iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Stun Pistol 7,500 Refined dilithium icon
    Protonic Polaron Dual Pistols iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Dual Pistols 7,500 Refined dilithium icon
    Mark XII Protonic Polaron Rifles - Unlocks at Tier II
    Protonic Polaron Split Beam Rifle iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Split Beam Rifle 7,500 Refined dilithium icon
    Protonic Polaron High Density Beam Rifle iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron High Density Beam Rifle 7,500 Refined dilithium icon
    Protonic Polaron Sniper Rifle iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Sniper Rifle 7,500 Refined dilithium icon
    Protonic Polaron Full Auto Rifle iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Full Auto Rifle 7,500 Refined dilithium icon
    Mark XII Protonic Polaron Assault Weapons - Unlocks at Tier II
    Protonic Polaron Assault Minigun iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Assault Minigun 7,500 Refined dilithium icon
    Protonic Polaron Blast Assault iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Blast Assault 7,500 Refined dilithium icon
    Protonic Polaron Pulsewave Assault iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Pulsewave Assault 7,500 Refined dilithium icon


    Symbol Gegenstand Kosten
    Brückenoffiziere - Freischaltung auf Klasse V
    Dyson Joint Command Commendation iconVeryrare icon Voth wissenschaftlicher Brückenoffizier - Nelen Exil 60 Energy credit icon


    Symbol Gegenstand Kosten
    Protonic Polaron Beam Weapons - Unlocks at Tier IV
    No iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Beam Array 22,500 Refined dilithium icon
    No iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Dual Beam Bank 22,500 Refined dilithium icon
    Protonic Polaron Cannon Weapons - Unlocks at Tier IV
    No iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Cannon 22,500 Refined dilithium icon
    No iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Turret 22,500 Refined dilithium icon
    No iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Dual Cannons 22,500 Refined dilithium icon
    No iconVeryrare icon Protonic Polaron Dual Heavy Cannons 22,500 Refined dilithium icon

    Weltraum Konsolen[]

    Weltraum Konsolen
    Symbol Gegenstand Kosten
    Science - Shield Refrequencers - Unlocks at Tier I
    Console - Science - Shield Refrequencer iconVeryrare icon Console - Science - Shield Refrequencer 7,300 Refined dilithium icon
    Engineering - Energy Signature Dampeners - Unlocks at Tier I
    No iconVeryrare icon Console - Engineering - Energy Signature Dampener 7,300 Refined dilithium icon
    Tactical - Auto-Targeting Module - Unlocks at Tier I
    No iconVeryrare icon Console - Tactical - Auto Targeting Module 7,300 Refined dilithium icon

    Vorlage:Equipment requisition nav
