Star Trek Online Wiki

Das Lichtbrechende Bollwerk Bodenset ist ein dreiteiliges Bodenausrüstungs Set, bestehend aus einem Personenschutzschild, Raumanzug, und Bodenwaffe, veröffentlicht mit der Legacy of Romulus-Erweiterung. Dieses Set ist erhältlich von dem Nukara-Einsatztruppe Zweig des Rufsystems.

Items welche mit dem Nukara-Einsatztruppe Rufstufen freigeschaltet werden. Kosten pro Rufitem Kosten nach Stufe 6


Elite-Personenschildmatrix der Nukara-Einsatztruppe[]

Elite-Personenschildmatrix der Nukara-Einsatztruppe/Info

Nukara Strikeforce Elite Personal Shield Matrix icon
Very rare icon

Available through the Reputation system by advancing the Nukara Strikeforce branch to Tier 1.

Game Description[]

Personal Shields protect you by absorbing most of the damage from energy-based attacks and a portion of the damage from physical attacks. Shields rapidly regenerate once they have not sustained damage for a brief period of time.

This personal shielding unit utilizes an adaptive crystalline refraction matrix to provide various energy redirection bonuses to incoming fire.


Schilde können aufgewertet durch die folgenden F&E Fachbereich Tech Upgrades: Schilde Tech Upgrades oder ausgewählten Universal Tech Updgrades. Dieser Gegenstand erhählt bei erfolgreicher Qualitätsverbesserung den folgenden Modifikator:

Extrem selten [Rev] Chance to damage the attacker when you take damage.
The stronger the attack, the more powerful the retaliation.
Episch [Cap2] Erhöht die Maximale Schildkapazität um 20%.

Nukara Strikeforce Elite Cryo Full Auto Rifle[]

Nukara Strikeforce Elite Cryo Full Auto Rifle/Info

Nukara Strikeforce Elite Cryo Full Auto Rifle icon
Very rare icon

Available through the Reputation system by advancing the Nukara Strikeforce branch to Tier 3.

Game Description[]

Full Auto Rifles have a secondary firing mode that releases a torrent of energy bolts that deal damage to several targets in front of you. This weapon's projectiles are comprised of super-compressed gasses capable of maintaining harmfully cold temperatures regardless of environmental influences.

Note: The DPS (Damage per Second) is not listed in game for this item. However, based on it's damage per volley and the rate of fire for a Full Auto Rifle, it should be approximately 105.8 DPS.


Bodenwaffen können aufgewertet durch die folgenden F&E Fachbereich Tech Upgrades: Bodenausrüstung Tech Upgrades oder ausgewählten Universal Tech Updgrades. Dieser Gegenstand erhählt bei erfolgreicher Qualitätsverbesserung den folgenden Modifikator:

Extrem selten [DoT3] 2.5% Chance: X Radiation Damage per second in a 10' radius.
Episch [Dm/CrtH] +X Schaden
+2% Kritische Trefferchance

Nukara Strikeforce Elite Environmental Suit[]

Nukara Strikeforce Elite Environmental Suit/Info

Nukara Strikeforce Elite Environmental Suit icon
Very rare icon

Available through the Reputation system by advancing the Nukara Strikeforce branch to Tier 5.

Game Description[]

The environmental suit allows you to survive in extremely hostile environments such as the vacuum of space or extremely hot or cold worlds.

This suit includes a woven layer of Tholian Silk and crystalline polymers that offers additional protection in hazardous combat environments.


At sehr selten, this EV suit has stats equivalent to an [Armored Environmental Suit] of the same mark, with the following 8 innate modifiers: [HP] [HPP] [RadTox]x2 [RegHP] [ResEn]x2 [Temp].

Körperpanzer können aufgewertet durch die folgenden F&E Fachbereich Tech Upgrades: Bodenausrüstung Tech Upgrades oder ausgewählten Universal Tech Updgrades. Dieser Gegenstand erhählt bei erfolgreicher Qualitätsverbesserung den folgenden Modifikator:

Extrem selten [Env] +X Energy, Radiation, and Toxic Damage Resistance Rating
+X Cold and Fire Damage Resistance Rating
Episch [HP/Res] +X Maximale Trefferpunkte
+X Alle Schadenswiderstandswerte

Set powers[]

For each item added after the first, an additional power is available.

Set 2: Reactive Barrier

Reduce recharge time on all secondary weapon modes by 15%

Set 3:No icon Shield Hardening Barrier

Affects Friends and Self (5 max)
4.6 meter Sphere
2 min recharge
to target: +__ Shield Regeneration over 10 sec
to target: Reduces damage to Shields by 30% for 10 seconds
to self: Grants a protective dome that repels nearby enemies (+11.9 Repel)
to self: -66% Run Speed (Sprint Disabled)


  • Prior to Season Nine: A New Accord, these items came in Mk X (Tier I), Mk XI (Tier III) and Mk XII (Tier V) versions, with stats corresponding to item's Mk level. Only the Mk XII (or MK XIII) variant can now be obtained.

a · d · b Ausrüstungssets in Star Trek Online
Siehe auch: AusrüstungSetSchiffsset