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Das Alte Obeliskentechnologie Raum Set bestehend aus einem Warpkern, einer Waffen und einer Konsole:

  • [Obelisken-Subraumspaltwarpkern]
  • [Uralte Weitwinkel-Strahlenbank]
  • [Konsole - Universal - Reaktivierende Antiprotonenkaskadeemitter]

Während der Obelisken-Subraumspaltwarpkern, sowie die Uralte Weitwinkel-Strahlenbank, auf jedem Schiff mit entsprechenden Slots ausgerüstet werden können, kann die Konsole - Universal - Reaktivierende Antiprotonenkaskadeemitter nur auf dem Obelisken-Träger und dem Verbesserte Obelisken-Träger verwendet werden. Sie kann in jedem Konsolen-Platz verwendet werden.



Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core icon
Very rare icon

The Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core is acquired by completing the mission “Einflusssphäre”.

Game Description[]

The Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core is a type of advanced Warp Core initially discovered on the Obelisk Carrier. It has potent Slipstream technology, creating and utilizing rifts in subspace for rapid travel with a higher degree of maneuverability than standard Slipstream drives can offer. In addition, it significantly boosts the player ship's maximum Auxiliary power output.


Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core can be upgraded using the Engineering Tech Upgrades.

Icon [Mod] Rarity Proc (final state)
Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core icon
Ultra rare icon
[Trans] Vorlage:Ultrarare 50% Reduced Cooldown on Transwarp.
Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core icon
Epic icon
[W>S] Episch 7.5% of your Weapon power to
your Shield power as bonus power.

Ancient Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array[]

Ancient Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array/Info

Ancient Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array icon
Very rare icon

The Ancient Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array is acquired by completing the mission “Einflusssphäre”.

Game Description[]

The Ancient Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array offers a 360-degree firing arc, in addition to being able to utilize the standard functions of Beam Array weapons. It can be.

Note: As of the 10/30/14 patch, this item is now known as the "Ancient Omni-Directional Beam Array Mk XII [Acc] [Arc] [Dmg]" to distinguish it from omni-directional beam arrays crafted through the Research and Development system. It can now be equipped on a ship alongside a single crafted omni-directional beam array of any energy type.


Ancient Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array can be upgraded using the Beam Weapons Tech Upgrades.

Icon [Mod] Rarity Proc (final state)
Ancient Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array icon
Ultra rare icon
[Dmg] Vorlage:Ultrarare +___ Damage.
Ancient Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array icon
Epic icon
[Ac/Dm] Episch +10% Accuracy.
+___ Damage.

Console - Universal - Reactive Antiproton Cascade Emitter[]

Console - Universal - Reactive Antiproton Cascade Emitter/Info

Console - Universal - Reactive Antiproton Cascade Emitter icon
Epic icon
Special Ability: Reactive Antiproton Cascade icon (Federation) Reactive Antiproton Cascade

The Console - Universal - Reactive Antiproton Cascade Emitter is obtained from the Advanced Obelisk Carrier (Lobi Crystal Consortium, 800 Lobi Crystal icon, Cross-Faction Tier 5).

Game Description[]

The Advanced Obelisk Carrier comes standard with a Reactive Antiproton Cascade Emitter universal console. This console has two functions. When activated, it overrides the sensors of the player's target (and enemies near the player's target), forcing them to target the player's ship for a short period of time (only applicable in PvE). During this time, the player's ship gains a large damage resistance and shield hardening increase and after a short time the player will counter enemy energy attacks with a potent defensive system that fires bursts of Antiproton energy at attacking vessels.

Set Powers[]

For each item added after the first, an additional power is available.

Set 2: Focused Antiproton Emitters

+10% Antiproton Damage

Set 3: Enhanced Carrier Synergy

Activating any Emergency Power ability causes your Hangar Pets to activate a weaker version of the same power.
Skills that affect this ability:
Science Skill 1 R1 Starship Shield Restoration
(Improves Shield Healing)


a · d · b Ausrüstungssets in Star Trek Online
Siehe auch: AusrüstungSetSchiffsset