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Dom Ship VanguardCarrier

Ein Jem'Hadar Vanguard-Träger.

Träger sind eine Art von spielbaren Raumschiffen. Sie gehören zu den größten Schiffen der Flotten der Sternenflotte und der KVS und sind aufgrund ihrer massiven Größe auch die langsamsten und am wenigsten manövrierfähigen. Diese Schwäche wird jedoch durch die Fertigkeit der Schiffe ausgeglichen, Hangarschiffe und andere kleine Fahrzeuge zu starten, um sie im Kampf zu unterstützen. Zum Beispiel: Ein Vo'Quv-Träger kann Trägerbegleitung, solche wie B'Rel-Bird-of-Prey oder To'Duj-Jäger starten, um Feuer auf sie zu ziehen oder ein Ziel anzugreifen, oder es kann Debuff-Begleiter wie Energiesiphon-Drohnen oder Tachyon-Drohnen starten, die automatisch ihren Gegner schwächen.

Alle Träger haben zwei Hangardecks und können somit Trägerbefehle verwenden um ihre Hangarschiffe zu steuern. Die Anzahl der Waffen- und Geräteplätze variiert je nach Schiff, sie können alle Dualkanonen ausrüsten.

Konsolen haben keinen Effekt auf Begleiter, solange dies nicht ausdrücklich in ihrer Schnellinfo angegeben wird, jedoch zielen angewandte Buffs wie Angriffsmuster Beta und Auf mein Zeichen feuern auch auf Begleiter. Flugdeck-Dienstoffiziere haben auch verschiedene Effekte die Trägerbegleiter modifizieren basierend auf dem aktuellen Trägerbefehl solche wie Rückruf-Modus, Intercept Mode, und Eskortmodus.


Standardträger verfügen über eingebaute Subsysteme anvisieren-Fertigkeiten. Bewegen Sie die Maus über die Symbole in der Spalte "Brückenoffizier" der Tabelle, um die Rang und Beruf der Brückenoffiziere für jedes Schiff anzuzeigen.


Dreadnought-Träger haben einen Commander Taktik-Brückenoffizier-Platz, 7 Waffenplätze und 3 Plätze für Geräte.

Schiff Rang Klasse Hülle  Hülle Modifikator  Schild Modifikator  Fore weapons Aft weapons Kann Dual-Kanonen ausrüsten? Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Ship Devices Hangardeck Plätze Uni BOffs Wenderate Impuls Modifikator BW Kosten
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Xindi-Aquarianer-Narcine-Dreadnought-Träger 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
5 40500 1.35 1.15 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 [[File:{{{unikonsole}}} icon.png|16px|link={{{unikonsole}}}]] Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal 9 0.19 9 {{{kosten}}} {{Vorlage:}}
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Fek'Ihri-Fe'rang-Dreadnought-Träger 1
Rank background icon
6 48300 1.4 1.05 4 3 5 4 2 3 2 Console - Universal - Open the Maw of Grethor icon Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Commander Wissenschaft / WundertäterLieutenant Universal 5 0.14 5 20 Ereignis-Fortschritt


Technikträger haben einen Commander Technik Brückenoffizier-Platz und generell 6 Waffenplätze sowie 4 Geräte-Plätze.

Schiff Rang Klasse Hülle  Hülle Modifikator  Schild Modifikator  Fore weapons Aft weapons Kann Dual-Kanonen ausrüsten? Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Ship Devices Hangardeck Plätze Uni BOffs Wenderate Impuls Modifikator BW Kosten
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Obelisken-Träger 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
5 43500 1.45 1 3 3 2 4 3 4 2 [[File:{{{unikonsole}}} icon.png|16px|link={{{unikonsole}}}]] Lieutenant TaktikCommander TechnikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftFähnrich Universal 5 0.15 5 20.000 Flottencredits • 2 Fleet Ship Module icon


Forschungsträger haben einen Commander Wissenschaft-Brückenoffizier-Platz und generell 6 Waffenplätze sowie 4 Plätze für Geräte, obwohl diejenigen mit 4 vorderen Schiffswaffen bisher nur 3 Geräteplätze haben.

Schiff Rang Klasse Hülle  Hülle Modifikator  Schild Modifikator  Fore weapons Aft weapons Kann Dual-Kanonen ausrüsten? Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Ship Devices Hangardeck Plätze Uni BOffs Wenderate Impuls Modifikator BW Kosten



Flugdeckträger haben einen Commander-Technik-Brückenoffizier-Platz, 8 Waffenplätze und 4 Geräte-Plätze. Sie sind Kreuzer-Träger-Hybride mit Zugriff auf zwei Kreuzerbefehle (Schildfrequenzmodulation und Feuer anziehen) anstelle von Subsysteme anvisieren-Fertigkeiten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Seite Flugdeckträger.

Schiff Rang Klasse Hülle  Hülle Modifikator  Schild Modifikator  Fore weapons Aft weapons Kann Dual-Kanonen ausrüsten? Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Ship Devices Hangardeck Plätze Uni BOffs Wenderate Impuls Modifikator BW Kosten
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Herold-Quas-Flugdeckträger 1
Rank background icon
6 45713 1.325 1.3 4 4 3 5 3 4 2 Console - Universal - Energy Gateway Controller icon Lieutenant Commander TaktikCommander TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / FührungsoffizierLieutenant Commander Universal / SpionageoffizierFähnrich Universal 8 0.15 8 Verschlusskiste

Schwere Dreadnought-Kreuzer[]

Like Flight Deck Carriers, Heavy Dreadnought Cruisers have a Commander Engineering bridge officer slot, 8 weapon slots and lack Subsystem Targeting abilities, though they only have 3 device slots. The Universe and Durgath classes have access to two cruiser commands (Weapon System Efficiency and Strategic Maneuvering) in exchange, though the Valkis class does not.

Schiff Rang Klasse Hülle  Hülle Modifikator  Schild Modifikator  Fore weapons Aft weapons Kann Dual-Kanonen ausrüsten? Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Ship Devices Hangardeck Plätze Uni BOffs Wenderate Impuls Modifikator BW Kosten

Einzel-Hangar Raumschiffe[]

Dieser Seite befasst sich mit spielbaren Raumschiffen mit zwei Hangardecks, aber eine Vielzahl von Raumschiffen im Spiel verfügt nur über eine einzige Hangardeck, von der aus Sie Hangarschiffe starten können, und dieselben Trägerbefehle, um sie zu verwalten. Für Informationen zu diesen Schiffen, schauen bitte die 1 Hangardeck-Kategorie oder besuche ihre entsprechenden Seiten:

  • Dreadnought-Kreuzer
  • Dreadnought-Warbird
  • Aufklärungs-Warbird
  • Flugdeck-Raptor
  • Mehrzweck-Forschungsschiff
  • Forschungsdreadnought
  • Siege Destroyer
  • Angriffsgeschwader-Eskortschiff
  • Taktischer Träger-Warbird


Klingonische Träger[]

Siehe auch Orioner Flugdeck-Kreuzer für weitere KVS-spielbare Träger.


VoQuv Carrier Flying


The recently built Vo'Quv Carrier is the pride of the Klingon Defense Force. This gigantic ship spans nearly 1,300 meters in length which is over 5 times the length of an average Klingon Bird-of-Prey. Unlike most other Klingon vessels the Klingon Carrier does not have any cloaking technology so it cannot hide itself in or out of combat however doesn't require it as much as vessels like Raptors due to its sheer power and strength. The Vo'Quv Carrier has set the standard for all currently existing Carriers in the game, and is often referred to as the original Carrier in Star Trek Online.

Vo'Quv-Träger des Spiegeluniversums[]



The Mirror Vo'Quv Carrier is very similar is design to the Prime Universe Vo'Quv, with the main differences aesthetically being simply hull textures. Systems-wise, the Mirror Vo'Quv exchanges a Lieutenant Science Bridge Officer station with a Lieutenant Engineering Bridge Officer station, as well as exchanging a Science console slot with an Engineering one. Both of these changes make the Mirror Vo'Quv slightly tougher than the Prime-counterpart, but not as capable as a support Carrier.

Kar'Fi Schlachtträger[]

Klingon Kar'Fi Battle Carrier

Kar'Fi class

The Kar'Fi class takes many of the Fek'Ihri stylings, and as such doesn't look much like the normal Klingon designs. This class unlike the others were captured by the Klingon Defense Force during the conflict with the Feh'Ihri Horde. This Carrier is much more tactically biased than the Vo'Quv and, as a result, is often utilised as a support-damage Carrier, moreso than the Vo'Quv.

Fleet Kar'Fi Battle Carrier[]

Klingon Kar'Fi Battle Carrier

Kar'Fi class

The Kar'Fi class takes many of the Fek'Ihri stylings, and as such doesn't look much like the normal Klingon designs. This class unlike the others were captured by the Klingon Defense Force during the conflict with the Feh'Ihri Horde. This Carrier is much more tactically biased than the Vo'Quv and, as a result, is often utilised as a support-damage Carrier, moreso than the Vo'Quv. The Fleet Kar'Fi features an additional Tactical Console slot and stronger overall shields and hull strength.

Flotte: Vo'Quv-Träger[]

VoQuv Carrier Flying


The recently built Vo'Quv Carrier is the pride of the Klingon Defense Force. This gigantic ship spans nearly 1,300 meters in length which is over 5 times the length of an average Klingon Bird-of-Prey. Unlike most other Klingon vessels the Klingon Carrier does not have any cloaking technology so it cannot hide itself in or out of combat however doesn't require it as much as vessels like Raptors due to its sheer power and strength. The Fleet Vo'Quv Carrier gains an additional Engineering console slot and additional strength to Hull and Shields.

Föderation Träger und Dreadnoughts[]


Galaxy Dreadnought

Galaxy-class (refit)

The Galaxy class was refitted at the turn of the 25th century, after the collapse of the Khitomer Accords in 2399. In response to increased hostility with the Klingons, the newly redesigned ship carries a cloaking device and a devastating spinal lance weapon. The Dreadnought carries a single hanger bay.

Caitianer Atrox-Träger[]


Atrox class

A true carrier, the Atrox class has been updated by the Caitians and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers with modifications that give it some of the abilities of a science vessel, including subsystem targeting and bonuses to Shield and Auxiliary power. These abilities allow the Atrox to support its fighters as well as other ships in its fleet.

Flotte: Dreadnought-Kreuzer[]

Galaxy Dreadnought

Galaxy-class (refit)

The Galaxy class was refitted at the turn of the 25th century, after the collapse of the Khitomer Accords in 2399. In response to increased hostility with the Klingons, the newly redesigned ship carries a cloaking device and a devastating spinal lance weapon. The Dreadnought carries a single hanger bay. The Fleet version adds a fourth Tactical console slot as well as increased hull and shield points.

Flotte: Caitianer Atrox-Träger[]


Atrox class

A true carrier, the Atrox class has been updated by the Caitians and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers with modifications that give it some of the abilities of a science vessel, including subsystem targeting and bonuses to Shield and Auxiliary power. These abilities allow the Atrox to support its fighters as well as other ships in its fleet. The Fleet Atrox features an additional Engineering console slot an better overall hull and shield strength.

Romulanische Republik Träger[]

See also the single-hangar Dreadnought-Warbirds and Taktischer Träger-Warbird.

T'laru-Klasse Spionage-Träger-Warbird[]

Amongst the tech recovered from the Kelvin Timeline during the Temporal Cold War was the Romulan T'laru-class Intel Carrier Warbird (T6). A versatile Warbird designed to serve as a Space Control ship, the vessel carries a compliment of Scorpion Fighters and an array of tactical defense systems including a potent ‘mining drill’ beam weapon which gives the T’laru-class a heavy punch in battle.

This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a very drop from the [Kelvin Timeline Lock Box] or the [Infinity Lock Box] and comes with the following:

Ship Variant - ROM - T'laru Intel Carrier Warbird (T6)

SKIN VARIANT: T'laru-class

  • Scaling Starship
  • Mining Drill Laser Emitter universal console
  • Highly Specialized starship trait
  • Commander Science/Intelligence and Lieutenant Engineering/Temporal Operative bridge officer seating
  • built-in Active Sensor Arrays
  • 2 Hangar Bay slots (equipped with Kelvin Timeline Scorpion Fighters)
  • T'laru ship costume variant
  • Romulan Type K, Type 3 and Type 4 ship materials

Schwerer Dreadnought-Kreuzer der Valkis-Klasse[]

The largest Romulan capital ship ever built, the Valkis-class Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird (T6) was a crucial element in the timeline that led to the 26th century Alliance victory at the Battle of Procyon V. A colossal starship designed to function as both mobile starbase and a forward battle station, this ponderous behemoth is very slow to maneuver, but offers tremendous firepower, unparalleled durability and the capability to launch combat support vessels.

This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a very rare drop from the [Promotion! - Research & Development Pack] and comes with the following:

Ship Variant - ROM - Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird (T6)

SKIN VARIANT: Valkis-class

  • Scaling Starship
  • Energy Distributor Accelerator universal console
  • Repair Mode starship trait
  • Commander Engineering/Temporal Operative and Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command bridge officer seating
  • built-in Molecular Reconstruction
  • built-in Energy Distributor and Gravitic Lance
  • 2 Hangar Bay slots (equipped with Craeul Frigates)
  • Valkis ship costume variant
  • Romulan Type 3, Type 4 and Type 5 ship materials

Dominion Träger[]

See also the single-carrier Jem'Hadar Heavy Strike Wing Escort and Jem'Hadar Vanguard Dreadnought Cruiser.

Jem'Hadar Dreadnought-Träger[]

The massive Jem'Hadar Dreadnought-Träger (K5) is one of the most powerful ships ever created by the Dominion. More than twice the mass of a Federation Galaxy-class starship, the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier was first seen in the Alpha Quadrant by the crew of the U.S.S. Valiant in 2374. Later in the war, Dreadnought Carriers were used to destroy outposts and provide heavy support during the Battle of Cardassia.

This ship is available to players of all factions from the Cryptic store as part of the Gamma Vanguard Pack for 13,000 Zen small icon and comes with the following:

Ship Variant - ALL - Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier (T5)

SKIN VARIANT: Dreadnought Carrier-type (Tier 5)

Ship Variant - ALL - Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier (T6)

SKIN VARIANT: Dreadnought Carrier-type (Tier 6)

  • Dominion Command Interface universal console
  • 2 Hangar Bay slots (equipped with Jem'Hadar Fighters)
  • built-in Subsystem Targeting
  • Dreadnought Carrier (T5) ship costume variant

The Jem'Hadar Dreadnought-Träger (K6) is an upgrade to the massive, powerful warship seen during the Dominion War.

This ship is available to players as a rare drop from the [Infinity Lock Box] and comes with the following:

  • Enhanced Dominion Command Interface universal console
  • Dominion Coordination starship trait
  • Lieutenant Commander Engineering/Command and Lieutenant Engineering/Intelligence bridge officer seating
  • 2 Hangar Bay slots (equipped with Jem'Hadar Fighters)
  • built-in Subsystem Targeting
  • Dreadnought Carrier (T6) ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DREADNOUGHT CARRIER VARIANTS)

Jem'Hadar Vanguard-Träger[]

Ship Variant - DOM - Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier (T6)

SKIN VARIANT: Carrier type

Vanguard Wingmen

Vanguard starships are accompanied by two supporting Jem'Hadar Vanguard Heavy Raiders.

The Vanguard Fleet is a personal detachment of Dominion starships and soldiers that accompany the changeling known as Odo. As one of the few Founders with an affinity for life as a solid, he has been placed in command of this fleet in an effort to combat the re-emerging Hur'q threat.

Vanguard Starships are accompanied by two loyal Jem'Hadar Vanguard Wingmen. These expert pilots fly their own Jem’Hadar Vanguard Heavy Raiders and their extensive experience in team-based tactics allow them to execute powerful maneuvers which can assist the player in battle.

The Jem'Hadar Vanguard-Träger (K6) was designed to support Ambassador Odo's Fleet. This enormous vessel acts as a mobile assault base for the launch and repair of other vessels, while also providing support and tactical superiority. It also comes with the following:

  • Linked Command Matrix universal console
  • Dampen Energy Signatures starship trait
  • Lieutenant Commander Science/Intelligence bridge officer seating
  • built-in Subsystem Targeting
  • 2 Hangar Bay slots (equipped with Jem'Hadar Vanguard Gunboats)
  • Carrier ship costume variant

Fraktionsübergreifende Träger[]

Tholian Recluse Carrier[]


Recluse class

Recent conflicts with the Tholian Assembly have resulted in a handful of captured Tholian vessels. Tholian technology is very different from other Alpha Quadrant powers, and these vessels are prized as opportunities for study as well as new combat vessels. The Recluse Carrier is an example of high-survivability and high-versitility on any single Carrier. Its ability to survive extended situations make this one of the toughest vessels to take down.



Obelisk class

This strange and powerful ship is from an ancient culture that has had limited contact with the Alpha Quadrant. Although the ship is not Elachi in design, it shares enough similarities with their technology to have a common origin and is believed to be a ship designed for the service of the Iconians (whether it be directly or indirectly an Iconian ship is unknown). A single Obelisk Carrier was stolen and its designs and specifications has since been copied and distributed throughout the Alpha Quadrant.

Verbesserter Obelisken-Träger[]


Obelisk class

This strange and powerful ship is from an ancient culture that has had limited contact with the Alpha Quadrant. Although the ship is not Elachi in design, it shares enough similarities with their technology to have a common origin and is believed to be a ship designed for the service of the Iconians (whether it be directly or indirectly an Iconian ship is unknown). A single Obelisk Carrier was stolen and its designs and specifications has since been copied and distributed throughout the Alpha Quadrant. The Advanced Obelisk Carrier is an upgraded version of the standard Obelisk, featuring an additional Engineering console and better overall hull strength and shields. Currently, the Advanced Obelisk Carrier has the highest base hull of any playable ship in the game.

Voth Bollwerk-Dreadnought-Kreuzer[]


Bulwark class

Bearing a distinctly different design from its sister Cruiser, the Voth Bastion Flight-Deck Cruiser, the Bulwark Dreadnought Cruiser almost looks like a giant-size version of the Voth Heavy Fighter. Viewed from above, the Bulwark bears some similarities to the Bastion, notably the numerous weapon hardpoints and glowing green highlights on the hull. Seen in profile, the ship looks almost organic, bearing more resemblance to an Undine ship than a Voth one. The Dreadnought Cruiser carries only a single hanger bay slot.


Externer Link[]

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Faction TOS StarfleetFaction Federation Föderation: (Vollständige & Detailierte Liste)  
Faction Klingon Klingonisches Reich: (Vollständige & detailierte Liste)  
Faction Romulan Republic Romulanische Republik: (Vollständige & Detailierte Liste)  
Faction FedRomKDF Fraktionsübergreifend:  