Warbirds sind ein Typ von spielbare romulanische Raumschiffe. Ihr Aussehen und ihre Funktionalität variieren beträchtlich zwischen verschiedenen Klassen, aber ihre definierende Eigenschaft ist ihre Fähigkeit, Singularitätskerne zu verwenden, die ihnen besondere Fertigkeiten verleihen. Darüber hinaus sind sie alle mit romulanischer Kampftarnung ausgestattet. Spieler aller Fraktionen können sie fliegen.
Übersicht[ | ]
Das Romulanische Sternenimperium war lange Zeit eine der dominierenden Mächte im Alpha-Quadranten. Mit beispielloser Tarn-Technologie, leistungsstarken Plasma- und Disruptor-Waffen und dem Einfallsreichtum, schnell Gegenmaßnahmen für die Taktik anderer Fraktionen zu entwickeln, waren die Romulaner seit den 2150er Jahren eine Schlüsselkraft in vielen Konflikten.
Warbirds - das kultigste romulanische Schiff - bilden seit Jahrhunderten das Rückgrat des romulanischen Militärs. Mit der Zerstörung von Romulus wurden diese Warbirds zu einem dauerhaften Symbol für die Stärke des einst mächtigen Imperiums - und zu einer neuen Heimat für einige der vielen Flüchtlinge, die nach der Zerstörung ihres Planeten leben.
Die romulanischen Warbirds konzentrieren sich auf den taktischen Einsatz starker Fähigkeiten, die sich aus der fortschrittlichen romulanischen Technologie ergeben. Sie sind so konstruiert, dass sie wie die Romulaner selbst kämpfen - mit einem hohen Risiko und einem hohen Belohnungsstil.
Romulaner beherrschen die Tarn-Technologie, und alle Warbirds sind mit einem Kampftarnung ausgestattet. Zusätzlich verbessern romulanische und remanische Rassenmerkmale auch die Tarnfähigkeiten des Schiffes:
- Subterfuge (verfügbar auf Romulanischen und Remanischen Brückenoffizieren)
- (Verbessert die Leistung von Tarnvorrichtungen und erhöht den Schaden, den Schiffe nach dem Absenken ihres Umhangs verursachen)
- (Verringert die Ladezeit von Tarngeräten)
- (Verbessert die Leistung von Tarnvorrichtungen, erhöht die Schiffsverteidigung sowie die Dauer der Erhöhung des Hinterhaltschadens nach dem Enttarnen)
Einige romulanische Warbirds, wie Leichter T'varo-Warbird - Nachrüstung (K5), Temporaler T'liss-Warbird (K6) und Faeht Spionage-Warbird (K6) mit eingebautem Verbesserte Kampftarnung, mit dem sie Torpedos abfeuern und Minen abfeuern können, während sie sich in Tarnung befinden.
Ähnlich wie die klingonischen Raumschiffe können alle Warbirds Dualkanonen ausrüsten.
Im Gegensatz zu Schiffen der Föderation und der Klingonischen Verteidigungsstreitmacht werden romulanische Warbrirds von einem einzigartigen Singularitätskern angetrieben. Der Singularitätskern kann Kraft aufbauen, während das romulanische Schiff kämpft, und diese Kraft dann nutzen, um einen von mehreren verheerenden Effekten auf dem Schlachtfeld hervorzurufen. Als zusätzliche Folge ihres einzigartigen Warpkerns verursachen Warbirds eine tödliche Singularitäts-Implosion, wenn sie zerstört werden.
Tabelle aller Warbirds[ | ]
Um zu sehen, welchen Rang und Karriere der Brückenoffiziere Sie mit der Maus über die Symbole in der Spalte Brückenoffizier der Tabelle fahren können. Die Werte in der Schildspalte geben die Kapazität des Schildes an, mit dem das Schiff standardmäßig ausgerüstet ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Schilde-Guide.
Schiff | Rang | Klasse | Hülle | Uni | BOffs | BW | Kosten | |||||||||||||
Taktischer Pilotenwarbird - Okhala-Klasse | 6 | 33465 | 0.97 | 0.97 | 5 | 2 | ✓ | 5 | 3 | 3 | 2 | {{{hangardecks}}} | 20 | 0.24 | 20 | 3.000 |
Warbirds[ | ]
Dieser Abschnitt behandelt taktisch ausgerichtete Warbirds, die den Offizierssitz Commander Taktik Brücke und den Slot Experimentelle Waffe besitzen, einschließlich Warbird-Zerstörer und Taktischer Träger-Warbirds.
Schiff | Rang | Klasse | Hülle | Uni | BOffs | BW | Kosten | |||||||||||||
Taktischer Pilotenwarbird - Okhala-Klasse | 6 | 33465 | 0.97 | 0.97 | 5 | 2 | ✓ | 5 | 3 | 3 | 2 | {{{hangardecks}}} | 20 | 0.24 | 20 | 3.000 | ||||
Husnock-Kriegsschiff | 6 | 43988 | 1.275 | 11 | 5 | 3 | ✓ | 5 | 4 | 2 | 3 | {{{hangardecks}}} | 12 | 19 | 12 | 900 |
Leichter Warbird[ | ]
Wie man Ihn in Star Trek: The Original Series und Star Trek: Enterprise zu sehen bekommt.
Der Leichter Warbird der T'liss-Klasse (K1) ist das anfängliche Schiff für Spieler der Romulanischen Republik. Das Schiff hat ein relativ einfaches Design und unterstützt ein einzigartiges Farbschema, dass einen Bird-of-Prey auf der Unterseite abbildet.
Dieses Schiff steht Spielern der Romulanischen Republik vom Raumschiff-Anforderungsoffizier für 5.000 zur Verfügung und enthält Folgendes:
- T'liss-Schiff Kleidungsvariante
Der Leichter Warbird der T'varo-Klasse (K1) ist eine T'liss-Klasse Nachrüstung basiernd auf einem Design das von dem Romulanischen Sternenimperium im 22sten Jahrhundet verwendet wird.
Dieses Schiff ist für Spieler der Romulanischen Republik im Zen Store für 500 erhältlich und enthält Folgendes:
- Singularitätsstabilisierer Universalkonsole
Die T'varo-Klasse Leichter Warbird Nachrüstung (K5)i st eine weiter verbesserte Variante, die für die Vizeadmiräle der Republik bestimmt ist. Es ist eines der schnellsten und wendigsten romulanischen Schiffe dieser Stufe. Es ist taktisch orientiert, aber äußerst flexibel, um alle Berufsgruppen abzudecken.
Dieses Schiff ist für 2.000 für Spieler der Romulanischen Republik im Zen Store erhältlich und enthält Folgendes:
- Plasmadestabilisierer Universalkonsole
- Eingebaute Verbesserte Kampftarnung
- ein Experimentelle Waffe Platz
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Der Flotte T'varo-Klasse Leichter Warbird Nachrüstung (K5) ist eine verbesserte Variante erhältlich von der Flotte des Spielers. Das Schiff lacks the Universal Console, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulanische Flotte 1 Schiffsmaterial (UNLOCKS FOR ALL LIGHT WARBIRDS)
The Mirror Universe T'varo-class Light Warbird Retrofit (T5) is a Mirror universe Light Warbird variant. The ship has a slightly different bridge officer station layout when compared to to the Prime universe Retrofit counterpart - instead of Lt. Cmdr Universal and Ensign Tactical, it comes with Lt. Cmdr Tactical and Ensign Engineering.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a rare drop from the [Xindi-Amphibious Lock Box] or the [Infinity Lock Box] and comes with the following:
- an Experimental Weapon slot
- Mirror ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL LIGHT WARBIRDS)
The Malem-class Light Warbird (T6) has been built by the Mol'Rihan Shipyards in the middle of the Iconian War. Based on the original designs for the 22nd century T'varo-class, the Malem-class has been adapted to better combat the Republic's current enemies.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 and comes with the following:
- Skalierendes Raumschiff
- Plasma Warhead Module universal console
- Withering Barrage starship trait
- Lieutenant Commander Universal-Pilot bridge officer seating
- built-in Enhanced Battle Cloak
- an Experimental Weapon slot
- Malem ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL LIGHT WARBIRDS)
- Romulan Type 3 and Type 4 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL LIGHT WARBIRDS)
The Fleet T'varo-class Light Warbird (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL LIGHT WARBIRDS)
The T'liss-class Temporal Warbird (T6) is outfitted with a wide range of Temporal Operative abilities and the powerful Molecular Reconstruction, making it a perfect choice for thwarting Envoy's plans in the 23rd century.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a very rare drop from the [Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack] and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Ominous Device universal console
- Built to Last starship trait
- Commander Tactical-Temporal Operative and Lieutenant Commander Universal-Pilot bridge officer seating
- built-in Molecular Reconstruction
- built-in Enhanced Battle Cloak
- an Experimental Weapon slot
- T'liss ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL LIGHT WARBIRDS)
- Romulan Type 0 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL LIGHT WARBIRDS)
Warbird (Dhelan class)[ | ]
The Dhelan-class Warbird (T2) was utilized heavily by the Romulan Star Empire in the early 24th century. It served as the basis for many later ship models, including the Mogai class, and retains significant advantages over many modern ships. Ships of this class have been put back into service by the Romulan Republic.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Starship Requisition Officer for 10,000 .
The Dhael-class Warbird (T2) is a Dhelan-class Refit developed by the Romulan Republic in 2409. Ships of this class offer the same high mobility and firepower as the original design, as well as a single universal Bridge Officer slot for added versatility.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 750 and comes with the following:
- Singularity Inverter universal console
- Dhael ship costume variant with two different wing configuration options (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DHELAN-CLASS WARBIRDS)
- Romulan Type 3 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DHELAN-CLASS WARBIRDS)
The Dhelan-class Warbird Retrofit (T5) is intended for Republic's Vice Admirals who like the style of Federation Escorts. The Retrofit fills in a role of primarily tactical-focused vessel with a secondary science orientation.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 2,000 and comes with the following:
- Sabotage Probe Launcher universal console
- an Experimental Weapon slot
The Fleet Dhelan-class Warbird Retrofit (T5) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DHELAN-CLASS WARBIRDS)
The Mirror Universe Dhelan-class Warbird Retrofit (T5) is a Mirror universe Warbird variant. The ship has a slightly different bridge officer station layout when compared to to the Prime universe Retrofit counterpart - instead of Lt. Cmdr Science, Lt. Universal, Ensign Tactical, it comes with Lt. Cmdr Engineering, Lt. Tactical and Ensign Science.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a rare drop from the [Hirogen Lock Box] or the [Infinity Lock Box] and comes with the following:
- an Experimental Weapon slot
The Hathos-class Warbird (T6) is based upon the highly successful design of the Dhelan Warbird, but designed with a Reman aesthetic.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Railgun Destabilizer Module universal console
- Hit and Run starship trait
- Lieutenant Commander Science/Intelligence bridge officer seating
- Railgun experimental weapon
- Hathos ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DHELAN-CLASS WARBIRDS)
- Romulan Type 4, Scimitar, Tulwar and Falchion ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DHELAN-CLASS WARBIRDS)
The Fleet Dhelan-class Warbird (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL LIGHT WARBIRDS)
Heavy Warbird[ | ]
As seen in Star Trek: Nemesis.
The Mogai-class Heavy Warbird (T3) was a powerful ship utilized by the Romulan Star Empire toward the end of the 24th century. It boasts a massive wingspan with feather patterns along their length, extremely pointed Warp nacelles and a "beak"-like command section. The Mogai-class has an average turn rate and impulse speed, but carries more weapons than the Dhelan Warbird and has significantly increased hull strength.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Starship Requisition Officer for 20,000 .
The Valdore-class Heavy Warbird (T3) is a Mogai-class Refit named after the I.R.W. Valdore, the powerful vessel utilized by Commander Donatra in the battle against the Scimitar towards the end of the 24th century. The Valdore class has a noticeably more curved and armored appearance, with a less broad wingspan, a different feather pattern on the wings and more prominent warp nacelles. In comparison with the Mogai, the Valdore features an additional Tactical Console slot and an additional Lieutenant Universal Bridge Officer station.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 1,000 and comes with the following:
- Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator universal console
- Valdore ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL HEAVY WARBIRDS)
- Romulan Type 3 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL HEAVY WARBIRDS)
The Mogai-class Heavy Warbird Retrofit (T5) is a further improved variant intended for Republic's Vice Admirals. With a solid mix of maneuverability, firepower, and defense, players might find the play style of the Mogai class similar to a Destroyer. The Retrofit version has been upgraded with a heavy Engineering bias whilst retaining its inherant Romulan ability to hit-and-run, making it a powerful ship to contend with due to its heavy survivability rating.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 2,000 and comes with the following:
- Ionized Particle Beam universal console
- an Experimental Weapon slot
The Fleet Mogai-class Heavy Warbird Retrofit (T5) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL HEAVY WARBIRDS)
The Mirror Universe Mogai-class Heavy Warbird Retrofit (T5) is a Mirror universe Warbird variant. The ship has a slightly different bridge officer station layout when compared to to the Prime universe Retrofit counterpart - instead of Lt. Cmdr Engineering and Lt. Universal it comes with Lt. Cmdr Science and Lt. Science.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a rare drop from the [Undine Lock Box] or the [Infinity Lock Box] and comes with the following:
- an Experimental Weapon slot
- Mirror ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL HEAVY WARBIRDS)
The Morrigu-class Heavy Warbird (T6) heavily resembles the Mogai class, which was utilized by both the Tal Shiar and Republic Insurgents. Morrigu-class follows a standard avian-like design lineage of other Romulan vessels.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Ablative Hazard Shielding universal console
- Emergency Weapon Cycle starship trait
- Lieutenant Commander Universal/Intelligence bridge officer seating
- an Experimental Weapon slot
- Morrigu ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL HEAVY WARBIRDS)
- Romulan Type 4 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL HEAVY WARBIRDS)
The Fleet Mogai-class Heavy Warbird (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL HEAVY WARBIRDS)
Tactical Warbird[ | ]
The Ar'kif-class Tactical Warbird (T4) is one of the first ship designs to come out of the New Romulus Shipyards. Ships of this class are smaller and more agile than the D’deridex class – more similar in size to Starfleet's Akira class.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Starship Requisition Officer for 40,000 .
The Ar'kala-class Tactical Warbird (T4) is an Ar'kif-class Refit updated to match a more recent warbird style, showcasing elements present in other refits such as the Dhael Warbird, D'ridthau Warbird Battlecruiser, Valdore Heavy Warbird, and Haakona Advanced Warbird. Among these elements are silver-colored armor plating, smoother and more prominent wing design, and more prominent warp nacelles.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 1,500 and comes with the following:
- Plasma Quad Cannons fore weapon
- Ar'kala ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL TACTICAL WARBIRDS)
- Romulan Type 3 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL TACTICAL WARBIRDS)
The Ar'kif-class Tactical Carrier Warbird Retrofit (T5) is the retrofit version of the Tactical Warbird designed for Vice Admirals looking for a ship with a sleek design and a lot of firepower. Inspired by Starfleet's Heavy Escort Carrier, this new Tactical Carrier Warbird functions in a similar way, with all the capabilities of other tactical-oriented Warbirds such as the Mogai class and the Dhelan class, but with a Hangar Bay slot for extra support.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 2,500 and comes with the following:
- Focused Singularity Modulator universal console
- 1 Hangar Bay slot
- an Experimental Weapon slot
The Fleet Ar'kif-class Tactical Carrier Warbird Retrofit (T5) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL TACTICAL WARBIRDS)
The Jhu'ael-class Tactical Carrier Warbird (T6) is heavily based on the Ar'kif-class Retrofit's original designs. Built in the middle of the Iconian War, this new variant has been updated to more effectively combat the new threat of the Iconians and their Heralds.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Destabilized Tachyon Emitters universal console
- Coordinated Assault starship trait
- Lieutenant Commander Science/Pilot bridge officer seating
- 1 Hangar Bay slot
- an Experimental Weapon slot
- Jhu'ael ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL TACTICAL WARBIRDS)
- Romulan Type 4 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL TACTICAL WARBIRDS)
The Fleet Ar'kif-class Tactical Carrier Warbird (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL TACTICAL WARBIRDS)
Assault Warbird[ | ]
Developed in tandem with the Ha'apax Advanced Warbird utilising stolen technology from Starfleet's Prometheus-class, the Ha'feh-class Assault Warbird (T5) channels all available power to Weapons, making it one of the deadlier Warbirds, at the sacrifice of some hull and shields. Out of the components that make up the Ha'apax class, the Ha'feh class is the smallest of the three. The ship, when seen from above or below, resembles a Bird-of-Prey in flight.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Starship Requisition Officer for 80,000 and comes with the following:
- an Experimental Weapon slot
The Fleet Ha'feh-class Assault Warbird (T5) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL ASSAULT WARBIRDS)
The Mirror Universe Ha'feh-class Assault Warbird (T5) is a Mirror universe Warbird variant. The ship has a slightly different bridge officer station layout when compared to to the Prime universe Retrofit counterpart - instead of Lt. Ensign Engineering it comes with Lt. Ensign Science.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a rare drop from the [Dominion Lock Box], the [Voth Lock Box] or the [Infinity Lock Box] and comes with the following:
- an Experimental Weapon slot
Intel Warbird[ | ]
The Faeht-class Intel Warbird (T6) is a stealthy intelligence vessel designed to conduct covert missions and high-risk strikes in hostile space. The Faeht class bridges the gap between the Light Warbird's advanced cloaking technology and the Heavy Warbird's firepower.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 and comes with the following:
- Heavy Plasma Lance universal console
- Tactical Retreat starship trait
- Commander Tactical/Intelligence and Lieutenant Engineering/Intelligence bridge officer seating
- built-in Active Sensor Arrays
- built-in Enhanced Battle Cloak
- an Experimental Weapon slot
- Faeht Alpha, Beta and Gamma ship costume variants
- Intel and Romulan Type 4 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL INTEL WARBIRDS)
The Fleet Faeht-class Intel Warbird (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL INTEL WARBIRDS)
Warbird Destroyer[ | ]
The Daeinos-class Warbird Destroyer (T5) is the Romulan Republic's variant of Starfleet's Chimera-class and Empire's Peghqu'-class Heavy Destroyer. Ships of this class have some similarities to Escorts, but also have many qualities of Light Cruisers and Science Vessels.
This ship is available to 1000-day Romulan Republic Veterans and Lifetime Subscribers and comes with the following:
- Dynamic Tactical System universal console
- an Experimental Weapon slot
- Romulan Type 3 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD DESTROYERS)
The Fleet Daeinos-class Warbird Destroyer (T5) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD DESTROYERS)
The Dinaes-class Warbird Destroyer (T6) was developed after the success of the Daeinos-class Heavy Destroyer prototype.
This ship is available to 1000-day Romulan Republic Veterans and Lifetime Subscribers and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Enhanced Dynamic Tactical System universal console
- Weapon System Synergy starship trait
- Lieutenant Commander Engineering/Command Lieutenant Commander Engineering/Command bridge officer seating
- an Experimental Weapon slot
- Romulan Type 4 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD DESTROYERS)
The Fleet Dinaes-class Warbird Destroyer (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD DESTROYERS)
Pilot Warbird[ | ]
While modern Romulan ship designs have placed greater value on size than maneuverability, the Romulan Republic has recognized the value of speed and agility in space. Therefore, a team on Mol'Rihan has developed new warbirds that will be assigned to commanders who favor a more acrobatic form of combat.
Pilot vessels are highly agile craft designed to perform advanced maneuvers that can give them a deadly edge in combat. By double tapping your directional movement keys your starship will perform a maneuver in that direction.
These ships are available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 each, or as part of a 3-ship bundle for 6,000 , or as part of a cross-faction 9-ship bundle for 12,000 . All three ships come with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Commander Tactical/Pilot bridge officer seating
- built-in Pilot Maneuvers
- an Experimental Weapon slot
- Romulan Type 4 ship material
The Okhala-class Pilot Warbird (T6) is tactical-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Microprojectile Barrage Launcher universal console
- Stay on Target starship trait
- Lieutenant Science/Pilot bridge officer seating
- Okhala ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL PILOT WARBIRDS)
The Khaiell-class Pilot Warbird (T6) is engineering-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Subspace Eddy universal console
- Structural Integrity Overcharge starship trait
- Lieutenant Science/Pilot bridge officer seating
- Khaiell ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL PILOT WARBIRDS)
The Jaeih-class Pilot Warbird (T6) is science-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Spatial Sinkhole Generator universal console
- Subwarp Sheath starship trait
- Lieutenant Tactical/Pilot bridge officer seating
- Jaeih ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL PILOT WARBIRDS)
Temporal Warbird (Kholhr-class)[ | ]
The Kholhr-class Temporal Warbird (T6) is the newest addition to the Romulan Republic fleet and first Warbird to be made available to the other members of the Alliance. Aside from featuring standard Romulan technology such as Battle Cloak and Singularity Core, the Kholhr class is a full Temporal vessel, with access to Molecular Reconstruction technology and Molecular Deconstruction Beam.
This ship is available to players of any faction from the Zen Store for 3,000 and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Entangled Quantum Bombardment universal console
- Pride of Mol'Rihan starship trait
- Commander Tactical/Temporal Operative and Lieutenant Tactical/Temporal Operative bridge officer seating
- built-in Molecular Reconstruction
- built-in Battle Cloak
- Kholhr ship costume variant
The Fleet Kholhr-class Temporal Warbird (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL KHOLHR-CLASS TEMPORAL WARBIRDS)
Warbird-Schlachtkreuzer[ | ]
Alle Warbird-Schlachtkreuzer unterstützen eine Commander-Technik Brückenoffizierstation.
Schiff | Rang | Klasse | Hülle | Uni | BOffs | BW | Kosten |
Warbird-Schlachtkreuzer[ | ]
As seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
The D'deridex-class Warbird Battlecruiser (T4) has been at the forefront of Romulan contact with other species in the 24th century. Measuring over 1300 meters in length, and easily dwarfing Starfleet's Galaxy-class starships, the D'deridex class is one of the largest and most powerful vessels used by the Romulan Star Empire.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Starship Requisition Officer for 40,000 .
The D'ridthau-class Warbird Battlecruiser (T4) is a D'deridex-class Refit named after the I.R.W. D'ridthau, the Romulan flagship during the Battle of Cardassia.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 1,500 and comes with the following:
- Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator universal console
- D'ridthau ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD BATTLECRUISERS)
The D'deridex-class Warbird Battlecruiser Retrofit (T5) is a further improved variant intended for Republic's Vice Admirals.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 2,000 and comes with the following:
- Projected Singularity universal console
The Fleet D'deridex-class Warbird Battlecruiser Retrofit (T5) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD BATTLECRUISERS)
The D'Khellra-class Warbird Battlecruiser (T6) was the first Tier 6 variant of the existing Romulan ship to be released. An update of the feared D'deridex-class that was the mainstay of the Romulan Star Empire's fleets in the late-24th century, the D’Khellra-class incorporates updated technology developed to give this ship improved capabilities for the difficult challenges the Republic faces in the months ahead.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Molecular Cohesion Nullifier universal console
- Explosive Polarity Shift starship trait
- Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Command bridge officer seating
- D’Khellra ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD BATTLECRUISERS)
The Fleet D'Khellra-class Warbird Battlecruiser (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD BATTLECRUISERS)
Verbesserter Warbird[ | ]
Using the technology stolen from Starfleet's Prometheus class, the Romulan Star Empire developed the Ha'apax-class Advanced Warbird (T5). The Ha'apax-class is larger than even the mighty D'deridex-class, has superior firepower and even greater hull strength. It is a juggernaut on the battlefield, capable of withstanding tremendous damage while unleashing its weapons on its foes.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Starship Requisition Officer for 80,000 .
The Haakona-class Advanced Warbird (T5) is a Ha'apax-class Refit with a similar overall design of a Bird-of-Prey in flight, with outstretched wings and a "head" section resembling a eagle's beak curving downwards. Through the use of Starfleet's multi-vector separation technology, vessels of this class are capable of separating into two parts: Ha'nom-class Guardian Warbird and Ha'feh-class Assault Warbird.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 2,500 and comes with the following:
- Dual Vector Separation universal console
The Fleet Ha'apax-class Advanced Warbird (T5) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL ADVANCED WARBIRDS)
Even in the Mirror Universe, this mighty juggernaut is present. The Mirror Universe Ha'apax-class Advanced Warbird (T5) has more of a science focus in Bridge Officer slots and console configuration when compared to its Prime Universe counterpart.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a rare drop from the [Tal Shiar Lock Box] or the [Infinity Lock Box] and comes with the following:
The Kara-class Advanced Warbird (T6) was built upon the foundation set by the Ha'apax and Haakona Advanced Warbirds. This massive and durable warbird has been retrofitted to include a Spinal Plasma Lance as well as a single hangar bay.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Supplemental Subsystems universal console
- Subsystem Redundancies starship trait
- Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command bridge officer seating
- built-in Plasma Spinal Lance
- 1 Hangar Bay slot
The Fleet Ha'apax-class Advanced Warbird (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL ADVANCED WARBIRDS)
Light Warbird Battlecruiser[ | ]
The Aelahl-class Light Warbird Battlecruiser (T6) has been created by the Romulan Republic to fill a need for a more agile battlecruiser. The Aelahl-class is less durable than the D'deridex class, but significantly more maneuverable.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Destabilized Singularity Projector universal console
- Warp Shadow Decoy starship trait
- Lieutenant Science/Intelligence bridge officer seating
- Aelahl ship costume variant
The Fleet Aelahl-class Light Warbird Battlecruiser (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL LIGHT WARBIRD BATTLECRUISERS)
Advanced Light Warbird Battlecruiser[ | ]
The Deleth-class Advanced Light Warbird Battlecruiser (T6) was built to serve as a deft strike ship, comparable to Starfleet's Light Cruiser. As such, it boasts a high amount of maneuverability for ships within this classification, while sacrificing very little terms of sturdiness and utility.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Potential Energy Entangler universal console
- Evasion Specialist starship trait
- Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot bridge officer seating
- Deleth ship costume variant
The Fleet Deleth-class Advanced Light Warbird Battlecruiser (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL ADVANCED LIGHT WARBIRD BATTLECRUISERS)
Kommandowarbird[ | ]
Engineers from the Romulan Republic have looked at new command ship designs from their allies in both Starfleet and Klingon Defense Force. Rather than contract with those groups to build ships for their fleet, the Republic has instead chosen to design and commission a new series of Command Warbirds to be constructed at the New Romulus Shipyards. These ships are designed to act as mobile command centers that will inspire allies with instantaneous informational updates throughout a battle. They are also built to please the Romulan desire for grand scale, creating large, tough Warbirds that can lead a fleet into combat.
These ships are available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 each, or as part of a 3-ship bundle for 6,000 , or as part of a cross-faction 9-ship bundle for 12,000 . All three ships come with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Commander Engineering/Command bridge officer seating
- built-in Inspiration Abilities
- 1 Hangar Bay slot
- Romulan Type 4 ship material
The Vastam-class Command Warbird (T6) is tactical-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Defense Platform universal console
- All Hands on Deck starship trait
- Lieutenant Science/Command bridge officer seating
- Vastam ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL COMMAND BATTLECRUISERS)
The Baratan-class Command Warbird (T6) is engineering-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Fleet Support Platform universal console
- Improved Brace For Impact starship trait
- Lieutenant Science/Command bridge officer seating
- Baratan ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL COMMAND BATTLECRUISERS)
The Deihu-class Command Warbird (T6) is science-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Tachyon Pulse Platform universal console
- Improved Tachyon Beam starship trait
- Lieutenant Tactical/Command bridge officer seating
Wundertäter-Warbird[ | ]
Named after the famed Romulan engineers, these Warbirds feature the most resilient power conduits, a reinforced main deflector dish, ample nacelles, and much more. In short, they are the dream of any modern day Engineer, given shape by the greatest shipyards currently operating. These power-gorged vessels may not be the most maneuverable starships of the modern era, nor generally considered the prettiest, but there is no denying that they've got it where it count
These ships are available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 each, or as part of a 3-ship bundle for 6,000 , or as part of a cross-faction 9-ship bundle for 12,000 . All three ships come with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Commander Engineering/Miracle Worker and Lieutenant Tactical/Miracle Worker bridge officer seating
- built-in Innovation Effects
- Romulan Type 4 ship material
The Tebok-class Miracle Worker Warbird (T6) is tactical-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Crimson Force Field universal console
- Redirecting Arrays starship trait
- Tebok ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL MIRACLE WORKER WARBIRDS)
The Nijil-class Miracle Worker Warbird (T6) is engineering-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Ablative Salvage Pods universal console
- Stay At Your Posts starship trait
- Nijil ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL MIRACLE WORKER WARBIRDS)
The Varel-class Miracle Worker Warbird (T6) is science-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Delayed Causality Plating universal console
- Photonic Boarding Party starship trait
- Varel ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL MIRACLE WORKER WARBIRDS)
Warbird-Forschungsschiffe[ | ]
All Warbird Science Vessels have a Commander Science bridge officer station and a Secondary Deflector slot, as well as access to Sensor Analysis and Subsystem Targeting abilities. The table below also includes the Romulan faction Temporal Science Vessels for comparison.
Schiff | Rang | Klasse | Hülle | Uni | BOffs | BW | Kosten |
Wächterwarbird[ | ]
Developed in tandem with the Ha'apax Advanced Warbird utilising stolen technology from Starfleet's Prometheus class, the Ha'nom-class Guardian Warbird (T5) channels all available power to Auxiliary, making it one of the few Warbirds available with a heavy Science bias to it.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Starship Requisition Officer for 80,000 .
The Fleet Ha'nom-class Guardian Warbird (T5) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL GUARDIAN WARBIRDS)
Having drifted over to the Prime Universe from the Mirror universe via the spacial rift in the Azure Nebula, the Mirror Universe Ha'nom-class Guardian Warbird (T5) has been captured and studied by Republic engineers and scientists. The Mirror version of the two appears to be more tactically focused.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a rare drop from the [Temporal Lock Box], the [Elachi Lock Box] or the [Infinity Lock Box] and comes with the following:
Dyson Forschungszerstörer-Warbird[ | ]
Dyson Science Destroyers are truly unique starships that are inspired by designs found within the Solanae Dyson Sphere, but adapted to suit the needs of the Romulan Republic without the required use of Omega Particles. Each of these starships is first and foremost a science vessel, but is capable of entering Tactical Mode to significantly alter how the starship performs.
The Aves-class Dyson Science Destroyer (T5) was designed as a prototype, to see whether a ship of this type could withstand harsh conditions of the Dyson Sphere.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Lobi Crystal Consortium for 600 and comes with the following:
- built-in Solanae Dual Heavy Proton Cannons (fused into Fore weapon slot)
- built-in Tactical Mode
- Solanae Overcharged Singularity Core
- Solanae Secondary Deflector
- built-in Sensor Analysis
- built-in Subsystem Targeting
- Aves ship costume variant
- Dyson and Romulan Type 3 ship material
The Advanced Dyson Science Destroyers are further improved variants of the Aves class design.
These ships are available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 2,500 each, or as part of a 3-ship bundle for 5,000 , or as part of a cross-faction 9-ship bundle for 10,000 . All three ships come with the following:
- built-in Solanae Dual Heavy Proton Cannons (fused into Fore weapon slot)
- built-in Tactical Mode
- a Secondary Deflector slot
- built-in Sensor Analysis
- built-in Subsystem Targeting
- Aves ship costume variant
- Dyson and Romulan Type 3 ship material
The Harpia-class Reconnaissance Science Destroyer Warbird (T5) is tactical-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Proton Destabilizer Module universal console
- Harpia ship costume & ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DYSON SCIENCE DESTROYER WARBIRDS)
The Tyton-class Strategic Science Destroyer Warbird (T5) is engineering-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Protonic Shield Matrix universal console
- Tyton ship costume & ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DYSON SCIENCE DESTROYER WARBIRDS)
The Caprimul-class Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird (T5) is science-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Shield Inversion Projector universal console
- Varel ship costume & ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DYSON SCIENCE DESTROYER WARBIRDS)
Research Warbird[ | ]
The Laeosa-class Research Warbird (T6) was one of the first new vessels developed by Romulan starship designers following the resolution of the Iconian War and the Temporal Cold War. Breakthroughs in tachyon-based technology have been used to effect on this ship, making it one of the most formidable science vessels in Republic armada.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Tachyon Particle Field Emitter universal console
- Tachyon Dispersal starship trait
- Lieutenant Commander Engineering/Temporal Operative bridge officer seating
- a Secondary Deflector slot
- built-in Sensor Analysis
- built-in Subsystem Targeting
- Laeosa ship costume variant
- Romulan Type 4 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL RESEARCH WARBIRDS)
The Fleet Laeosa-class Research Warbird (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:
- Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL RESEARCH WARBIRDS)
Explorer Warbird[ | ]
Following the success of Starfleet's Multi-Mission Explores, Klingon Defense Force and Romulan Republic have decided to replicate this technology for their own use.
With assistance from the Vulcans, the Romulan Republic engineered state-of-the-art science vessels. Like Starfleet variants, Romulan Explorer Warbirds are very versatile, can load dual cannons and have a single hangar bay.
These ships are available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 each, or as part of a 3-ship bundle for 6,000 , or as part of a cross-faction 9-ship bundle for 12,000 . All three ships come with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Lieutenant Commander Universal/Temporal Operative bridge officer seating
- 1 Hangar Bay slot
- a Secondary Deflector slot
- built-in Sensor Analysis
- built-in Subsystem Targeting
- Romulan Type 4 ship material
The Surhuelh-class Reconnaissance Explorer Warbird (T6) is tactical-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Radiation Bombardment Matrix universal console
- Heavy Tachyon Mine starship trait
- Surhuelh ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL EXPLORER WARBIRDS)
The Taenen-class Strategic Explorer Warbird (T6) is engineering-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Omni-Directional Tachyon Wave Siphon universal console
- Exotic Particle Shielding starship trait
- Taenen ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL EXPLORER WARBIRDS)
The Galas-class Surveillance Explorer Warbird (T6) is science-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Isometric Dispersal Array universal console
- Charged Particle Reaction starship trait
- Galas ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL EXPLORER WARBIRDS)
Dreadnought and Carrier Warbirds[ | ]
All Dreadnought Warbirds and Carrier Warbirds have a hangar bay (or two) to complement their combat abilities. See the Dreadnought and Carrier pages for comparable vessels from other factions.
Schiff | Rang | Klasse | Hülle | Uni | BOffs | BW | Kosten |
Dreadnought Warbird (Scimitar class)[ | ]
As seen in Star Trek: Nemesis.
Developed in the 24th century, the I.R.W. Scimitar was developed covertly by a group of Remans under the command of Praetor Shinzon, a clone of Jean-Luc Picard. Though equipped with numerous weapons and housing a contingent of Scorpion Fighters, the original Scimitar’s key feature was the ability to utilize thalaron radiation as a terrifying weapon. Since the Battle of the Bassen Rift, both the Tal Shiar and the Romulan Republic have developed new variants based on the original ship design.
The Scimitar class, Falchion class, and Tulwar class of Romulan Dreadnought Warbirds represent the Romulan Republic’s latest iterations on this technology.
These ships are available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 2,500 each, or as part of a 3-ship bundle for 5,000 , or as part of a cross-faction 9-ship bundle for 10,000 . All three ships come with the following:
- 1 Hangar Bay slot (equipped with Romulan Drone Ships)
- Romulan Type 3 ship material
- Scimitar ship interior (bridge-only)
The Scimitar-class Dreadnought Warbird (T5) is tactical-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Cloaked Barrage universal console
- Scimitar ship costume & ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DREADNOUGHT WARBIRDS)
The Falchion-class Dreadnought Warbird (T5) is engineering-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Secondary Shields universal console
- Falchion ship costume & ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DREADNOUGHT WARBIRDS)
The Tulwar-class Dreadnought Warbird (T5) is science-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Singularity Distributor Unit universal console
- Tulwar ship costume & ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DREADNOUGHT WARBIRDS)
The design of the Romulan Flagship Dreadnoughts was greatly inspired by the Reman Scimitar-class Dreadnought Warbird; however the ships have a Romulan Republic aesthetic. These massive and imposing starships are durable and bristling with weaponry, but they are very slow to maneuver.
These ships are available to Romulan Republic players from the Zen Store for 3,000 each, or as part of a 3-ship bundle for 6,000 , or as part of a cross-faction 9-ship bundle for 12,000 . All three ships come with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command bridge officer seating
- 1 Hangar Bay slot (equipped with Romulan Drone Ships)
- Romulan Type 4 ship material
- Scimitar ship interior (bridge-only)
The Khopesh-class Dreadnought Warbird (T6) is tactical-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Flagship Tactical Computer universal console
- Super Charged Weapons starship trait
- Khopesh ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DREADNOUGHT WARBIRDS)
The Shamshir-class Dreadnought Warbird (T6) is engineering-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Adaptive Emergency Systems universal console
- Adaptive Hull Plating starship trait
- Shamshir ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DREADNOUGHT WARBIRDS)
The Flambard-class Dreadnought Warbird (T6) is science-oriented. It also comes with the following:
- Dampening Wave Emitter universal console
- Checkmate starship trait
- Flambard ship costume variant (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DREADNOUGHT WARBIRDS)
Dreadnought Warbird (Thrai class)[ | ]
Taken from the battlefields of yesteryear, the Thrai-class Dreadnought Warbird (T6) has been updated to join the Republic naval order of battle in the current day.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a very drop from the [Undiscovered Lock Box] or the [Infinity Lock Box] and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Secondary Shield Projector universal console
- Layered Shielding starship trait
- Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Temporal Operative and Lieutenant Engineering/Command bridge officer seating
- 1 Hangar Bay slot (equipped with Kaleh Fighters)
- Thrai ship costume variant
- Romulan Type 0, Type 3 and Type 4 ship materials
Intel Carrier Warbird[ | ]
Amongst the tech recovered from the Kelvin Timeline during the Temporal Cold War was the Romulan T'laru-class Intel Carrier Warbird (T6). A versatile Warbird designed to serve as a Space Control ship, the vessel carries a compliment of Scorpion Fighters and an array of tactical defense systems including a potent ‘mining drill’ beam weapon which gives the T’laru-class a heavy punch in battle.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a very drop from the [Kelvin Timeline Lock Box] or the [Infinity Lock Box] and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Mining Drill Laser Emitter universal console
- Highly Specialized starship trait
- Commander Science/Intelligence and Lieutenant Engineering/Temporal Operative bridge officer seating
- built-in Active Sensor Arrays
- 2 Hangar Bay slots (equipped with Kelvin Timeline Scorpion Fighters)
- T'laru ship costume variant
- Romulan Type K, Type 3 and Type 4 ship materials
Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird[ | ]
The largest Romulan capital ship ever built, the Valkis-class Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird (T6) was a crucial element in the timeline that led to the 26th century Alliance victory at the Battle of Procyon V. A colossal starship designed to function as both mobile starbase and a forward battle station, this ponderous behemoth is very slow to maneuver, but offers tremendous firepower, unparalleled durability and the capability to launch combat support vessels.
This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a very rare drop from the [Promotion! - Research & Development Pack] and comes with the following:
- Scaling Starship
- Energy Distributor Accelerator universal console
- Repair Mode starship trait
- Commander Engineering/Temporal Operative and Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command bridge officer seating
- built-in Molecular Reconstruction
- built-in Energy Distributor and Gravitic Lance
- 2 Hangar Bay slots (equipped with Craeul Frigates)
- Valkis ship costume variant
- Romulan Type 3, Type 4 and Type 5 ship materials
Siehe auch[ | ]
- Ruf: Neu-Romulus
- Set: Romulaner Plasmawaffen (Raum)
- Set: Nutzbare Romulanische Singularität
- Set: Verbesserter Prototyp-Raumset des Neu-Romulus-Kommandos
- Set: Remaner Prestigeschild von Neu-Romulus
Links[ | ]
- Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog - Romulan Warbirds
- Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog - Warbird Singularity Powers
Föderation: (Vollständige & Detailierte Liste) | ||||||||||||
Kleinschiffe | ||||||||||||
Shuttles | Typ 8 Shuttle • Typ 10 Shuttle • Klasse F Shuttle • Delta-Klasse Shuttle • Tal'Kyr Unterstützungsschiff • Aeon-Zeitschiff | |||||||||||
Runabouts | Danube Runabout • Spiegeluniversum Danube Runabout • Yellowstone Runabout • Kapitänsjacht | |||||||||||
Jäger | Peregrine-Angriffsjäger • Tarnschleichjäger | |||||||||||
Anfängliche Schiffe | ||||||||||||
Rang | Klasse 1 | Klasse 2 | Klasse 3 | Klasse 4 | ||||||||
Kreuzer | • Anfangsschiffe - Unterstützungskreuzer - Leichter Kreuzer • TOS Leichter Kreuzer |
• Kreuzer - Kreuzer-Aufrüstung |
• Schwerer Kreuzer - Schwerer Kreuzer - Aufrüstung • Verbesserter Schwerer Kreuzer • Unterstützungskreuzer |
• Forschungskreuzer - Forschungskreuzer - Aufrüstung • Temporaler Kreuzer | ||||||||
Eskortschiffe | • NX Leichtes Eskortschiff • Blockade Runner Eskortschiff • Andorianische Leichtes Eskortschiff |
• Eskortschiff - Eskortschiff-Aufrüstung |
• Schweres Eskortschiff - Schweres Eskortschiff-Aufrüstung • Temporales Eskortschiff |
• Taktisches Eskortschiff - Taktisches Eskortschiff-Aufrüstung | ||||||||
Forschungsschiffe | • Leichtes Forschungsschiff | • Forschungsschiff - Forschungsschiff-Aufrüstung • Temporales Forschungsschiff |
• Wissenschaftliches Forschungsschiff • Verbessertes Forschungsschiff |
• Langstrecken-Forschungsschiff - Langstrecken-Forschungschiff - Aufrüstung | ||||||||
Endspiel Schiffe oder ✓ bedeutet, dass dieses Schiff zu einem Klasse 5-U Schiff aufgerüstet werden kann | ||||||||||||
Rang | Klasse 5 - Stufe 40 |
Klasse 5 - Stufe 50 |
Klasse 6 - Stufe 50 | |||||||||
Kreuzer | • Angriffskreuzer - Spiegeluniversum Angriffskreuzer • Sternenkreuzer - Spiegeluniversum Sternenkreuzer • Verbesserter Schwerer Kreuzer - Nachrüstung ✓ • Unterstützungskreuzer Nachrüstung • Spiegeluniversum Schwerer Kreuzer - Nachrüstung |
• Schwerer Kreuzer - Nachrüstungg - Flotte: Schwerer Kreuzer - Nachrüstung ✓ • Flotte: Verbesserte Schwerer Kreuzer - Nachrüstung ✓ • Flotte: Unterstützungskreuzer - Nachrüstung ✓ • Aufklärungskreuzer - Nachrüstung - Flotte: Aufklärungskreuzer - Nachrüstung ✓ • Angriffskreuzer - Nachrüstung - Flotte: Angriffskreuzer - Nachrüstung ✓ • Flotte: Sternenkreuzer ✓ • Odyssey-Sternenkreuzer • Odyssey-Sternenkreuzer: - Operations - Wissenschafts - Taktik |
• Verbesserter Schwerer Kreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Verbesserter Schwerer Kreuzer (K6) • Spionageangriffskreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Spionageangriffskreuzer (K6) • Führungsangriffskreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Führungsangriffskreuzer (K6) • Aufklärungskreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Aufklärungskreuzer (K6) • Wächterkreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Wächterkreuzer (K6) - Spiegeluniversum Wächterkreuzer (K6) • Führungsschlachtkreuzer (K6): - Operations - Wissenschaft - Taktik • Temporaler Kreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Temporaler Kreuzer (K6) • Kelvin Zeitline Schwerer Führungsschlachtkreuzer (K6) • Temporaler Leichter Kreuzer (K6) • Verbesserter Leichter Kreuzer (K6) - Flotte Verbesserter Leichter Kreuzer (K6) • Wundertäter Kreuzer (K6): - Scott (Operationen) - Daystrom (Wissenschaft) - Tucker (Taktik) • Pralim-Flugdeck-Angriffskreuzer der Tellariten (K6) - Flotte Pralim-Flugdeck-Angriffskreuzer der Tellariten (T6) | |||||||||
Schlachtkreuzer | • Temporaler Schlachtkreuzer | • Schlachtkreuzer - Flotte: Schlachtkreuzer ✓ |
• Schlachtkreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Schlachtkreuzer (K6) • Führungsschlachtkreuzer (K6): - Concorde (Technik) - Geneva (Wissenschaft) - Presidio (Taktik) • Eclipse Spionagekreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Eclipse Spionagekreuzer (K6) • Temporaler Schlachtkreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Temporaler Schlachtkreuzer (K6) | |||||||||
Dreadnoughts | • Dreadnought-Kreuzer - Flotte: Dreadnought-Kreuzer ✓ |
• Dreadnought-Kreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Dreadnought-Kreuzer (K6) • Kelvin-Zeitlinie-Spionage-Dreadnought-Kreuzer (K6) • Prototyp Dreadnought-Kreuzer (K6) • Temporaler Schwerer Dreadnought-Kreuzer – Universe-Klasse (K6) | ||||||||||
Eskortschiffe | • Verbessertes Eskortschiff - Spiegel Verbessertes Eskortschiff • Patrouillen-Eskortschiff - Spiegel Patrouillen-Eskortschiff • Spiegel Eskortschiff Nachrüstung |
• Eskortschiff Nachrüstung - Flotte: Eskortschiff Nachrüstung ✓ • Taktisches Eskortschiff Nachrüstung - Flotte: Taktisches Eskortschiff Nachrüsung ✓ • Flotte: Verbessertes Multi-Vektor-Eskortschiff - Flotte: Verbessertes Eskortschiff ✓ • Patrouillen-Eskortschiff Aufrüstung - Flotte: Patrouillen-Eskortschiff Aufrüstung ✓ • Leichtes Aquarius Eskortschiff - Flotte: Leichtes Aquarius Eskortschiff ✓ • Blockadenstürmer-Eskortschiff Nachrüstung ✓ • Andorianische Eskortsschiffe: - Kumari - Charal - Khyzon |
• Taktisches Eskortschiff (K6) - Flotte: Taktisches Eskortschiff (K6) • Verbessertes Eskortschiff (K6) - Flotte: Verbessertes Eskortschiff (K6) • Spionageeskortschiff - Phantom-Klasse (K6) - Flotte: Spionageeskortschiff - Phantom-Klasse (K6) • Piloten Eskortschiffe (K6) - Ajax (Technik) - Icarus (Wissenschaft) - Mercury (Taktik) • Temporales Eskortschiff (K6) - Flotte: Temporales Eskortschiff (K6) • NX Eskortschiff Aufrüstung (K6) • Caitianisches Shikaris Eskortschiff (K6) - Flotte: Caitianisches Shikaris Eskortschiff (K6) | |||||||||
Trägereskortschiffe | • Schweres Trägereskortschiff - Flotte: Schweres Trägereskortschiff ✓ |
• Schwerers Trägereskortschiff (K6) - Flotte: Schweres Trägereskortschiff (K6) | ||||||||||
Zerstörer | • Temporaler Mobius Zerstörer ✓ • Solanae Dyson Forschungszerstörer ✓ • Schwerer Chimera Zerstörer ✓ |
• Flotte: Schwerer Chimera Zerstörer ✓ • Verbesserte Dyson Forschungszerstörer: - Aufklärung - Strategie - Überwachung |
• Schwerer Zerstörer (K6) - Flotte: Schwerer Zerstörer (K6) | |||||||||
Forschungsschiffe | • Tiefenraum-Forschungsschiff - Spiegel Tiefenraum-Forschungsschiff • Aufklärungs-Forschungsschiff - Spiegel Aufklärungs-Forschungsschiff • Verbessertes Forschungsschiff Nachrüstung ✓ • D'Kyr Forschubgsschiff ✓ • Temporales Forschungsschiff - Wells Klasse ✓ • Spiegel Forschungsschiff Nachrüstung |
• Forschungsschiff Nachrüstung - Flotte: Forschungsschiff Nachrüstung ✓ • Wissenschaftliches Forschungsschiff Nachrüstung - Flotte: Wissenschaftliches Forschungsschiff Nachrüstung ✓ • Flotte: Verbessertes Forschungsschiff Nachrüstung ✓ • Langstrecken-Forschungsschiff-Nachrüstung - Flotte: Langstrecken-Forschungsschiff-Nachrüstung ✓ • Flotte: Tiefenraum-Forschungsschiff ✓ • Flotte Überwachungs-Forschungschiff ✓ • Mehrzweck-Forschungsschiffe: - Aventine (Aufklärung) - Rademaker (Strategie) - Vesta (Überwachung) |
• Langstrecken-Forschungsschiff (K6) - Flotte: Langstrecken-Forschungsschiff (K6) • Spionageforschungsschiff - Scryer-Klasse (K6) - Flotte: Spionageforschungsschiff - Scryer-Klasse (K6) • Experimentelles Forschungsschiff (K6) - Flotte Experimentelles Forschungsschiff (K6) • Verbessertes Forschungsschiff (K6) - Flotte: Verbessertes Forschungsschiff (K6) • Temporales Forschungsschiff (K6) - Flotte: Temporales Forschungsschiff (K6) • Mehrzweck-Forschungsschiffe (K6): - Palatine (Aufklärung) - Esquiline (Strategie) - Brigid (Überwachung) • Science Spearhead (T6) • Verne Temporal Science Vessel (T6) • Somerville-Spionageforschungsschiff (K6) - Flotte: Hernandez-Spionageforschungsschiff (K6) | |||||||||
Träger | • Caitianischer Atrox Träger - Flotte: Caitianischer Atrox Träger ✓ |
• Träger (K6) - Flotte: Träger (K6) | ||||||||||
Klingonisches Reich: (Vollständige & detailierte Liste) | ||||||||||||
Kivra-Shuttle • Toron-Shuttle • DujHod-Chariot • To'Duj-Jäger • Rozhenko Zeitschiff | ||||||||||||
Anfängliche Schiffe | ||||||||||||
Rang | Klasse 1 | Klasse 2 | Klasse 3 | Klasse 4 | ||||||||
Raider | • B'rel Bird-of-Prey - B'Rotlh-Bird-of-Prey |
• QulDun Bird-of-Prey - Qaw'Dun-Bird-of-Prey |
• Norgh-Bird-of-Prey - Ning'tao-Bird-of-Prey |
• Ki'tang-Bird-of-Prey - Ch'Tang-Bird-of-Prey | ||||||||
Raptoren | • Somraw-Raptor | • Qorgh-Raptor - SuQob-Raptor |
• Pach-Raptor - Puyjaq-Raptor | |||||||||
Schlachtkreuzer | • K'Tanco Schlachtkreuzer | • K't'inga-Schlachtkreuzer - Koro't'inga-Schlachtkreuzer • Kamarag Schlachtkreuzer |
• Vor'cha-Schlachtkreuzer - Vor'Kang-Schlachtkreuzer | |||||||||
Zerstörer | • Vandal Zerstörer | • Scourge Zerstörer | ||||||||||
Unterstützungsschiffe | • Phalanx Forschungsschiff | • Draguas Unterstützungsschiff | ||||||||||
Flugdeckkreuzer | • Dacoit Flugdeckkreuzer | • Corsair Flugdeckkreuzer | ||||||||||
Endspiel-Schiffe oder ✓ bedeutet, dass dieses Schiff zu Klasse 5-U Fähigkeiten aufgewertet werden kann | ||||||||||||
Rang | Klasse 5 - Level 40 |
Klasse 5 - Level 50 |
Klasse 6 - Level 50 | |||||||||
Raider | • Schwerer Hegh'ta-Bird-of-Prey • Ki'tang-Bird-of-Prey des Spiegeluniversums - Nachrüstung |
• B'rel-Bird-of-Prey - Nachrüstung - Flotte: B'rel-Bird-of-Prey - Nachrüstung ✓ • Flotte: Norgh-Bird-of-Prey - Nachrüstung ✓ • HoH'SuS-Bird-of-Prey - Flotte: HoH'SuS-Bird-of-Prey ✓ |
• Kor-Bird-of-Prey (K6) - Flotte: B'rel-Bird-of-Prey (K6) • D4x Piloten-Bird-of-Prey der Kelvin Zeitlinie (K6) | |||||||||
Eskortschiffe, Raptoren & Flugdeckraptoren | • Schwerer Qin-Raptor - Schwerer Qin-Raptor des Spiegeluniversums • Somraw-Raptor des Spiegeluniversums - Nachrüstung |
• Somraw-Raptor - Nachrüstung - Flotte: Somraw-Raptor - Nachrüstung ✓ • Flotte: Schwerer Qin-Raptor ✓ |
• Qa’Tel-Flugdeckraptor (K6) - Flotte: Qin-Flugdeckraptor (K6) • Mat'Ha-Raptor (K6) - Flotte: Mat'Ha-Raptor (K6) • Pilotenraptoren (K6): - Qui'Tu (Technik) - Klavek (Wissenschaft) - Kortar (Taktik) • Ferasanisches Slithus-Eskortschiff (K6) - Flotte: Ferasanisches Slithus-Eskortschiff (K6) | |||||||||
Schlachtkreuzer | • Schwerer Negh'Var-Schlachtkreuzer - Schwerer Negh'Var-Schlachtkreuzer des Spiegeluniversums • Vor'cha-Schlachtkreuzer - Nachrüstung - Vor'cha-Schlachtkreuzer des Spiegeluniversums • Kamarag-Schlachtkreuzer - Nachrüstung |
• K't'inga-Schlachtkreuzer - Nachrüstung - Flotte: K't'inga-Schlachtkreuzer - Nachrüstung ✓ • Flotte: Kamarag-Schlachtkreuzer - Nachrüstung ✓ • Flotte: Tor'Kaht-Schlachtkreuzer - Nachrüstung ✓ • Flotte: Schwerer Negh'Var-Schlachtkreuzer ✓ • Mogh Schlachtkreuzer - Flotte: Mogh Schlachtkreuzer ✓ • Bortas-Schlachtkreuzer • Bortasqu' Kreuzer: - Kommando - Taktik - Krieg |
• Schwerer Negh'Tev-Schlachtkreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Schwerer Negh'Tev-Schlachtkreuzer (K6) • Kurak-Schlachtkreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Mogh Schlachtkreuzer (K6) • Qib-Spionageschlachtkreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Qib-Spionageschlachtkreuzer (K6) • Führungsschlachkreuzer (K6): - Technik - Forschung - Taktik • Flaggschiff Schlachtkreuzer (K6): - Forschung - Taktik - Krieg • Temporaler D7 -Schlachtkreuzer (K6) • D9-Dreadnought-Schlachtkreuzer (K6) • Schwerer Temporaler Dreadnought-Schlachtkreuzer - Durgath-Klasse (K6) • Verbesserter Leichter Schlachtkreuzer - QeHpu'-Klasse (K6) - Flotte:Verbesserter Leichter Schlachtkreuzer - QeHpu'-Klasse (K6) | |||||||||
Kreuzer | • Wundertäter-Kreuzer (K6): - Mur’Eq (Operationen) - Antaak (Wissenschaft) - Klothos (Taktik) | |||||||||||
Zerstörer | • Temporaler Krenn-Zerstörer ✓ • Schwerer Peghqu'-Zerstörer ✓ |
• Scourge-Zerstörer - Nachrüstung - Flotte: Scourge-Zerstörer - Nachrüstung ✓ • Guramba-Belagerungszerstörer • Flotte: Schwerer-Peghqu'-Zerstörer ✓ |
• Kolasi-Belagerungszerstörer (K6) - Flotte: Guramba-Belagerungszerstörer (K6) • Schwerer Zerstörer der Duvqu'-Klasse (K6) - Flotte: Schwerer Zerstörer der Duvqu'-Klasse (K6) | |||||||||
Unterstützungsschiffe | • Varanus-Unterstützungschiff ✓ • Temporales Korath-Forschungsschiff ✓ • Nov-Dyson-Forschungszerstörer ✓ |
• Flotte: Varanus-Unterstützungsschiff ✓ • Verbesserter Dyson Forschungszerstörer: - Chontay (Taktik) - MoQ (Schlacht) - Ta’Sub (Führung) |
• Naj’sov-Forschungsschiff - Flotte: Naj’sov-Forschungsschiff • Mehrzweck-Forschungsschiffe (K6): - Khaimas (Aufklärung) - Ihgomas (Strategie) - Ahgamas (Überwachung) | |||||||||
Flugdeckkreuzer | • Marauder Flugdeckkreuzer ✓ | • Corsair-Flugdeckkreuzer - Nachrüstung - Flotte: Corsair-Flugdeckkreuzer - Nachrüstung ✓ |
• Blackguard-Flugdeck-Angriffskreuzer der Orioner (K6) - Flotte: Blackguard-Flugdeck-Angriffskreuzer der Orioner (K6) |
Träger | • Vo'Quv-Träger - Vo'Quv-Träger des Spiegeluniversums |
• Flotte: Vo'Quv-Träger ✓ • Kar'Fi-Schlachtkreuzer - Flotte: Kar'Fi-Schlachtkreuzer ✓ |
Romulanische Republik: (Vollständige & Detailierte Liste) | ||||||||||||
Tiercel Shuttle • Kestrel-Runabout • Commander's Gig • Scorpion Jäger | ||||||||||||
Anfängliche Schiffe | ||||||||||||
Rang | Klasse 1 | Klasse 2 | Klasse 3 | Klasse 4 | ||||||||
Warbirds | • Leichter T'liss-Warbird - Leichter T'varo-Warbird |
• Dhelan-Warbird - Dhael-Warbird |
• Schwerer Mogai-Warbird - Schwerer Valdore-Warbird |
• Taktischer Ar'Kif -Warbird - Taktischer Ar'Kala-Warbird | ||||||||
Warbirdschlachtkreuzer | • D'deridex-Warbirdschlachtkreuzer - D'ridthau-Warbirdschlachtkreuzer | |||||||||||
Endspiel-Schiffe ✓ bedeutet, dass dieses Schiff zu Klasse 5-U Fähigkeiten aufgewertet werden kann | ||||||||||||
Rang | Klasse 5 - Stufe 40 |
Klasse 5 - Stufe 50 Können alle aufgewertet werden ✓ |
Klasse 6 - Stufe 50 | |||||||||
Warbirds | • Ha'feh-Angriffswarbird - Spiegeluniversum: Ha'feh-Angriffswarbird • Spiegeluniversum: Leichter T'varo-Warbird Nachrüstung • Spiegeluniversum: Dhelan-Warbird Nachrüstuung • Spiegeluniversum: Schwerer Mogai-Warbird Nachrüstung |
• Leichter T'varo-Warbird Nachrüstung - Flotte: Leichter T'varo-Warbird Nachrüstung • Dhelan-Warbird Nachrüstung - Flotte: Dhelan-Warbird Nachrüstung • Schwerer Mogai-Warbird Nachrüstung - Flotte: Schwerer Mogai-Warbird Nachrüstung • Taktischer Ar'Kif Trägerwarbird Nachrüstung - Flotte: Taktischer Ar'Kif -Trägerwarbird Nachrüstung • Flotte: Ha'feh-Angriffswarbird |
• Leichter Malem Warbird (K6) - Flotte: Leichter T'varo-Warbird (K6) • Schwerer Morrigu-Warbird (K6) - Flotte: Schwerer Mogai-Warbird (K6) • Taktischer Jhu’ael-Trägerwarbird (K6) - Flotte: Taktischer Ar'kif -Trägerwarbird (K6) • Faeht-Spionagewarbird (K6) - Flotte: Faeht-Spionagewarbird (K6) • Piloten-Warbirds (K6): - Technik - Wissenschaft - Okhala (Taktik) • Temporaler T’liss-Warbird (K6) • Hathos Warbird (K6) - Flotte: Dhelan Warbird (K6) • T’laru Spionage-Trägerwarbird der Kelvin Zeitline (K6) | |||||||||
Dreadnought Warbirds | • Dreadnought Warbirds: - Scimitar (Taktik) - Falchion (Technik) - Tulwar (Wissenschaft) |
• Dreadnought Warbirds (T6): - Shamshir (Operationen) - Flambard (Wissenschaft) - Khopesch (Taktik) • Thrai Dreadnought Warbird (K6) • Valkis Schwerer Temporaler Dreadnought-Warbird (K6) | ||||||||||
Warbirdschlachtkreuzer | • Verbesserter Ha'apax Warbird - Spiegeluniversum Verbesserter Ha'apax Warbird |
• D'deridex Warbirdschlachtkreuzer Nachrüstung - Flotte: D'deridex Warbirdschlachtkreuzer Nachrüstung • Verbesserter Haakona Warbird - Flotte: Ha'apax Verbesserter Warbird |
• D'Khellra Warbirdschlachtkreuzer (K6) - Flotte: D'deridex Warbird Schlachtkreuzer Nachrüstung (K6) • Verbesserter Kara Warbird (K6) - Flotte: Verbesserter Ha'apax Warbird (K6) • Aelahl Leichter Warbirdschlachtkreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Aelahl Leichter Warbirdschlachtkreuzer (K6) • Führungs-Schlachtkreuzer (K6): - Technik - Wissenschaft - Taktik • Verbesserter-Leichter-Deleth-Warbirdschlachtkreuzer (K6) - Flotte: Verbesserter-Leichter-Deleth-Warbirdschlachtkreuzer (K6) • Wundertäter-Warbirds (T6): - Nijil (Operationen) - Varel (Wissenschaft) - Tebok (Taktik) | |||||||||
Flugdeckkreuzer | • Silik-Flugdeck-Angriffskreuzer der Suliban (K6) - Flotte Silik-Flugdeck-Angriffskreuzer der Suliban (K6) | |||||||||||
Forschungschiffe | • Ha'nom Guardian Warbird - Spiegeluniversum Ha'nom-Wächterwarbird • Temporales Forschungsschiff R'Mor-Klasse ✓ • Aves Dyson-Forschungszerstörer ✓ |
• Flotte: Ha'nom Wächter-Warbird • Verbesserte Dyson-Forschungszerstörer: - Harpia (Aufklärung) - Tyton (Strategie) - Caprimul (Überwachung) |
• Laeosa Forschungs-Warbird - Flotte: Laeosa Forschungs-Warbird • Mehrzweck-Forschungsschiffe (K6): - Surhuelh (Aufklärung) - Taenen (Strategie) - Galas (Überwachung) |
Zerstörer | • Temporaler Talvath Zerstörer ✓ • Daeinos Warbird Zerstörer ✓ |
• Flotte: Daeinos Warbird Zerstörer ✓ | • Dinaes Warbird Zerstörer (K6) - Flotte: Schwerer Warbird-Zerstörer der Dinaes Klasse (K6) | |||||||||
Fraktionsübergreifend: | ||||||||||||
Ferengi Na'Far • Tholianischer Witwen-Jäger • Schwerer Voth-Jäger • Vaadwaur-Pythus-Jäger | ||||||||||||
Frachter der Tuffli-Klasse • Suliban-Zellschiff | ||||||||||||
Schiffstyp | Klasse 5 |
Klasse 6 | ||||||||||
Kreuzer | • APU-Kreuzer • Cardassianischer Kreuzer der Galorklasse ✓ • Risanischer Luxuskreuzer ✓ • Undinen-Dromias-Bio-Kreuzer ✓ |
• Benthan-Angriffskreuzer (K6) • Cardassianischer Keldon-Kreuzer (K6) • Kobali-Samsar-Kreuzer (K6) • Schwerer Zahl-Kreuzer (K6) | ||||||||||
Schlachtkreuzer | • Elachi Monbosh-Schlachtschiff ✓ • Ferengi D'Kora Marauder ✓ • Schwerer Hirogen-Apex-Schlachtkreuzer ✓ • Malon Schlachtkreuzer • Angepasster Tal Shiar-Schlachtkreuzer ✓ |
• Elachi-Ornash-Schlachtkreuzer (K6) • Ferengi Nagus Marauder (K6) • Angepasster Tal Shiar-Schlachtkreuzer (K6) • Na'kuhl Acheros-Schlachtkreuzer (K6) K • Son'a Spionage-Schalchtkreuzer (K6) • Schwerer Vaadwaur-Astika-Schlachtkreuzer (K6) | ||||||||||
Dreadnoughts | • Voth-Bollwerk-Dreadnought-Kreuzer ✓ | • Elachi-Sheshar-Führungs-Dreadnought-Kreuzer (K6) • Elachi-Sheshar-Spionage-Dreadnought-Kreuzer (K6) • Tholianischer-Tarantel-Dreadnought-Kreuzer (K6) • Xindi-Primat-Ateleth-Dreadnought-Kreuzer (K6) • Krenim-Annorax-Forschungs-Dreadnought (K6) • Breen-Rezreth-Dreadnought-Kreuzer (K6) • Temporaler Paradox-Dreadnought (K6) • Temporaler-Dreadnought-Kreuzer (K6) • Kollektor-Forschungsdreadnought der Son'a (K6) | ||||||||||
Flugdeckkreuzer | • Voth-Bastion-Flugdeckkreuzer ✓ | • Herold-Quas-Flugdeckkreuzer (K6) | ||||||||||
Eskortschiffe | • Elachi-S'golth-Eskortschiff ✓ • Schweres Hirogen-Jäger-Eskortschiff ✓ • Jem'Hadar Angriffsschiff ✓ • Risaner Korvette ✓ • Tholianisches-Netzweber-Eskortschiff✓ • Xindi-Reptil-Contortrix-Eskortschiff ✓ |
• Schweres Schmuggler-Eskortschiff der Amarie-Klasse (K6) • Elachi-S’ateth-Eskortschiff (K6) • Jem'Hadar-Aufklärungsschiff (K6) • Jem'Hadar Angriffsschiff (K6) • Vaadwaur-Manasa-Angriffseskortschiffs (K6) • Schweres Vorgon-Xyfius-Eskortschiff (K6) • Xindi-Reptil-Sistruus-Eskortschiff (K6) • Tzenkethi Shuk-din Eskortschiff (T6) • Bajoraner-Interceptor der Denorius Klasse (K6) | ||||||||||
Eskortträger | • Jem'Hadar Schwerer Eskorträger ✓ | • Jem'Hadar Schwerer Eskortträger (K6) • Schweres Xindi-Insektoid-Olean-Trägereskortschiff (K6) | ||||||||||
Zerstörer | • Breen Chel Grett Kriegsschiff ✓ • Nihydron Zerstörer • Arehbes Zerstörer der Sphärenbauer✓ • Tal Shiar Angepasster Zerstörer ✓ • Undine Nicor Bio-Kriegsschiff ✓ |
• Breen Chel Boalg Kriegsschiff (K6) • Ferengi-Nandi-Kriegsschiff (K6) • Hazari Zerstörer (K6) • Husnock Kriegsschiff (K6) • Krenim Imperium Kriegsschiff (K6) • Tal Shiar Angepasster Zerstörer (K6) | ||||||||||
Raider | • Schwerer Breen Plesh Brek Raider ✓ • Schwerer Kazon Raider |
• Schwerer Herold-Baltim-Raider (K6) • Schwerer Miradorn Raider Theta Klasse (K6) • Na'kuhl Tadaari Raider (K6) • Temporaler Raider (K6) | ||||||||||
Scoutschiffe | • Lukari N'Kaam Scoutschiff ✓ | |||||||||||
Forschungsschiffe | • Tholianischer Radnetzspinner ✓ • Voth-Bastille-Forschungsschiff ✓ |
• Krenim Forschungsschiff (K6) • Lukari-Ho'kuun-Forschungsschiff (K6) • Na'kuhl Daemosh Forschungsschiff (K6) • Edoulg-Forschungsschiff der Sphärenbauer (K6) • Son'a-Führungsforschungsschiff (K6) • Eternal Temporales Mehrzweck-Forschungsschiff (K6) | ||||||||||
Träger | • Obelisken-Träger • Verbesserter Obeliskentäger ✓ • Jem'Hadar-Dreadnought-Träger ✓ • Tholianischer Einsiedler-Träger ✓ • Xindi-Aquatic Narcine Dreadnought Träger ✓ |
• Breen Sarr Theln Träger (K6) • Herold Vonph Dreadnought Träger (K6) • Jem'Hadar-Dreadnought-Träger (K6) • Denuos Dreadnought Träger der Sphärenbauer (K6) • Vorgon-Ryn'kodan-Träger (K6) • Xindi-Aquatic Briostrys Dreadnought Träger (K6) | ||||||||||