- Dieser Artikel handelt über den Schaden im Weltraum-Kampf. Für Schaden im Bodenkampf, siehe Schadensart (Boden)
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Es gibt drei Haupt-Schaden-Kategorien in Star Trek Online:
- Energieschaden ist das set von 6 Haupttypen von Schaden die direkt durch Feuerreichweiten-Energiewaffen im Weltraum verursacht werden, sowie zwei andere weniger verbreitete Typen
- Kinetischer Schaden wird von eingesetzten oder selbstfliegenden Sprengkörpern sowie von bestimmten Fähigkeiten im Weltraum behandelt.
- Exotischer Schaden ist eine Kategorie von Schaden die durch andere Quellen als Waffen, z. B. durch Fertigkeiten von Brückenoffizieren oder Konsolen. Exotischer Schaden kann vom gleichen Typ sein wie nicht exotischer Schaden. Einzelheiten finden Sie im folgenden Abschnitt.
Übersicht[ | ]
Schaden in Star Trek Online existiert in mehrfach überlappenden Kategorien. Die erste Unterscheidung ist die Quelle des Schadens:
- Waffenschaden wird verursacht durch Schiffswaffen. Alle Waffenschäden werden verbessert durch Raumschiff Waffenausbildung, die Sie automatisch gewinnen, wenn Sie im Level aufsteigen.
- Energieschaden ist eine Gruppe von Waffenschäden, verursacht durch gerichtete Energiewaffen einschließlich aller Strahlenbanken und Kanonen. Alle Energieschäden werden durch Energiewaffenausbildung verstärkt.
- Strahlenschaden ist eine Gruppe von Energieschaden, die durch Strahlenbanken, Dual-Strahlenbanken, und Rundstrahlende Strahlenbanken auftreten. Alle Strahlenschaden werden von Directed Energy Distribution Manifolds und der Eigenschaft Strahlenwaffenausbildung verbessert.
- Kanonenschaden ist eine Gruppe von Energieschäden, die von Einzel-Kanonen, Dualkanonen, Quad Kanonen, Schweren Dualkanonen, und Geschütztürmen verursacht werden. Alle Kanonenschäden werden von Vorbrennkammern und der Kanonenausbildung Eigenschaft verbessert.
- Several abilities and consoles cause non-beam, non-cannon energy damage, such as Point Defense System.
- Projektilschaden ist eine Gruppe von Waffenschaden, die von Torpedo- und Minenwaffen verursacht werden. Alle Projektilschäden werden von der Projektilwaffenausbildung und der Eigenschaft Projektilausbildung verbessert.
- Torpedoschaden ist eine Gruppe von Projektilschäden, verursacht durch Torpedowerfer. Alle Torpedoschäden werden durch Gefechtskammererweiterung verstärkt.
- Minenschaden ist eine Gruppe von Projektilschaden, die bei Minenwerfer auftreten. Alle Minenschäden werden von der Variable Geometrische Zünder-Konsole begünstigt.
- Verschiedene Fertigkeiten und Konsolen verursachen nicht-Torpedo, nicht-Minen Projektilschaden, solche wie Torpedo Point Defense System.
- Energieschaden ist eine Gruppe von Waffenschäden, verursacht durch gerichtete Energiewaffen einschließlich aller Strahlenbanken und Kanonen. Alle Energieschäden werden durch Energiewaffenausbildung verstärkt.
- Exotischer Schaden wird meistens verursacht von nicht-Waffen Quellen, einschließlich der Brückenoffizier-Fertigkeiten, und Fertigkeiten von Set-Boni. Alle exotischen Schäden werden verstärkt durch die Fertigkeit Exotikteilchengenerator.
Zweitens kann der Schaden Schaden in mehrere verschiedene Attributmodifikatoren unterteilt werden, oder Typen[main 1] oder "Elemente": Phaser, Disruptor, Plasma, Tetryon, Polaron, Antiprotonen, Protonen, Elektrisch, Kinetisch, Physisch, Strahlung, Feuer, Kälte und Psionisch. Vergiftungsschäden kann derzeit nur im Bodenkampf verursacht werden.
Schadenswiderstand-Werte gegen eine spezifischen Typ reduziert immer den Schaden dieses Typs, unabhängig davon, ob die Quelle dieses Schadens eine gezielte Energiewaffe, eine Fertigkeit oder sogar eine exotische Schadensfähigkeit ist.
Drittens kann der Schaden in aktiviert und angebracht aufgeteilt sein. Und viertens kann der Schaden in direkter Schaden, Schaden über Zeit, und Gefahren aufgeteilt werden.[main 2][main 3]
Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt benötigt eine Aktualisierung Elaboration on how DoTs are effected by the Temporal specialization tree, and making the Hazard page Bitte hilf STO Wiki, indem du die benötigten Änderungen durchführst! |
Als ein großes Beispiel, "Plasma" Schaden kann sich beziehen auf:
- Plasmawaffenschaden
- Plasmaenergiewaffen Schaden, verstärkt durch Plasma Infusers.
- Plasmastrahlenbank Schaden, verursacht durch z.Bsp. Plasmastrahlenbanken.
- Plasmakanonen Schaden, verursacht durch Z.Bsp.. Plasmageschützturm.
- Andere Plasmaenergie Schäden, verursacht durch z.Bsp.. Heavy Plasma Lance und Plasma Wave.
- Plasma-Projektilschaden (nicht zu Vewechselb mit Kinetischer Schaden verursacht durch Plasma-Prjektile!)
- Plasma-Torpedoschaden, verursacht durch den proc auf einem Plasmatorpedowerfer.
- Plasma-Minenschaden, verursacht durch einen proc auf Plasmaminenwerfer.
- Andere Plasma-Projektilschaden, verursacht z.Bsp. durch den DoT auf Destabilized Plasma Torpedo
- Plasmaenergiewaffen Schaden, verstärkt durch Plasma Infusers.
- Plasma-basierender exotischer Schaden
Verschiedene Aurüstungsverbesserungen erhöhen den Schaden bestimmter Kategorien. Taktik Konsolen, Flotte Advanced Tactical Vulnerability Consoles und eine vielzahl von Universal-Konsolen verstärken den Schaden in verschiedenen Kategorien. Ein paar Beispiele
- Sustained Radiant Field boosts all weapon damage.
- Enhanced Dominion Coordination Protocol boosts all energy weapon damage.
- Ambush Gateway Generator boosts all cannon weapon damage.
- Plasma Warhead Module boosts all torpedo weapon damage.
- Rule 62 Multipurpose Combat Console boosts all torpedo and mine damage, but not Projectile weapon damage in general.
Console descriptions and tooltips must be read carefully to determine which categories of damage they affect.
Additionally, Endeavor Perks provide damage resistances based on type:
- Damage Resist Alpha: Plasma, Phaser, Protonen, Psionisch und Kälte-Schaden.
- Damage Resist Beta: Disruptor, Polaron, Physisch, Strahlung und Feuer-Schaden.
- Damage Resist Gamma: Antiprotonen, Tetryon, Kinetisch, Elektrisch und Vergiftungs-Schaden.
Energieschaden[ | ]
Arten[ | ]
Energischaden ist eine Gruppe von acht Schadenstypen—Phaser, Disruptor, Plasma, Tetryon, Polaron, Antiprotonen, Protonen und Elektrisch—das werden meistens von Direkte Energiewaffen generiert.
Jede andere Art von Energieschaden hat einen Bonuseffekt, der als "proc" bezeichnet wird. Die meisten Waffen haben einen dieser Boni, während einige seltenere Waffen mehrere enthalten können oder eine spezielle, die den Standardprozess ersetzt.
Direkte Energie s wie Strahlenbanken und Kanonen verbrauchen Energieschaden. Bereitstellbare Schiffsgeräte wie Satellitentürme verursachen ebenfalls Energieschaden, basierend auf der Art der Waffe, die sie tragen.
Die Verwendung eines einzelnen Energieschadentyps bietet taktische Vorteile, hauptsächlich aufgrund von Konsolen, die einen größeren Bonus nach Energietyp (z. B. Phaser) als nach Waffentyp (z. B. Strahlbanken) bieten. Einige Spieler bevorzugen jedoch die Verwendung einer Vielzahl von Schadensarten in der Hoffnung, mehrere Proc-Treffer zu erzielen.
Phaser[ | ]
Phaser Schäden werden orange oder manchmal hellgelb angezeigt. Die Andorianischen- und TOS-Retro-Versionen haben eine blaue Farbe. Der Begriff "Phaser" ist eine Abkürzung für "Phas", "ed", "E", "Energie", "R", "Ektifikation". Als eine Art Partikelwaffe beschädigen Phaser Ziele mit Nadionenströmen. Bei lebenden Zielen kann dies je nach Stärke des Strahls entweder tödlich oder nicht tödlich sein. Spieler-erworbene Raumschiff e für die Föderation werden standardmäßig mit Phaserenergiewaffen ausgeliefert.
Proc: 2.5% Chance: Deaktiviert 1 Subsystem für 5 Sekunden
Fertigkeiten die Phaserenergiewaffenschaden verursachen:
- Enterkommando (Föderation Spieler w/ spezial Boarding Party Assault Squad Officer)
- Broadside Cannon Barrage (Broadside Emitter Arrays from the Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser)
- Deploy Defense Platform (Defense Platform - Federation Command Battlecruiser)
- Deploy Heavy Phaser Assault Platform (Heavy Phaser Assault Platform from the Paladin Temporal Battlecruiser, exclusive to Temporal Battlecruisers)
- Heavy Phaser Lance (Heavy Phaser Lance from the Phantom Intel Escort, exclusive to Intel Escorts)
- Nadion Saturation Bomb (bomb strikes are energy damage, hazard is exotic damage; Nadion Saturation Bomb from the Patrol Escort Refit, exclusive to Patrol Escorts)
- Phaser Lotus (Dynamic Tactical System exclusive to the Veteran destroyers in Tactical Mode)
- Phaser Spinal Lance (Dreadnought Cruiser variants)
- Point Defense System (Point Defense System - Federation version)
Disruptor[ | ]
Disruptors are a type of directed energy used in weapons, and are green or dark green in color. Disruptors cause damage to the target by breaking the bonds of atoms. Player-acquired starships for the Klingon Defense Force by default come with Disruptor energy weapons.
Proc: 2.5% chance: -10% Schadenswiderstand Debuff
Abilities that deal Disruptor energy weapon damage:
- Boarding Party (Klingon Empire players w/ special Boarding Party Assault Squad Officer)
- Deploy Defense Platform (Defense Platform - Klingon Command Battlecruiser)
- Disruptor Autocannon (Disruptor Autocannon from the Bortasqu' Tactical Cruiser, exclusive to Bortas variants)
- Disruptor Lotus (Dynamic Tactical System exclusive to the Veteran destroyers in Tactical Mode)
- Disruptor Shell (Terran Task Force Starship Technologies 4-piece set bonus)
- Heavy Disruptor Spinal Cannons (Heavy Disruptor Spinal Cannons from the Mat'Ha Raptor, exclusive to Mat'Ha variants)
- Javelin (Guramba Siege Destroyer variants while in Siege Mode)
- Point Defense System (Point Defense System - KDF version)
- Spiral Wave Disruptor Lance (Cardassian Keldon Cruiser)
- Nausicaan Energy Torpedo Launcher is boosted by Disruptor-specific consoles and Projectile Weapon Training rather than energy skills.
Plasma[ | ]
Plasma energy beams are green/cyan in color. Player-acquired starships for the Romulan Republic by default come with Plasma energy weapons.
Proc: 2.5% chance: Applies a non-stacking DoT
Note that Plasma-based Energy Damage is separate from both Plasma-based Projectile Damage and Plasma-based Exotic Damage.
Abilities that deal Plasma energy weapon damage:
- Boarding Party (Romulan Republic players w/ special Boarding Party Assault Squad Officer)
- Deploy Defense Platform (Defense Platform - Romulan Command Warbird Battlecruiser)
- Focused Singularity Beam (Focused Singularity Modulator from the Ar'Kif Tactical Carrier Warbird Retrofit, usable while in Annihilation Mode on any Ar'Kif variant carrier warbird)
- Heavy Plasma Lance (Heavy Plasma Lance exclusive to the Faeht Intel Warbird)
- Plasma Barrage (Plasma Discharge Array from the Na'kuhl Tadaari Raider, exclusive to Na'kuhl starships)
- Plasma Hyperflux (Romulan Singularity Harness 3 Piece)
- Plasma Lotus (Dynamic Tactical System exclusive to the Veteran warbird destroyers in Tactical Mode)
- Plasma Spinal Lance (Kara Advanced Warbird variants)
- Plasma Wave (Plasma Wave, usable on any ship)
Tetryon[ | ]
Tetryon energy beams are blue in color. Tetryons are subatomic particles that exist outside of normal space. When brought into normal space from subspace (artificially or naturally) they become highly unstable.
Proc: 2.5% chance: additional damage to all shield facings
Player abilities that deal Tetryon energy weapon damage:
- Hirogen Feign Death Trap (Alpha Deception Field console)
- Refracting Tetryon Cascade (Nukara Strikeforce Reputation Tier 5 trait)
- Tetryon Sniper Blast (Apex Predator 3-piece set bonus)
- Unstable Tetryon Lattice (Nukara Strikeforce Technologies 3-piece set bonus)
- Advanced Diffusive Tetryon Torpedo Launcher is boosted by Tetryon-specific consoles and Projectile Weapon Training rather than energy skills.
Polaron[ | ]
Polaron are pink/purple in color. These weapons were heavily utilized by the Jem'Hadar during the Dominion War. Some Jem'Hadar Polaron ground weaponry can have bonus effects based on the Nanoenergy cell used.
Proc: 2.5% chance: -25 power to all Subsystems
Player abilities that deal Polaron energy weapon damage:
- Polaron Cannon Barrage is boosted by Polaron-specific consoles and Projectile Weapon Training rather than energy skills.
- Temporal Fluctuation is an NPC-exclusive Polaron damage ability.
- Morphogenic Polaron Energy Torpedo Launcher is boosted by Polaron-specific consoles and Projectile Weapon Training rather than energy skills.
Antiprotonen[ | ]
Antiprotons, when confined into a beam, are normally crimson with a black void border. Up close, the energy looks a lot more unstable, similar to Plasma and Tetryon energy. Undine antiproton weapons are pale yellow in color.
Proc: +20% Critical Severity
Abilities that deal Antiproton energy weapon Damage:
- Crystalline Energy Torpedo Launcher is boosted by Antiproton-specific consoles and Projectile Weapon Training rather than energy skills.
Protonen[ | ]
Protons, are whitish-blue in color. This rare and experimental weapon type fires a concentrated stream of proton particles at its target dealing moderate damage over time. This weapon is equally effective against starship shields and hull. Should a Proton Weapon land a critical hit, it has a 50/50 chance of dealing additional proton damage that completely bypasses the target's shields.
Proc: 50% chance: on critical: Additional Proton Damage (Ignores Shields)
No NPCs currently use Proton damage against the player. See the Proton-based exotic damage section below for player-usable exotic Proton sources. As for non-exotic sources:
Proton weapon damage, boosted by Starship Weapons Training, includes:
- [Experimental Proton Charge]
- Proton energy damage, boosted by Energy Weapon Training, includes:
- [Dyson Proton Weapon]
- [Solanae Dual Heavy Proton Cannons]
- Protonic Polaron space weapons from the Dyson Joint Command Reputation Store
- Shield Inversion and Destabilized Proton Beam abilities from the Solanae Advanced Technologies set
- Punktverteidigungsprotokolle, a starship trait
- Proton projectile damage, boosted by Projectile Weapon Training, includes:
Lastly, these abilities deal Proton damage that scales with your Auxiliary Power, but isn't classified as weapon or exotic damage:
Things that affect non-exotic Proton damage:
- Proton damage from any source is boosted by Auto Targeting Modules and the Proton Particle Stabilizer from the Dyson Reputation System.
- The two-piece set bonus from the Solanae Advanced Technologies set also boosts Proton weapon damage (including Launch Proton Charges), but not the damage caused by Destabilized Proton Beam, Proton Barrage, or Shield Inversion.
- Proton resistance is provided by Energy Signature Dampeners, while using the [Subspace Field Modulator] will give -400 Proton damage resistance, much like the Ophidian Cane on the ground. Since Proton is a form of energy damage, the most common protection against it is in the form of All Energy Damage resistance or All Damage resistance ratings, such as from Neutronium Alloy. Protonic Shielding does not affect your Proton damage resistance.
Finally, damage reflected by the Shield Reflection skill is dealt as Proton damage, though it cannot be boosted by any means. It is simply 20% of the reflected critical hit's damage.
Elektrisch[ | ]
Some weapons and abilities fire a stream of electricity at their target. There is not yet a consistent proc associated with Electrical damage, and indeed, the majority of it is dealt as Electrical-based Exotic Damage.
Electrical energy damage, boosted by Energy Weapon Training, include:
- [Experimental Hyperexcited Ion Stream Projector], an Experimental Weapon
- [Field-Distortion Overcharge Pulse], another Experimental Weapon
- [Soliton Wave Impeller]
Protection against Electrical damage: Currently the only protection available is via All Energy Damage Resistance and All Energy Resistance ratings. No items provide specific electrical damage resistance. The Electrical self-damage caused by Energy Weapons: Exceed Rated Limits cannot be resisted.
Feedback-Impuls[ | ]
FeedbackPulse is an ability that is used to reflect Incoming damage. Below are various forms of Feedback abilities; they deal the same type of damage they are reflecting:
- Nukara Crystalline Resilient Shields
- Solanae Resilient Shield Array
- Terran Task Force Covariant Shield Array
- Ability: Distributed Targeting
- Ability: Feedback Pulse
- Ability: Haywire
- Ability: Multidimensional Graviton Shield
- Specialization: Strategist skill: Counter-Offensive
- Polarize Hull Doff variant
- Trait: Nanoprobe Feedback
Schutz gegen Energieschaden[ | ]
In space, Ship Shields, Engineering Consoles and the Starship Hull Plating Commander rank skill provide resistance against Energy Damage.
Schiffschilde erscheinen mit einem oder mehr Schadenwiderstand-Modifikatoren, jeder gibt 20% Widerstand gegen die Schadensart, die durch den/die Suffix(e) in dem Gegenstandsname angezeigt wird: [Pha], [Dis], [Pla], [Pol], [Tet], [Ap].
3 Arten der Rüstungskonsolen liefern Widerstand gegen alle, oder eine spezifische Gruppe von Energieschaden:
- Platings liefern hohe Widerstände gegen 2 Energieschadensarten
- Armors liefern moderate Widerstände gegen 4 Energieschadensarten
- Alloys liefern niedrige Widerstände gegen alle Schadensarten, einschließlich nicht-energetischen Schaden
Es gibt auch spezialisierte Technikkonsolen, solche wie Energy Signature Dampeners welche den selben Effekt liefern, jedoch in einer kleineren Größenordnung.
Diese persönlichen Raumeigenschaften liefern ebenfalls etwas Energieschadenwiderstand:
- Molecular Defense Specialist - +10% resistance to Phaser, Disruptor and Plasma damage.
- Particle Defense Specialist - +10% resistance to Tetryon, Polaron and Antiproton damage.
Energietypen nach Fraktion & Rüstungs Empfehlungen[ | ]
The various Factions deal damage types specific to them both in space and ground combat. Since defensive equipment may provide resistance against only a subset of all damage types, knowing in advance what damage to expect from a given foe and using the right equipment to counter it can increase the chances of survival.
Phaser |
Disruptor |
Plasma |
Tetryon |
Polaron |
Antiproton | |
Verwendet von NPCs | Cardassian [E 1] Föderation Hur'q Kazon Octanti Terraner Wahrer Weg [E 2] |
Cardassianer [E 1] Elachi Gorn Klingonen Nausicaaner Orion Remaner Romulanisches Imperium Wahrer Weg [E 2] |
Borg [E 3] Idran Swarmer Kentari Na'kuhl Romulan Republic Son'a Turei |
APU Benthan Hirogen Tholian Tzenkethi Vorgon |
Breen Dominion Hazari Hierarchy Kobali Krenim True Way [E 2] Vaadwaur |
Borg [E 4] Crystalline Entity Fek'Ihri Iconian Klingon [E 5] Malon Sphere Builder Terran [E 6] Undine Voth |
Andere [E 7] | Andorian [E 8] Bajoran [E 9] Deferi Ferengi Lukari Suliban [E 10] Tellarite [E 11] Xindi-Aquatic [E 12] Xindi-Reptilian [E 12] |
Husnock Krenim [E 13] Lethean [E 14] Miradorn Nihydron Zahl |
Dewan [E 15] Suliban [E 10] Tal Shiar [E 16] Vulcan [E 17] Xindi-Insectoid [E 18] Xindi-Primate [E 18] |
Caitian [E 19] Ferasan [E 20] Talaxian Talemstran |
Galactic Union [E 6] Solanae [E 21] | |
Plating to use | Diburnium | Diburnium | Electroceramic | Electroceramic | Parametallic | Parametallic |
Armor to use | Ablative | Ablative | Ablative Tetraburnium |
Ablative Tetraburnium |
Tetraburnium | Tetraburnium |
Schild mods zur Vewendung | 20% - [Pha] 15% - [ResA] 10% - [ResAll] |
20% - [Dis] 15% - [ResB] 10% - [ResAll] |
20% - [Pla] 15% - [ResB] 10% - [ResAll] |
20% - [Tet] 15% - [ResA] 10% - [ResAll] |
20% - [Pol] 15% - [ResA] 10% - [ResAll] |
20% - [Ap] 15% - [ResB] 10% - [ResAll] |
mods to use | [PhaDis] [ResA] [ResAll] |
[PhaDis] [ResA] [ResAll] |
[PlaTet] [ResA] [ResB] [ResAll] |
[PlaTet] [ResA] [ResB] [ResAll] |
[PolAP] [ResB] [ResAll] |
[PolAP] [ResB] [ResAll] |
mods to use | [ResPhaDis] [Res4b] [ResAll] |
[ResPhaDis] [Res4b] [ResAll] |
[ResPlaTet] [Res4b] [Res4a] [ResAll] |
[ResPlaTet] [Res4b] [Res4a] [ResAll] |
[ResPolAP] [Res4a] [ResAll] |
[ResPolAP] [Res4a] [ResAll] |
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 Alle Cardassianischen Schiffe sind ausgestattet mit den beiden Phaser-Dualstrahlenbank und zwei Spiralwellen-Disruptor Strahlenbanken.
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 2,2 Wahrer Weg Schiffe sind umfunktionierte Cardassianer und Dominion-Schiffe.
- ↑ Beide Borg Kollektiv und Borg Kooperative Schiffe verwenden Plasmaenergiewaffen und Plasmatorpedos. Borg Kollektiv Kubusse verwenden auch einen Kinetischer Schneidstrahl der Kinetischen Energiewaffenschaden zufügt.
- ↑ Borg Collective Unimatrix 0047 Command Ships only, which also use a Kinetic Cutting Beam.
- ↑ Klingon battlecruisers use Bio-neural Warheads.
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 Future starships from the 29th and 31st centuries, eg. the Terran Temporal Dreadnought.
- ↑ This row denotes the default equipment that comes with that species's ship, but cannot be encountered as enemy NPCs at this time. On occasion they may appear as allied NPCs, and it would be possible to take damage from them if they are inflicted with a confusion effect.
- ↑ Andorian Pilot Escorts default equipment.
- ↑ Denorios-class Bajoran Interceptor default equipment.
- ↑ 10,0 10,1 Suliban Cell Ship default equipment is Phaser. Suliban Silik Flight-Deck Assault Cruiser default equipment i Plasma.
- ↑ Tellarite Pralim Flight-Deck Assault Cruiser default equipment.
- ↑ 12,0 12,1 The Xindi-Aquatic Briostrys Dreadnought Carrier and Xindi-Reptilian Sistruus Escort come equipped with Phased Biomatter weapons.
- ↑ Krenim NPCs use Polaron energy weapons, while Krenim ships commissioned by the player come with Coalition Disaruptor weapons.
- ↑ Lethean Pilot Escorts default equipment.
- ↑ Dewan Pilot Escorts default equipment.
- ↑ Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser et al. default equipment.
- ↑ D'Kyr Science Vessel NPCs and default equipment.
- ↑ 18,0 18,1 The Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Carrier and Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser come equipped with Plasmatic Biomatter weapons.
- ↑ Caitian Atrox Carrier & Shikaris Escort default equipment.
- ↑ Ferasan Slithus Escort default equipment
- ↑ Obelisk 1 fused equipment
Kinetischer Schaden[ | ]
Kinetic damage is dealt by explosive devices of various kinds, including torpedoes launched from Torpedo Launchers and deployable Torpedo Platforms, and Mines deployed from Mine Launchers, as well as various spatial anomalies caused by certain abilities. In addition to the Kinetic Damage, projectile weapons often have secondary effects, in some cases dealing additional Energy Damage or Exotic Damage to the target in a single hit or as a DoT or AoE.
The following Experimental Weapons deal Kinetic Damage:
- Experimental Dual Warhead Launchers
- Experimental Flak Shot Artillery
- Experimental Protomatter-Laced Sheller (50% Kinetic, 50% Radiation)
- Experimental Railgun (has matching console)
- Slamshot Magnetic Artillery
There are currently two ways to boost Kinetic damage directly, which would apply to all Kinetic Damage projectiles as well as any Kinetic Exotic Damage:
- Console - Universal - Deconstructive Resonance Emitter
- Gamma Team Synergies 3-piece set bonus.
Otherwise, boosting Kinetic damage would require using Tactical Consoles to boost the output of specific projectile weapons, or increasing your Exotic Particle Generator skill for Kinetic Exotic Damage.
Engineering Consoles and the Hull Plating skill provide resistance against Kinetic Damage. 2 types of Armor Consoles provide resistance against Kinetic Damage:
- Monotanium Alloy provides good resistance against Kinetic Damage but no resistance against any Energy Damage
- Neutronium Alloy provides medium resistance against Kinetic Damage and medium resistance against all Energy Damage. This is very useful when you don't know what energy damage types you will be facing.
- The other Alloy types provide low resistance against Kinetic Damage, but also provide low resistance against all 6 Energy Damage types.
The personal space trait Impact Defense Specialist provides +10% resistance to Kinetic and Physical damage.
Torpedo[ | ]
Torpedoes are self-propelled, target tracking explosive devices (basically, homing missiles) delivering Kinetic Damage to the target, and depending on type applying other harmful effects.
There are several types of Torpedoes, which may vary in damage potential, flight speed, launch time, applicable modifiers and additional effects over the base Kinetic Damage, but regardless of type, all of them deal Kinetic Damage.
Torpedoarten nach Fraktion & Empfehlungen[ | ]
All the torpedo types below deal Kinetic damage, so refer to the above section on how to protect your ship against that. Otherwise, one must keep in mind the different attributes the torpedoes have:
- Photon torpedoes can fire more frequently than any others
- Quantum torpedoes do more damage per volley than photons
- Plasma torpedoes do less damage per volley than photons, but leave behind a plasma burn DoT; consider running Hazard Emitters to cleanse it. High Yield Plasma torpedoes are destructible (excluding 23rd century ones); Consider Beam Array: Fire at Will, Cannon: Scatter Volley, Tractor Beam Repulsors, or a Point Defense System to counter them.
- Transphasic torpedoes will partially bypass your shields
- Chroniton torpedoes can reduce your flight speed and turn rate
- Tricobalt devices will temporarily disable you, but are always destructible.
Photon 6s reload |
Quantum 8s reload |
Plasma 8s reload |
Transphasic 10s reload |
Chroniton 10s reload |
Tricobalt 30s reload |
Thermionic 10s reload | |
Used by | Cardassian Federation Gorn Hazari Klingon Kobali Nausicaan Orion Terran True Way [T 1] |
APU Dominion Malon Terran Tholian Federation True Way [T 1] Vaadwaur |
Borg Na'kuhl Reman Romulan Empire Romulan Republic Turei Undine [T 2] |
Breen Hirogen Iconian |
Fek'Ihri Galactic Union [T 3] Terran [T 3] Voth Krenim |
Federation Fek'Ihri Klingon [T 4] Terran Tholian Vaadwaur |
Tholian |
Minen[ | ]
Minen are stationary, proximity activated target tracking explosive devices delivering Kinetic Damage to the target, and depending on type applying other harmful effects. The main difference between Mines and Torpedoes is that while Torpedoes actively pursue the designated target from the moment of launch, Mines sit still until a hostile ship comes within 4km proximity, then they pursue the target and detonate on impact.
Mines come in the same types as Torpedoes, with the same effects in addition to the Kinetic Damage they all deal.
Andere Schadensarten[ | ]
The following damage types are not considered Energy or belong to any other category. They may act as Exotic damage depending on the source of the damage.
Feuer[ | ]
Previously only available in ground combat, there are now two sources of Fire damage in space:
- Phlogiston Projector is an Experimental Weapon that deals Fire damage in space.
- Chains of Fire, found on the Chains of Fire universal console, deals shield-ignoring exotic Fire damage. The console itself also boosts fire damage.
- Maw of Gre'thor, a starship trait, deals exotic Fire damage.
Aside from that, one must rely on All Damage boosts to increase your fire damage in space.
Kälte[ | ]
Another damage type previously only available in ground combat, the
Trait: Out of Time is an Starship Trait that deals Cold damage to self in space. There are no ways to boost Cold damage in space directly; one must rely on All Damage boosts.
Psionisch[ | ]
Yet another damage type previously only available in ground combat, Psionic damage can now be dealt by Rebounding Resonant Frequencies. This is a damage reflection ability, so the damage cannot be boosted or critically hit, but it nevertheless deals Psionic damage to the enemy.
Strahlung[ | ]
In space, much like Plasma and Proton damage, Radiation comes in both Exotic and non-Exotic types. Only Exotic Radiation is boosted by Exotic Particle Generators. Specific Radiation Damage resistance in space can be found on:
- [Console - Universal - Momentum Manipulator], equipable on Tzenkethi starships
- [Lukari Restoration Initiative Deflector Array]
- [Nukara Crystalline Resilient Shields]
- [Dielectric Oscillation Resilient Shields [Rad]] at Extrem selten quality
- Enhanced Hull Plating, a Starship Mastery passive found on Cruisers, Battle Cruisers, Dreadnought Cruisers, Warbird Battlecruisers, Flight-Deck Cruisers, and Engineering Carriers.
Other Radiation-related factors:
- Reconstructive Radiation, a space trait that repairs hull and removes Damage-over-time effects when receiving Radiation damage
Nicht-Exotische Strahlungsquellen[ | ]
- Advanced Radiant Quantum Torpedo Launcher
- Alliance Hypercannon, an Experimental Weapon
- Experimental Protomatter-Laced Sheller, another Experimental Weapon
- Hargh'peng Torpedo Launcher
- Soliton Wave Impeller *Proc
- Trilithium Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher
- The 8472 Counter-Command Reputation System:
- Bio-Molecular Phaser and Disruptor weapons from the 8472 Counter-Command Reputation Store
- Heavy Bio-Molecular Phaser, Disruptor, Plasma or Tetryon Turrets from the Counter-Command Ordnance set
- Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo Launcher from the same set
- the set bonuses from the same set, which increase Bio-Molecular proc chances
- The Delta Alliance Reputation System:
- Thoron-Infused Polaron weapons from the Delta Alliance Reputation Store
- Advanced Thoron Infused Polaron or Antiproton Beam Array and Advanced Thoron Infused Polaron or Antiproton Dual Heavy Cannons from the Delta Alliance Ordnance set
- Neutronic Torpedo Launcher the same set
- The Terran Task Force Reputation System:
- Withering Disruptor weapons from the Terran Task Force Reputation Store
- Terran Task Force Disruptor or Phaser Beam Array and Terran Task Force Disruptor or Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons from the Terran Task Force Munitions set
- Terran Task Force Photon Torpedo Launcher from the same set
- Tzenkethi Resolve Set weapons:
- Advanced Diffusive Tetryon Dual Beam Bank
- Advanced Diffusive Tetryon Dual Heavy Cannons
- Advanced Diffusive Tetryon Torpedo Launcher
- Activate Aceton Mode
- Interphasic Instability, a universal console ability. Scales only with auxiliary power.
- Kemocite-Laced Weaponry, a Tactical bridge officer ability
- Kemocite Deployment Vortex, a universal console ability from the Experimental Weaponry Set.
- Protomatter Barrage, a universal console ability exclusive to Tzenkethi starships
- Radiant Detonation Matrix, a passive reputation space trait
- Theta Radiation Infused Evasive Maneuvers, a starship trait
- Automated Aggression, a starship trait from the Tzenkethi Tzen-tar Dreadnought Carrier. Radiation damage, chance of Radiation hazard.
Non-Exotic Radiation damage is boosted by the Counter-Command Multi-Conduit Energy Relay and the two-piece set bonus from the Delta Alliance Ordnance set, which also boost Exotic Radiation damage.
Exotischer Schaden[ | ]
A specialty "catch all" term used to describe damage caused by certain non-weapon (i.e not caused by Beams, Cannons, Torpedoes or Mines) consoles/abilities or damage-causing Science bridge officer abilities. These are abilities boosted by Exotic Particle Generator skill, and their potency affected by the ship's Auxiliary power level. A common feature of Exotic damage is (though not always) 50% - 100% shield penetrating Kinetic Damage. However, this form of non-weapon damage can be seen in Electrical as well as Physical and Proton damage in space.
These damage types may be inflicted by explosives or abilities during ground combat, or certain player of Bridge Officer abilities during space combat.
Physischer Schaden[ | ]
In space, the Kar'Fi Battleships of the Fek'Ihri Horde launch Tortured Souls that do Physical damage, the Crystalline Entity spawns fragments which do Physical damage, and The Sphere Builders utilize Temporal abilities dealing Physical damage, making these the exceptions to the "only in ground combat" norm for this type of damage from NPCs. Most forms of Physical Damage are Shield Ignoring
Player-usable sources of Physical Damage in space combat are:
- Anti-Time Entanglement Singularity, a space reputation trait
- Causal Anchor, a universal console ability from the 31st Century Temporal Technologies Set
- Destabilizing Resonance Beam, a Science Bridge officer ability
- Entropic Rider and Decaying Rebuke I & II from the Temporal Operative skill tree
- Disruption Pulse Emitter from the Synergistic Retrofitting Set
- Molecular Deconstruction Beam on Temporal starships
- Molecular Cohesion Nullifier Field, a universal console ability
- Nanoprobe Contagion Field, a universal console ability
- Structural Integrity Collapse, an Engineering Bridge officer ability
- Subspace Agitation, a universal console ability
- Subspace Wake, a universal console ability
- Temporal Fracture, the 4-piece set bonus ability from the Temporal Defense Initiative Starship Technologies set
- Temporal Shockwave, a Physical DoT, from the Gemini Temporal Cruiser universal console.
- Timestream Rift Warhead, a universal console ability (initial damage boosted by Projectile Weapon Damage, hazard boosted by EPG)
- Tholian Web Cannon, a universal console ability
- Energy Web, a starship trait from the Tholian Tarantula Dreadnought Cruiser
- Subspatial Warheads, a starship trait from the Son'a Intel Battlecruiser
- Weapons
- Nukara Web Mine Launcher
- Fluidic Antiproton Weapons (Weapon Proc Boosted by EPG)
- Weapons from the Preserver Resonant Technologies Set (Weapon Proc)
- Voice of the Prophets, an Experimental Weapon
- Numerous Temporal Operative Bridge officer abilities:
Source of Physical damage resistance in space:
- Alternate Timeline Set 3-piece set bonus
- [Console - Universal - Momentum Manipulator], equipable on Tzenkethi starships
- Console - Science - Temporally Shielded Datacore
- Impact Defense Specialist personal space trait
Note: Damage dealt by any kind of explosion is Kinetic Damage and thus reduced by Kinetic Resistance, and NOT by Physical Resistance.
Phaser-basierend[ | ]
Disruptor-basierend[ | ]
- The Subatomic Disruptor on the Subatomic Deflector Array, also used by the Aeon and Rozhenko Carrier Pets from the Paradox's hangar bay.
Plasma-basierend[ | ]
A few abilities are classified as "Plasma-based Exotic Damage", and boosted by both Exotic Particle Generators and Plasma-Generating Threat-Scaling Science Consoles. They include:
- Coolant Ignition
- Create Fluidic Rift (puddles)
- Eject Warp Plasma
- Eject Cryoplasma
- EPS Corruption, the Engineering Ultimate ability
- Fluidic Phase Jump
- Infectious Bio-Matter Swarm
- Micropulse Overcharge
- Plasma Shockwave
- Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo Launcher - Plasma Cloud
- Riker Maneuver
- the Plasma Explosions caused by the aforementioned Plasma-Generating consoles are not "Plasma-based Exotic Damage" and do not benefit from Exotic Particle Generators
- Eject Tetryon Plasma from the Tetryon-Plasma Impulse Engines does not deal damage.
Users | Fek'Ihri [1] | Gorn [1] | Malon [2] | Undine [3] |
Antiprotonen-basierend[ | ]
Protonen-basierend[ | ]
In space, Proton exotic damage is boosted by the Exotic Particle Generator skill instead of weapon skills as usual, and is still also boosted by things that specifically boost Proton damage. As Proton is a form of Energy damage, it will also be boosted by and resisted by All Energy Damage [resistance] sources. There are currently three sources of exotic Proton damage:
- Shield Refrequencer
- Refracting Energy Shunt
- Tholian Web, both colliding with the edge or being inside one when it collapses.
Elektrisch-basierend[ | ]
Despite being a type of energy damage, the majority of Electrical damage-dealing abilities are classified as exotic damage. For the purposes of damage resistance/immunity, Electrical is nevertheless considered to be a form of energy damage. Sources of Electrical damage on the include:
- Bridge Officer abilities:
- Universal console abilities:
- Energy Discharge Array from the Hypercooled Technology Set, usable on Breen starships.
- Heavy Particle Focuser Array from the Husnock Warship (900), usable on the Husnock Warship and Miradorn Theta Class Heavy Raider. Part of a 2-piece set that improves its own electrical damage.
- Indoctrination Nanites from the Tal Shiar Adapted Borg Technology Set, usable on Tal Shiar starships.
- Ionized Particle Beam from the Enhanced Weapon Systems Efficiency set, usable on Mogai Heavy Warbird variants.
- Isometric Charge from the Vor'Kang Battle Cruiser / Temporal Lock Box
- Isometric Discharge Array from the Alliance Multi-Mission Systems Set, usable on Multi-Mission Explorers.
- Modulated Chromoelectric Pulse from the Law and Order set
- Mycelial Spore Burst from the Somerville Intel Science Vessel or Batlh Intel Science Vessel
- Overload Supplemental Subsystems on the Tier 6 Dreadnought Cruiser / Kolasi Siege Destroyer / Kara Advanced Warbird
- Sabotage Probe from the Dhelan Warbird Retrofit / Xindi-Amphibious Lock Box
- Sensor Burnout from the Son'a Lock Box
- Other sources:
- Drain Infection from the Science skill tree
- Catastrophic Overload, a starship trait from the D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser / Undiscovered Lock Box
- Counter-Offensive, a Strategist Specialization
- Spore-Infused Anomalies a starship trait from the Somerville Intel Science Vessel or Batlh Intel Science Vessel
NPC Users | Klingon Empire [1] | Borg [2] |
Strahlung-basierend[ | ]
- Brückenoffizier abilities:
- Universal console abilities:
- Aceton Assimilator
- Delphic Tear
- Oblivion Gateway from the Herald Tactics set
- Radiation Bombardment from the Alliance Multi-Mission Systems Set
- Soliton Wave Generator from the Exotic Particle Generators set
- Thermolytic Injector from the Son'a Technology Set
- Violent Dampening Wave from the Flagship Technologies Console Set
- Set bonuses:
- Certain abilities with the Tal Shiar Adapted Borg Technology Set 3-piece set bonus, Multi-Spectral Particle Generator
- Bio-Molecular Fluidic Space Counter Blast and Bio-Molecular Reactive Shielding System, the Fluidic Counter Assault set 3-piece and 4-piece set bonuses, respectively.
- Solar Flare Gateway, the Herald Tactics set 3-piece set bonus
- Thalaron Pulse, the Advanced Scimitar Systems set 3-piece set bonus
- Other sources:
- Using Charged Particle Burst with a Charged Particle Burst Gravimetric Scientist duty officer on active space duty.
- Collect and Consume, a starship trait from the Son'a Collector Science Dreadnought
- Deploy Consumption Array, an innate ability on the above dreadnought
- Thermolytic Absorption, a passive radiation damage aura found on Son'a Assault Fighters. [main 4]
- Gravitic Lance, an innate ability on the 26th century Temporal Heavy Dreadnoughts
- Improved Weaponized Emitters, a starship trait
- the radiation damage from Deteriorating and Inhibiting Secondary Deflectors
Referenzen[ | ]
Tabelle aller Raumschiff Waffen[ | ]
Raumschiff Energie Waffen | ||||||
Energietyp | Strahl | Kanone | ||||
Bank (Einfach) & Rundstrahl | Bank (Dual) | Geschützturm | Einfach | Dual & Quad | Dual Schwer | |
Standard Energiewaffen | ||||||
Antiprotonen | ||||||
Disruptor | ||||||
Plasma | ||||||
Polaron | ||||||
Protonen | ||||||
Tetryonen | ||||||
Kinetisch | ||||||
Hybrid Energie Waffen (zwei Standard Procs) | ||||||
Dominion Polaron | ||||||
Phasen-Polaron | ||||||
Phasen-Tetryon | ||||||
Plasma-Disruptor | ||||||
Polarisierter Disruptor | ||||||
Protonisch-Polaron | ||||||
Resonanz Tetryon | ||||||
Spiralwellen Disruptor | ||||||
Romulanisch Plasma | ||||||
Besondere Energie Waffen (nicht-standard Effekte) | ||||||
Antiproton -based |
Disruptor -based |
Phaser -based |