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Intelligence Starships

Erstes von der Sternenflotte und dem KVS entwickeltes Spionage-Raumschiff für den Operation: Delta Rising.

Intelligence Officer tree

Der Spionageoffizier Baum.

Spezialisiert sich darauf, Schwächen bei Feinden zu finden und unentdeckt zu bleiben, während man diesen begegnet.

Die Spionageoffizier Spezialisierung ist eine Primäre Captain Spezialisierung, sie wurde mit Delta Rising veröffentlicht. In dieser Spezialisierung ausgebildete Captains sind in der Lage, Schwachstellen ihrer Feinde zu lokalisieren und zu untergraben, während sie gleichzeitig ihre eigenen Anfälligkeiten für die Entdeckung von Feinden decken. Sie sind außerdem auf Stealth-Taktiken spezialisiert und nehmen taktische Gelegenheiten vorweg und nutzen sie.

Specialization Intelligence Officer icon
Common icon

Raumfähigkeit & Bodenfähigkeit

Während die Spezialisierung des Spionageoffiziers aktiv ist, erhöhen Sie Ihre Ausweichchance (nur Boden) und Verteidigung (nur Raum) um 5%.

Dieser Bonus erhöht sich um einen kleinen Betrag für jeden in der Spezialisierung ausgegebenen Punkt.

(Sie müssen mindestens 1 Punkt in dieser Spezialisierung ausgegeben haben, um diesen Bonus zu erhalten.)

Skalierender Bonus:

  • QueueSpace +5% Basis + 0,33% Verteidigung pro ausgegebenem Punkt (maximal 15%)
  • QueueGround +5% Basis + 0,33% Ausweichchance pro ausgegebenem Punkt (maximal 15%)

Klassen Übersicht[]

Standardmäßig verfügbar.

  Titel Details
Spec intel t1 flank protection icon Flank Protection I Ground Skill

Damage Dealt from flanking angles deals less damage than normal.

  • Incoming Flanking Damage Reduced by 10%.
Spec intel t1 flank protection2 icon Flank Protection II Ground Skill

Damage dealt from flanking angles deals less damage than normal.

  • Incoming Flanking Damage Reduced by 20%.
Spec intel t1 flank refraction icon Flank Refraction I Ground Skill

Attackers that Flank you have a chance to be Placated for a short duration.

  • When Flanked, 5% Chance: Placate Attacker for 5 sec (Max once every 30 seconds)
Spec intel t1 flank refraction2 icon Flank Refraction II Ground Skill

Attackers that Flank you have a chance to be Placated for a short duration.

  • When Flanked, 10% Chance: Placate Attacker for 5 sec (Max once every 30 seconds)
Spec intel t1 flank refraction3 icon Flank Refraction III Ground Skill

Attackers that Flank you have a chance to be Placated for a short duration.

  • When Flanked, 15% Chance: Placate Attacker for 5 sec (Max once every 30 seconds)
Spec intel t1 hide weakness icon Hide Weakness I Space Skill

When a shield facing is reduced to zero capacity, gain damage resistance along that arc facing. (Not triggered by Shields Offline)

  • When any shield facing depleted: +20 All Damage Resistance Rating for 5 sec, along the exposed arc (Max once every 30 seconds)
Spec intel t1 hide weakness2 icon Hide Weakness II Space Skill

When a shield facing is reduced to zero capacity, gain damage resistance along that arc facing. (Not triggered by Shields Offline)

  • When any shield facing depleted: +35 All Damage Resistance Rating for 5 sec, along the exposed arc (Max once every 30 seconds)
Spec intel t1 hide weakness3 icon Hide Weakness III Space Skill

When a shield facing is reduced to zero capacity, gain damage resistance along that arc facing. (Not triggered by Shields Offline)

  • When any shield facing depleted: +50 All Damage Resistance Rating for 5 sec, along the exposed arc (Max once every 30 seconds)
Spec intel t1 automated reinforcement icon Automated Reinforcement I Space Skill

When a shield facing is reduced to zero capacity, gain shield regeneration to all facings. (Not triggered by Shields Offline)

  • When any shield facing depleted: +226.2 Shield Regeneration every 1 sec for 10 sec, to all facings (Max once every 30 seconds)
Spec intel t1 automated reinforcement2 icon Automated Reinforcement II Space Skill

When a shield facing is reduced to zero capacity, gain shield regeneration to all facings. (Not triggered by Shields Offline)

  • When any shield facing depleted: +323.1 Shield Regeneration every 1 sec for 10 sec, to all facings (Max once every 30 seconds)

Schaltet nach Auswahl von 5 Fertigkeiten aus dieser Spezialisierung frei.

Laden Freischaltung:

  • 8 Punkte investiert - Schaltet frei:

Offiziertraining F&E Fachbereich Freischaltung:

  • 10 Punkte investiert - schaltet frei:
    • Fertigkeit zum Herstllen von Spionage-Spezialisierungsqualifikation für Brückenoffiziere

  Titel Details
Spec intel t2 adaptive targeting icon Adaptive Targeting I Space Skill

Important information about enemy movement patterns can be discerned even from failed weapon contact. By utilizing an adaptive targeting matrix, your starship can gain increased accuracy whenever an enemy evades your weapon fire.

  • Upon missing your target, +2.5% Accuracy for 10 sec (stacks up to 4 times)
Spec intel t2 adaptive targeting2 icon Adaptive Targeting II Space Skill

Important information about enemy movement patterns can be discerned even from failed weapon contact. By utilizing an adaptive targeting matrix, your starship can gain increased accuracy whenever an enemy evades your weapon fire.

  • Upon missing your target, +5% Accuracy for 10 sec (stacks up to 4 times)
Spec intel t2 perception bending icon Perception Bending Space Skill

Your stealth and perception values are directly increased by your current Auxiliary Power level.

  • Each point of Auxiliary Power adds to Stealth and Perception.
  • Currently: +__ Stealth while Cloaked
  • Currently: +__ Perception
Spec intel t2 redundant sensors icon Redundant Sensors I Space Skill

Automated systems can detect when your sensors have been compromised and initiate an immediate reboot. Any incoming Placate and Confuse effects may be instantly and automatically cleaned as soon as they are applied

  • When affected by Confuse or Placate, 10% chance: Removes all Placate and Confuse debuffs (Max once every 60 sec)
Spec intel t2 redundant sensors icon Redundant Sensors II Space Skill

Automated systems can detect when your sensors have been compromised and initiate an immediate reboot. Any incoming Placate and Confuse effects may be instantly and automatically cleaned as soon as they are applied

  • When affected by Confuse or Placate, 20% chance: Removes all Placate and Confuse debuffs (Max once every 60 sec)

Schaltet nach Auswahl von 10 Fertigkeiten aus dieser Spezialisierung frei.

Laden Freischaltung:

  • 13 Punkte investiert - schaltet frei:
    • Ability to purchase Ungewöhnlich Intelligence Kit Modules II from the Dilithium Store

Raumschiff Eigenschaft Freischaltung:

  • 15 Punkte investiert - schaltet frei:
    • Predictive Algorithms icon Predictive Algorithms (self-debuff and accuracy boost)

  Title Details
Spec intel t3 outmaneuver foe icon Outmaneuver Foe I Ground Skill

Increase your damage when flanking your enemy during ground combat. You also have a chance to placate any foe that you successfully flank, causing them to be unable to target you for a short duration.

  • +10% Flanking Damage with Weapons. On Flanking Weapon Hit, 10% Chance to Placate Target for 3 sec (Max once every 30 seconds)
Spec intel t3 outmaneuver foe2 icon Outmaneuver Foe II Ground Skill

Increase your damage when flanking your enemy during ground combat. You also have a chance to placate any foe that you successfully flank, causing them to be unable to target you for a short duration.

  • +20% Flanking Damage with Weapons. On Flanking Weapon Hit, 20% Chance to Placate Target for 6 sec (Max once every 30 seconds)
Spec intel t3 blind sided icon Blind Sided I Ground Skill

Attacking an enemy's undefended flanks grants you a chance to blind them completely. A blinded enemy will not be capable of seeing any friends or foes, though they can still move and act freely.

  • On Flanking Weapon Hit, 10% Chance: Blind Target (-99% Perception) for 3 sec (Max once every 30 seconds)
Spec intel t3 blind sided2 icon Blind Sided II Ground Skill

Attacking an enemy's undefended flanks grants you a chance to blind them completely. A blinded enemy will not be capable of seeing any friends or foes, though they can still move and act freely.

  • On Flanking Weapon Hit, 10% Chance: Blind Target (-99% Perception) for 6 sec (Max once every 30 seconds)
Spec intel t3 obliterate defenses icon Obliterate Defenses Ground Skill

While attacking an unaware enemy, locate the means to shut down a portion of their defensive capabilities. This effect will leave a massive resistance debuff on your foe, increasing the damage they take from all sources.

  • On Flanking Weapon Hit, 5% Chance: -50 All Damage Resistance Rating to Foe for 10 sec (Max once every 60 seconds)
Spec intel t3 space flanking icon Space Flanking I Space Skill

When firing upon the rear arc of any enemy vessel, you benefit from a small passive damage increase.

  • +5% All Damage when hitting enemy's Rear Arc (Reduced to +2.5% All Damage in PvP, stacks with Raider Flanking innate)
Spec intel t3 space flanking2 icon Space Flanking II Space Skill

When firing upon the rear arc of any enemy vessel, you benefit from a small passive damage increase.

  • +10% All Damage when hitting enemy's Rear Arc (Reduced to +5% All Damage in PvP, stacks with Raider Flanking innate)
Spec intel t3 destabilized emitters icon Destabilized Emitters Space Skill

Your projectiles gain the ability to create an opening for yourself by destabilizing the rear-facing shields of a foe.

  • When your projectiles impact an enemy's Rear Arc, 10% chance: -__ Shield Drain per sec for 10 sec
Spec intel t3 shoddy engineering icon Shoddy Engineering Space Skill

Know exactly where to strike your opponents to deal the most damage. This ability grants increased Critical Severity when striking from the rear arc.

  • +15% Critical Severity when hitting enemy's Rear Arc
Spec intel t3 unprotected systems icon Unprotected Systems Space Skill

Using precision targeting, aim your strikes at the unprotected systems of an opponent. This ability grants increased Critical Chance when striking from the rear arc.

  • +5% Critical Chance when hitting enemy's Rear Arc

Schaltet nach Auswahl von 15 Fertigkeiten aus dieser Spezialisierung frei.

Laden Freischaltung:

  • 18 Punkte investiert - schaltet frei:
    • Ability to purchase Selten Intelligence Kit Modules III from the Dilithium Store
  • 27 Punkte investiert - schaltet frei:
    • Ability to purchase sehr selten Intelligence Kit Modules IV from the Dilithium Store

Officer Training R&D School Unlock:

  • 22 Punkte investiert - schaltet frei:
    • Ability to craft Intelligence Specialization Rank III Training Manuals for Bridge Officers

Raumschiff Eigenschaft Freischaltung:

  • 30 Punkte investiert - schaltet frei:
    • Predictive Algorithms icon Improved Predictive Algorithms (self-debuff and higher accuracy boost)

  Titel Details
Spec intel t4 opportunistic icon Opportunistic Space Skill & Ground Skill

Your extensive training allows you to exploit any strategic opportunities that arise with more frequency. All of your Innate Captain ability cooldowns are reduces, in both Ground and Space combat scenarios. This bonus does not affect Kits or Bridge Officers.

  • +5% Power Recharge Speed for All Captain Abilities (Ground and Space)
Spec intel t4 intelligence fleet icon Intelligence Fleet I
Space Skill

Intelligence Fleet provides a shield and armor penetration enhancement, as well as a stealth and sensors buff, to your entire team over the duration. Intelligence Fleet may not be activated while under the effects of a teammates' Intelligence Fleet.

  • +10% Shield Penetration and Armor Penetration for 30 sec
  • +16 Starship Sensors for 30 sec
  • +16 Starship Stealth for 30 sec
Spec intel t4 intelligence fleet2 icon Intelligence Fleet II
Space Skill

Intelligence Fleet provides a shield and armor penetration enhancement, as well as a stealth and sensors buff, to your entire team over the duration. Intelligence Fleet may not be activated while under the effects of a teammates' Intelligence Fleet.

  • +15% Shield Penetration and Armor Penetration for 30 sec
  • +20 Starship Sensors for 30 sec
  • +20 Starship Stealth for 30 sec
Spec intel t4 precision offensive icon Precision Offensive I
Ground Skill

Precision Offensive coordinates the attacks of your teammates, providing them with increases to shield and armor penetration, along with advantages to their Expose mechanics. Precision Offensive bonuses do not stack with other active Precision Offensives.

  • +10% Shield Penetration and Armor Penetration for 60 sec
  • +10% Chance to Expose for 60 sec
  • +2 sec Expose Duration for 60 sec
Spec intel t4 precision offensive2 icon Precision Offensive II
Ground Skill

Precision Offensive coordinates the attacks of your teammates, providing them with increases to shield and armor penetration, along with advantages to their Expose mechanics. Precision Offensive bonuses do not stack with other active Precision Offensives.

  • +15% Shield Penetration and Armor Penetration for 60 sec
  • +20% Chance to Expose for 60 sec
  • +4 sec Expose Duration for 60 sec

Spionage Spezialisten[]

Jeder Taktik, Technik oder Wissenschaft Brückenoffizier kann in der Spionage-Spezialisierung unter Verwendung der [Spezialisierungsqualifikation - Spionage] geschult werden. Dieser Gegenstand wird für die Herstellung in der F&E-Fachbereich der Offizierstraining freigeschaltet, sobald "10 Punkte" für die Spionage-Spezialisierung ausgegeben wurden, oder kann in der Tauschbörse gekauft werden.

Gewöhnliche Spionagespezialisten-Brückenoffiziere können gegen eine geringe Dilithiumgebühr auch beim Anforderungsoffizier für Brückenoffiziere gekauft werden.

Brückenoffizier Fertigkeiten[]

Siehe Hauptartikel: Brückenoffizier und Kit Fertigkeiten -> Spionage Fertigkeiten

Die Fertigkeiten der Spionage-Spezialisten zielen thematisch darauf ab, die Wirksamkeit der Feinde zu untergraben. Der Einsatz von Tarn- und Kontrollfertigkeiten in Verbindung mit einigen anderen riskanten und erfinderischen Manövern verleiht dieser Spezialisierung ein einzigartiges Gefühl, das die bestehenden Berufe ergänzt.


Electromagnetic Pulse Probe icon (Federation) EMP-Sonde
This slow-moving probe will travel toward target’s current location. The probe emits a debilitating field as it moves, periodically disabling any foes it comes in contact with. Upon reaching its destination, it will explode in a shockwave of electromagnetic energy, damaging and disabling nearby foes.

Energy Weapons - Surgical Strikes icon (Federation) Energiewaffen: Präzisionsschläge
Activating this ability will cause beam and cannon weapons to fire more accurately for the duration of the buff, benefit from increased Accuracy and Critical Hit Chance. However, they will also fire more slowly while this is in effect.

Evade Target Lock icon (Federation) Anvisierung vermeiden
The targeted enemy ship will have its accuracy drastically reduced against the user. Additionally, using this ability will make your ship an invalid target for all nearby mines and targetable torpedoes.

Intelligence Team icon (Federation) Spionageteam
Intelligence Team grants the allied target a short duration Cloak, while simultaneously reducing the amount of threat the target generates against all nearby enemies. It will also remove the "Expose Vulnerability" debuffs that can be inflicted by enemy Intelligence starships.

Ionic Turbulence icon (Federation) Ionic Turbulence
Create a hazardous cloud at the targeted location. Foes caught in this hazard will have their damage resistance reduced, as well as their movement capabilities. Lingering in the cloud has a chance to cause affected ships to briefly spin out of control.

Kinetic Magnet icon (Federation) Kinetischer Magnet
Resonate the enemy’s hull, causing them to take greater damage from all kinetic sources. This resonance will also draw in all nearby mines and targetable torpedoes, regardless of their allegiance.

Override Subsystem Safeties icon (Federation) Subsystemsicherungen überbrücken
Temporarily increase the maximum power thresholds on all subsystems. The bonuses gained by this ability fade quickly over the duration. Once the effect ends, a random subsystem will be shut down for a short duration. Higher ranks of this ability will reduce the offline time.

Subnucleonic Carrier Wave icon (Federation) Subnukleonische Trägerwelle
This ability is capable of removing beneficial effects from nearby foes and playing havoc with their ability cooldowns. The effects of this power are far weaker than those of Subnucleonic Beam, but it is capable of affecting up to 5 nearby foes simultaneously.

Torpedo - Transport Warhead icon (Federation) Torpedo: Transportsprengkopf
Upgrades next torpedo attack, and beams a warhead directly to the command decks of the targeted foe. After a short fuse timer, the explosion will occur, completely bypassing shields and granting a small chance for a random subsystem to go offline.

Viral Impulse Burst icon (Federation) Viraler Impulsschub
Multiple nearby foes will receive a speed increase, but their turn rate and throttle controls will be disabled. The culmination of these effects is that foes will end up "running away", giving them an opportunity to regroup.

Subspace Beacon icon (Federation) Subraumbake
Place a beacon at current location. As long as you remain within a limited distance of this beacon, you may trigger the ability a second time to instantly jump to its location. Activating a jump, or moving more than the maximum distance away, will cause the beacon to expire. Although the beacon is destructible, it has a high stealth value.


Feign Disintegration icon (Federation) Desintegration vortäuschen
Convince the enemy of your untimely demise by simulating the effects of a being vaporized by incoming fire, similar to the technique employed by Section 31 operative Luther Sloan (DS9 7x16). Masked by this ruse, you will gain an impenetrable short-duration Stealth, increased speed, and an Ambush bonus.

No icon Frictionless Particle Grenade
Lob an explosive that will cover the area in an extremely slippery substance. Enemies hit by the substance will have their damage resistance debuffed, and any foes entering the area have a periodic chance to be knocked prone.

No icon Harmlos
The targeted foe is no longer able to target you for a decent duration. While in effect, the user also generates no threat toward the foe (if an NPC).

No icon Chaos provozieren
By scrambling the target’s neurological inputs, you can force them to fire upon their allies. Any allies they strike will subsequently become confused, thus spreading the chaos.

No icon Neurolytische Injektion
This volatile chemical compound must be injected from melee range, and will completely incapacitate any foe for a short duration. When they emerge from their stupor they will remain confused for some time after. These effects are enhanced if applied from a Flanking position.

No icon Photonisches Trugbild
Spawn a duplicate in a flanking position near your foe. Nearby NPCs will be taunted into attacking this new target.

No icon Resonanter Tachyonenstrom
A tachyon carrier beam allows the shield capacity of the targeted enemy to be stolen and applied to your own defenses.

No icon Ort-zu-Ort-Fixieren
Fire a long-distance tagger that will then initiate a site-to-site transport, bringing your foe to your location. Because of the sudden unexpected transport, they will be disoriented for a very short duration, but damaging them may break this effect.

No icon Schallunterdrückungsfeld
You are able to muffle the sounds generated by your actions, causing you to appear less threatening to nearby combatants to the point that they may ignore you entirely. While active, you will also deal additional damage to enemies you are Flanking.

No icon Subraum-Anesthezinmine
Deploy a stealth mine near your current location, nearly imperceptible to foes. If triggered, it will release a cloud of anesthizine gas, slowing and reducing the damage output of any nearby foes. Those unfortunate enough to be caught in the cloud also have a chance of being thrown into a coughing fit, unable to act or move.

No icon Stolperdrahtdrohne
A small drone is deployed toward the targeted foe’s location, whipping out with energy tendrils in all directions as it moves. These have a chance to trip and ensnare any foes they encounter. Upon reaching its destination, or maximum distance, the drone will explode and deal additional kinetic damage.


Die folgenden spielbaren Raumschiffe können als Spionage-Raumschiffe klassifiziert werden:

Aktive Sensorenarrays[]

Alle Spionageschiffe sind in der Lage eine Spionage-Sensordrohne mit der "Informationen sammeln"-Fertigkeit zu starten.

  • Gather Intel icon (Federation) Informationen sammeln

Spionage-Raumschiffe können eine Sensordrohne einsetzen, um Informationen über den Zielfeind zu sammeln.

Nach dem Einsatz scannt diese Sensordrohne Ihr Ziel, bis Sie es deaktivieren oder das Ziel zerstört wird. Das Ziel Ihrer Informationen sammeln-Fertigkeit erhält regelmäßig einen Durchdringen Scan-Debuff, der gestapelt werden kann. Sobald genügend durchdringende Scans auf Ihrem Ziel gestapelt sind, werden sie für kurze Zeit Verwundbar.

Während das Ziel Verwundbar ist, können Spionage-Schiffe eine der drei Exponierenden Verwundbarkeit-Fertigkeiten für dieses Ziel verwenden:

  • Expose Vulnerability - Defenses icon (Federation) Schwäche exponieren: Verteidigung
  • Expose Vulnerability - Weapon Systems icon (Federation) Schwäche exponieren: Waffensysteme
  • Expose Vulnerability - Critical Systems icon (Federation) Schwäche exponieren: Kritische Systeme

Diese mächtigen Fertigkeiten finden eine kritische Schwäche im Zielraumschiff und ermöglichen es Ihnen und Ihren Teamkollegen, diese kurz auszunutzen. Dies geschieht in Form eines lähmenden Debuff- oder Kontrolleffekts. Nachdem ein Ziel von einem Verwundbar exponieren-Effekt betroffen ist, gleicht der betroffene Feind seine entdeckte Schwäche schnell aus und wird so für kurze Zeit immun gegen Durchdringende Scan-Debuffs.

Alle Spionageschiffe erscheinen auch mit einer eingebauten Warpsignatur-Verschleierung welche einen Tarnungsbonus bereitstellt, und macht sie aus großer Entfernung nicht auffindbar.


Alle Spionage-Raumschiffe, mit Ausnahme des Son'a-Spionage-Schlachtkreuzer, verfügen über eine Art Tarngerät.

Sternenflotte und Cardassianer Schiffe erscheinen mit der Standard Tarnung. Klingonen Qib Spionage-Schlachtkreuzer und Romulanische T'laru-Spionage-Trägerwarbird haben eine eingebaute Kampftarnung, während der Faeht Spionage-Warbird über eine Verbesserte Kampftarnung verfügt.

Hybrid Sitzplätze[]

Alle Spionage-Raumschiffe unterstützen einen Commander Spionageoffizier Brückenoffizier-Platz. Einige dieser Schiffe unterstützen einen weiteren Spionage-BOff-Sitzplatz mit niedrigerem Rang.

Andere spielbare Schiffe mit Spionage BOff Sitzpläten[]

Siehe Hauptartikel: Liste der Raumschiffe mit Spionage-Sitzplätze

Eine große Anzajl der spielbaren Klasse-6 Raumschiffe erscheinen entweder mit einem Kadett, Lieutenant oder Lieutenant Commander Spionageoffizier BOff Sitzplatz. Diesen Schiffen fehlen jedoch die eingebauten aktiven Sensorarrays und sie werden daher nicht als "Spionage-Raumschiffe" angesehen.

Captain Spezialisierungen
Primär & Sekundär Sekundär
FührungsoffizierPilotSpionageoffizierWundertäterZeitagent ConstableKommandoStratege