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Star Trek Online Wiki
Scourge Destroyer

Ein Scourge Zerstörer.

Zerstörer sind eine Art von spielbaren Raumschiffen, welche den Mittelpunkt zwischen Eskortschiffen und Kreuzern im Bezug auf die Manövrierfähigkeit und Überlebensfähigkeit darstellen. Sie haben einen taktischen Fokus und sieben Waffenplätze, ein Endspiel-Zersörer kan Experimentelle Waffen ausrüsten. Sie sind für alle Fraktionen verfügbar, aber für gewöhnlich mehr in den Rängen der Klingonischen spielbaren Raumschiffe in Form der Nausikaaner Raumschiffe zu finden.

Kriegsschiffe und Juggernauten sind ähnlich wie Zerstörer, außer dass sie 8 Waffenplätze haben und daher keine Experimentalwaffen ausrüsten können.

Alle Zerstörer und Kriegsschiffe haben entweder 2 oder 3 Geräteslots und erhalten einen Bonus von +10 bis 15 Waffenkraft und +5 auf ein anderes System, oft Antriebsenergie.


Um zu sehen, welchen Rang und Beruf von Brückenoffizieren Sie haben, können Sie mit der Maus über die Symbole in der Brückenoffizierspalte der Tabelle fahren. Die Werte in der Schildspalte zeigen die Kapazität des Schildes, mit dem das Schiff standardmäßig ausgestattet ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Schilde-Anleitung.


Schiff Rang Klasse Hülle  Hülle Modifikator  Schild Modifikator  Fore weapons Aft weapons Kann Dual-Kanonen ausrüsten? Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Ship Devices Hangardeck Plätze Uni BOffs Wenderate Impuls Modifikator BW Kosten
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Husnock-Kriegsschiff 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
6 43988 1.275 11 5 3 5 4 2 3 {{{hangardecks}}} Console - Universal - Heavy Particle Focuser Array icon Commander Taktik / ZeitagentLieutenant Commander TechnikFähnrich TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / FührungsoffizierLieutenant Commander Universal 12 19 12 900 Lobi Crystal icon


Schiff Rang Klasse Hülle  Hülle Modifikator  Schild Modifikator  Fore weapons Aft weapons Kann Dual-Kanonen ausrüsten? Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Ship Devices Hangardeck Plätze Uni BOffs Wenderate Impuls Modifikator BW Kosten
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Fek'Ihri S'torr Kriegsschiff 1
Rank background icon
6 37950 1.1 1 4 4 5 3 3 2 {{{hangardecks}}} Datei:Konsole - Universal - Feuerketten icon.png Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal / Pilot 16 2 16 1.000 Winter Prize Voucher icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Undinen Cheirax Bio-Kriegsschiff 1
Rank background icon
6 39675 1.15 1 4 4 5 2 4 3 {{{hangardecks}}} Console - Universal - Enhanced Fluidic Energy Focusing Array icon Commander Taktik / PilotLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal / Spionageoffizier 14 0.2 14 Verschlusskiste


Raumschiffe, die Zerstörern und Kriegsschiffen ähnlich sind, umfassen Warbird-Zerstörer und Juggernauten.

Schiff Rang Hülle Shield Array icon Vordere Waffen Hintere Waffen Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Auxiliary Battery icon BOffs Turn rate icon Impulse Engines icon Kosten
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Ferengi Na'Far 1
Rank background icon
18000 0.5 2 0 1 1 1 1 Fähnrich Universal 23 0.25 300 Lobi Crystal icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Schwerer Blesh-Prek-Raider der Breen 1
Rank background icon
29700 0.88 4 2 5 2 3 2 Commander TaktikLieutenant Commander UniversalLieutenant UniversalLieutenant UniversalFähnrich Universal 19 0.21 1 Vorlage:PPP4
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Breen-Rezreth-Dreadnought-Kreuzer 1
Rank background icon
50888 1.15 4 4 3 5 3 4 Lieutenant TaktikCommander TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal / FührungsoffizierFähnrich Universal 7 0.15 Phoenix Prize Pack icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Fek'Ihri-Fe'rang-Dreadnought-Träger 1
Rank background icon
48300 1.05 4 3 5 4 2 3 Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Commander Wissenschaft / WundertäterLieutenant Universal 5 0.14 20 Ereignis-Fortschritt
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Ba'ul-Spionage-Forschungs-Spearhead 1
Rank background icon
46575 1.45 4 3 4 2 5 3 Lieutenant Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant Technik / FührungsoffizierCommander Wissenschaft / SpionageoffizierLieutenant Commander Universal 7 0.17 Verschlusskiste
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Vulkanisches T'Pau-Scoutschiff 1
Rank background icon
31050 1.3 3 3 3 3 5 2 Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal / SpionageoffizierLieutenant Commander UniversalLieutenant UniversalFähnrich Universal 19 0.2 1000 Vorlage:9thAnniversary
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Fek'Ihri S'torr Kriegsschiff 1
Rank background icon
37950 1 4 4 5 3 3 2 Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal / Pilot 16 2 1000 Winter Prize Voucher icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Taktischer Pilotenwarbird - Okhala-Klasse 1
Rank background icon
33465 0.97 5 2 5 3 3 2 Commander Taktik / PilotLieutenant Commander TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / PilotLieutenant Universal 20 0.24 3000 Zen small icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Eternal Temporales Mehrzweck-Forschungsschiff 1
Rank background icon
37088 1.475 3 3 3 3 5 3 Lieutenant Taktik / ZeitagentLieutenant Commander TechnikCommander Wissenschaft / ZeitagentFähnrich WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal 11.5 0.15 3000 Zen small icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Herold-Quas-Flugdeckträger 1
Rank background icon
45713 1.3 4 4 3 5 3 4 Lieutenant Commander TaktikCommander TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / FührungsoffizierLieutenant Commander Universal / SpionageoffizierFähnrich Universal 8 0.15 Verschlusskiste
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Schwerer Zahl-Kreuzer 1
Rank background icon
47610 1.3 4 4 4 5 2 4 Lieutenant Commander TaktikCommander TechnikFähnrich TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / SpionageoffizierLieutenant Commander Universal / Führungsoffizier 8.5 0.15 900 Lobi Crystal icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Krenim-Forschungschiff (K6) 1
Rank background icon
36225 1.475 3 3 3 3 5 3 Lieutenant Commander Taktik / SpionageoffizierLieutenant TechnikLieutenant WissenschaftCommander WissenschaftLieutenant Universal 10 0.15 Phoenix Prize Pack icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Undinen Cheirax Bio-Kriegsschiff 1
Rank background icon
39675 1 4 4 5 2 4 3 Commander Taktik / PilotLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal / Spionageoffizier 14 0.2 Verschlusskiste
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Elachi-Qulash-Fregatte 1
Rank background icon
34500 1 5 3 4 5 2 3 Commander TechnikLieutenant Commander Universal / SpionageoffizierLieutenant Commander UniversalLieutenant UniversalFähnrich Universal 15 0.17 1200 Ereignis-Fortschritt
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Schwerer Miradorn Raider der Theta-Klasse 1
Rank background icon
34500 99 5 1 5 2 4 2 Commander Taktik / PilotLieutenant Commander UniversalLieutenant Commander UniversalLieutenant Universal / SpionageoffizierFähnrich Universal 20 22 {{{kosten}}} {{Template:}}
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Risanischer Luxuskreuzer 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
41400 11 4 4 3 5 2 4 Lieutenant Commander TaktikCommander TechnikFähnrich TechnikLieutenant WissenschaftLieutenant Universal 10 16 Phoenix Prize Pack icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Xindi-Aquarianer-Narcine-Dreadnought-Träger 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
40500 1.15 4 3 4 3 3 3 Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal 9 0.19 {{{kosten}}} {{Template:}}
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Ferengi-D'Kora-Marauder 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
39000 1.15 4 4 3 4 3 4 Lieutenant Commander Universal 8 15 {{{kosten}}} {{Template:}}
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Obelisken-Träger 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
43500 1 3 3 2 4 3 4 Lieutenant TaktikCommander TechnikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftFähnrich Universal 5 0.15 20000 Flottencredits
2 Fleet Ship Module icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Kollektor-Forschungsdreadnought der Son'a 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
46575 125 4 3 2 4 5 3 Lieutenant TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikCommander WissenschaftCommander Wissenschaft / ZeitagentLieutenant Commander Universal / Spionageoffizier 9 18 1 Vorlage:F&E
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Krenim-Annorax-Forschungsdreadnought 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
44850 145 4 3 4 2 5 3 Lieutenant Commander Taktik / SpionageoffizierFähnrich TechnikCommander WissenschaftLieutenant Universal / SpionageoffizierLieutenant Commander Universal 6 15 {{{kosten}}} {{Template:}}
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Vorgon-Ryn'kodan-Träger 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
56063 105 3 3 3 5 3 4 Lieutenant Commander TaktikCommander TechnikFähnrich TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Universal / Zeitagent 65 15 Phoenix Prize Pack icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Risaner-Korvette 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
31050 9 4 3 4 3 3 2 Lieutenant TaktikCommander TaktikCommander TaktikFähnrich WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal / Pilot 21 25 Phoenix Prize Pack icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Ferengi Nagus-Klasse Marauder 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
46575 1.15 5 3 4 4 3 4 Commander TechnikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Commander Taktik / SpionageoffizierLieutenant WissenschaftLieutenant Universal 9 15 {{{kosten}}} {{Template:}}
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Husnock-Kriegsschiff 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
43988 11 5 3 5 4 2 3 Commander Taktik / ZeitagentLieutenant Commander TechnikFähnrich TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / FührungsoffizierLieutenant Commander Universal 12 19 900 Lobi Crystal icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Lukari-Ho'kuun-Forschungsschiff 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
32430 1.42 3 3 2 4 5 3 Lieutenant TaktikLieutenant Commander Technik / SpionageoffizierCommander WissenschaftLieutenant WissenschaftLieutenant Universal 13 0.16 Phoenix Prize Pack icon
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Son'a-Führungsforschungsschiff 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
37950 1.285 3 3 3 3 5 3 Lieutenant Commander TaktikLieutenant TechnikCommander Wissenschaft / FührungsoffizierLieutenant WissenschaftLieutenant Universal / Spionageoffizier 15 0.2 {{{kosten}}} {{Template:}}
Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten,Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Son'a-Spionage-Schlachtkreuzer 40
Rank background icon
Rear Admiral
43125 135 5 3 4 4 3 3 Lieutenant Commander TaktikCommander Technik / SpionageoffizierLieutenant TechnikLieutenant WissenschaftLieutenant Universal / Führungsoffizier 10 18 900 Lobi Crystal icon
Spionage-Dreadnought-Kreuzer der Kelvin-Zeitlinie {{{rangstufe}}} 52440 1.15 5 3 4 5 2 4 Lieutenant Commander TaktikCommander Technik / SpionageoffizierFähnrich WissenschaftLieutenant Commander UniversalLieutenant Universal / Zeitagent 7 0.18 900 Lobi Crystal icon
Pathfinder-Langstrecken-Forschungsschiff {{{rangstufe}}} 31050 1.3 3 3 2 3 5 3 Lieutenant TaktikLieutenant Technik / SpionageoffizierCommander WissenschaftLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Universal 12 0.17 3000 Zen small icon
Leichter Kreuzer der Miranda-Klasse 1
Rank background icon
10 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 Fähnrich TaktikFähnrich TechnikFähnrich Wissenschaft 114 20 5000 Refined dilithium icon
Aeon-Zeitschiff 1
Rank background icon
15000 0.6 2 0 1 0 2 1 Fähnrich UniversalFähnrich Wissenschaft 28 0.33 300 Lobi Crystal icon
Danube-Klasse Runabout 1
Rank background icon
18000 0.5 2 0 1 1 1 1 Fähnrich Universal 24 0.2 34250 Energy credit icon
TOS Constitution-Klasse Kreuzer 1
Rank background icon
12 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 Fähnrich TaktikFähnrich TechnikFähnrich Wissenschaft 114 20 500 Zen small icon
Klasse F Shuttle 1
Rank background icon
5000 0.5 2 0 1 1 1 1 Fähnrich Universal 24 0.2 2000 Zen small icon
Aeon Zeitschiff 1
Rank background icon
{{{hulle}}} 0.6 2 0 1 0 2 1 Fähnrich UniversalFähnrich Wissenschaft 28 0.33 300 Lobi Crystal icon
Typ-8 Shuttle 1
Rank background icon
12000 0.4 2 0 0 1 0 1 Fähnrich Wissenschaft 28 0.18 20550 Energy credit icon
Typ-10 Shuttle 1
Rank background icon
16500 0.5 2 0 1 1 1 1 Fähnrich Universal 25 0.22 2250 Zen small icon
Yellowstone-Klasse Runabout 1
Rank background icon
18000 0.5 2 0 1 1 1 1 Fähnrich Universal 24 0.2 500 Zen small icon
Delta-Klasse Shuttle 1
Rank background icon
18000 0.6 2 0 1 1 1 1 Fähnrich UniversalFähnrich Wissenschaft 26 0.24 500 Zen small icon
Mars-Piloteneskortschiff 1
Rank background icon
39675 0.8 5 2 5 3 3 2 Commander Taktik / PilotLieutenant TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant WissenschaftLieutenant Universal / Spionageoffizier 18 0.23 Verschlusskiste
Sektion-31-Spionage-Forschungszerstörer 1
Rank background icon
34500 1.35 4 3 4 2 5 3 Lieutenant Commander Taktik / SpionageoffizierLieutenant TechnikCommander Wissenschaft / SpionageoffizierFähnrich WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal 15 0.2 Verschlusskiste
Somerville-Spionageforschungsschiff 1
Rank background icon
29325 1275 3 3 3 3 4 3 Commander Wissenschaft / SpionageoffizierFähnrich WissenschaftLieutenant Commander TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Universal / Spionageoffizier 16 18 4000 Zen small icon
Flotte: Hernandez-Spionageforschungsschiff 1
Rank background icon
32258 14025 3 3 3 3 5 3 Commander Wissenschaft / SpionageoffizierFähnrich WissenschaftLieutenant Commander TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Universal / Spionageoffizier 16 18 {{{kosten}}} {{Template:}}
Earhart-Angriffsgeschwader-Eskortschiff 1
Rank background icon
36225 0.95 5 2 4 3 3 2 Fähnrich TaktikCommander TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal / Führungsoffizier 14 0.19 3000 Zen small icon
Kreuzer - Aufrüstung 10
Rank background icon
Lieutenant Commander
20 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 Fähnrich TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant TechnikFähnrich Wissenschaft 9 15 750 Zen small icon
Eskortschiff 10
Rank background icon
Lieutenant Commander
15000 9 3 1 2 1 1 2 Lieutenant TaktikFähnrich TaktikFähnrich TechnikFähnrich Wissenschaft 17 20 10000 Refined dilithium icon
Schwerer Kreuzer 20
Rank background icon
26 1 3 3 1 3 1 4 Lieutenant TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikFähnrich TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 8 15 1 SRFED3
20000 Refined dilithium icon
Dreadnought-Kreuzer 50
Rank background icon
Vice Admiral
40000 1 4 4 3 4 2 4 Lieutenant TaktikCommander TechnikLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant WissenschaftFähnrich Universal 6 0.15 2500 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
To'Duj-Jäger 1
Rank background icon
16500 0.5 2 0 2 1 0 1 Fähnrich Universal 33 0.3 500 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Kivra-Shuttle 1
Rank background icon
12000 0.4 2 0 0 1 0 1 Fähnrich Universal 28 0.2 20550 Energy credit icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
B'rel Bird-of-Prey 1
Rank background icon
10000 0.8 2 1 1 1 1 1 Fähnrich UniversalFähnrich UniversalFähnrich Universal 23 0.2 1000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
B'Rotlh-Bird-of-Prey 1
Rank background icon
10000 0.8 2 1 1 1 2 1 Fähnrich WissenschaftFähnrich UniversalFähnrich UniversalFähnrich Universal 23 0.2 15000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Taktischer Pilotenraptor - Kortar-Klasse 1
Rank background icon
36225 0.97 5 2 5 3 3 2 Commander Taktik / PilotLieutenant Commander TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / PilotLieutenant Universal 20 0.24 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Flotte: Mogh Schlachtkreuzer 1
Rank background icon
47438 1.1 5 3 4 5 2 3 Lieutenant Commander Taktik / SpionageoffizierFähnrich TaktikCommander TechnikLieutenant WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal 9 0.15 20000 Flottencredits
5 Fleet Ship Module icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Ferasanisches Slithus-Eskortschiff 1
Rank background icon
34500 1 4 3 4 2 4 2 Commander TaktikLieutenant TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Commander Wissenschaft / SpionageoffizierLieutenant Universal 16 0.22 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Qa'Tel-Flugdeckraptor 1
Rank background icon
36800 0.9 4 3 5 3 2 2 Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant Commander Technik / PilotLieutenant WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal 15 0.2 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Wissenschaftlicher Führungsschlachtkreuzer der Klinzhai-Klasse 1
Rank background icon
49335 1.1 4 4 3 4 4 4 Lieutenant Taktik / FührungsoffizierCommander Technik / FührungsoffizierLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Universal 8 15 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Technischer Pilotenraptor - Qui'Tu-Klasse 1
Rank background icon
36225 0.97 5 2 5 4 2 2 Commander Taktik / PilotLieutenant TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / PilotLieutenant Universal 20 0.24 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Kor-Bird-of-Prey 1
Rank background icon
28463 0.8 4 2 4 3 3 2 Commander UniversalLieutenant Commander Universal / PilotLieutenant Commander UniversalLieutenant Universal 23 0.2 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Mat'Ha-Raptor 1
Rank background icon
37950 0.85 5 2 5 3 2 2 Commander TaktikLieutenant TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / SpionageoffizierLieutenant Universal 15 0.2 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Ahgamas-Mehrzweck-Überwachungsforschungsschiff 1
Rank background icon
34500 1.35 3 3 3 3 5 3 Lieutenant TaktikLieutenant TechnikCommander WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal / ZeitagentLieutenant Universal 11.5 0.15 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Führungsschlachtkreuzer der An'quat-Klasse 1
Rank background icon
49335 1.1 4 4 3 5 3 4 Lieutenant TaktikCommander Technik / FührungsoffizierLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / FührungsoffizierLieutenant Universal 8 0.15 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Flotte: Mat'Ha-Raptor 1
Rank background icon
41745 0.935 5 2 5 4 2 2 Commander TaktikLieutenant TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / SpionageoffizierLieutenant Universal 15 0.2 20000 Flottencredits
5 Fleet Ship Module icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Sech-Angriffsgeschwader-Eskortschiff 1
Rank background icon
36225 0.95 5 2 4 3 3 2 Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal / Führungsoffizier 14 0.19 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Wissenschaftlicher Pilotenraptor der Klavek-Klasse 1
Rank background icon
36225 0.97 5 2 5 2 4 2 Commander Taktik / PilotLieutenant TaktikLieutenant Technik / PilotLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Universal 20 0.24 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Flotte: Qin-Flugdeckraptor 1
Rank background icon
40480 0.99 4 3 5 3 3 2 Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant Commander Technik / PilotLieutenant WissenschaftLieutenant Commander Universal 15 0.2 20000 Flottencredits
5 Fleet Ship Module icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Bathl-Spionageforschungschiff 1
Rank background icon
29325 1.25 3 3 3 3 4 3 Commander Wissenschaft / SpionageoffizierFähnrich WissenschaftLieutenant Commander TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Universal / Spionageoffizier 16 0.18 4000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Qib-Spionageschlachtkreuzer 1
Rank background icon
43125 1 4 4 3 5 2 3 Lieutenant Commander TaktikCommander Technik / SpionageoffizierLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft / SpionageoffizierFähnrich Universal 11 0.17 3000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Qaw'Dun-Bird-of-Prey 10
Rank background icon
Lieutenant Commander
13200 0.8 3 1 2 1 2 2 Lieutenant UniversalLieutenant UniversalFähnrich Universal 22 0.2 37500 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
QulDun Bird-of-Prey 10
Rank background icon
Lieutenant Commander
13200 0.8 3 1 2 1 1 2 Lieutenant UniversalFähnrich UniversalFähnrich Universal 22 0.2 2500 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Somraw-Raptor 10
Rank background icon
Lieutenant Commander
16500 0.83 3 1 2 1 1 2 Fähnrich TaktikLieutenant TaktikFähnrich TechnikFähnrich Wissenschaft 16 0.2 2500 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
K'Tanco Schlachtkreuzer 10
Rank background icon
Lieutenant Commander
18000 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 Fähnrich TaktikFähnrich TechnikLieutenant TechnikFähnrich Wissenschaft 13 0.15 2500 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Ning'tao-Bird-of-Prey 20
Rank background icon
17600 0.8 3 2 2 2 2 2 Fähnrich UniversalLieutenant UniversalLieutenant UniversalLieutenant Commander Universal 22 {{{impuls}}} 75000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Qorgh-Raptor 20
Rank background icon
22000 0.83 3 2 3 1 1 2 Fähnrich TaktikLieutenant Commander TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 16 0.2 5000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
SuQob-Raptor 20
Rank background icon
22000 0.83 3 2 3 2 1 2 Lieutenant TaktikLieutenant Commander TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 16 0.2 75000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
K't'inga-Schlachtkreuzer 20
Rank background icon
24000 1 4 2 2 2 1 3 Lieutenant TaktikFähnrich TechnikLieutenant Commander TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 11 0.15 5000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Norgh-Bird-of-Prey 20
Rank background icon
17600 0.8 3 2 2 2 1 2 Fähnrich UniversalFähnrich UniversalLieutenant UniversalLieutenant Commander Universal 22 0.2 5000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Puyjaq-Raptor 30
Rank background icon
27500 0.83 4 2 3 3 2 2 Fähnrich TaktikLieutenant TaktikCommander TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 15 0.2 150000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Pach-Raptor 30
Rank background icon
27500 0.83 4 2 3 2 2 2 Lieutenant TaktikCommander TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 15 0.2 10000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Ki'tang-Bird-of-Prey 30
Rank background icon
22000 0.8 3 2 3 2 2 2 Fähnrich UniversalLieutenant UniversalLieutenant UniversalCommander Universal 21 0.2 10000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Schwerer Negh'Var-Schlachtkreuzer des Spiegeluniversums 40
Rank background icon
Brigadier General
39000 1 4 4 3 3 3 3 Lieutenant TaktikFähnrich TaktikCommander TechnikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Commander Wissenschaft 9 15 Verschlusskiste
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Ki'tang-Bird-of-Prey des Spiegeluniversums - Nachrüstung 40
Rank background icon
Brigadier General
24750 0.8 4 2 4 3 2 2 Commander UniversalLieutenant Commander UniversalLieutenant Commander UniversalFähnrich Universal 21 0.2 Verschlusskiste
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Schwerer Hegh'ta-Bird-of-Prey 40
Rank background icon
Brigadier General
26400 0.8 4 2 3 3 3 2 Commander UniversalLieutenant Commander UniversalLieutenant UniversalLieutenant Universal 21 0.2 20000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Somraw-Raptor des Spiegeluniversums - Nachrüstung 40
Rank background icon
Brigadier General
31500 0.83 4 3 4 2 3 2 Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Commander WissenschaftLieutenant Wissenschaft 16 0.2 Verschlusskiste
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Schwerer Qin-Raptor des Spiegeluniversums 40
Rank background icon
Brigadier General
33000 0.8333 4 3 4 3 2 2 Commander TaktikLieutenant Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 15 0.2 20000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Schwerer Qin-Raptor 40
Rank background icon
Brigadier General
33000 0.8333 4 3 4 3 2 2 Commander TaktikLieutenant Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 15 0.2 20000 Refined dilithium icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Flotte: Schwerer Qin-Raptor 50
Rank background icon
Lieutenant General
36300 0.92 4 3 4 4 2 2 Commander TaktikLieutenant Commander TaktikFähnrich TaktikLieutenant TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 15 0.2 20000 Flottencredits
4 Fleet Ship Module icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Flotte: Somraw-Raptor - Nachrüstung 50
Rank background icon
Lieutenant General
34650 0.92 4 3 4 3 3 2 Commander TaktikLieutenant Commander TaktikLieutenant TechnikFähnrich TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 16 0.2 20000 Flottencredits
4 Fleet Ship Module icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Somraw-Raptor - Nachrüstung 50
Rank background icon
Lieutenant General
31500 0.83 4 3 4 3 2 2 Commander TaktikLieutenant Commander TaktikLieutenant TechnikFähnrich TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 16 0.2 200000 Flottencredits
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
B'rel-Bird-of-Prey - Nachrüstung 50
Rank background icon
Lieutenant General
24750 0.8 4 2 3 3 3 2 Lieutenant UniversalLieutenant UniversalLieutenant Commander UniversalCommander Universal 23 0.2 2000 Zen small icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Flotte: B'rel Bird-of-Prey - Nachrüstung 50
Rank background icon
Lieutenant General
27225 0.88 4 2 3 4 3 2 Commander UniversalLieutenant Commander UniversalLieutenant UniversalLieutenant Universal 23 0.2 20000 Flottencredits
4 Fleet Ship Module icon
Klingonisches Reich,Romulanische Republik,Dominion
Bortasqu'-Kommandokreuzer 50
Rank background icon
Lieutenant General
43500 1 4 4 4 4 2 4 Lieutenant TaktikCommander TechnikLieutenant WissenschaftFähnrich UniversalLieutenant Commander Universal 5.5 0.15 2500 Zen small icon
Jem'Hadar-Eskortschiff 1 34500 1 4 3 4 4 3 2 Commander TaktikLieutenant TaktikLieutenant Commander TechnikFähnrich TechnikLieutenant Wissenschaft 20 0.22 1000 Refined dilithium icon


Klingonisches Reich[]

Vandal Zerstörer[]

Klingon Vandal Destroyer (C-Store)

Vandal class

The Vandal Destroyer is a Commander (Tier 3) level Klingon Destroyer. The Vandal is of Nausicaan design, borrowing design elements from vessels such as the Talon Battleship and the Scourge Destroyer. Nausicaans tend to design their ships with vertical, rather than horizontal, orientation and the Vandal is no different. Symmetrically identical from middle to top and middle to bottom, the ship features thin hull lines on the central section and, perhaps its most distinguishable feature, the long-swept tail that effectively doubles its overall length. In comparison to the Klingon Raptors, the Vandal Destroyer has a better turn rate and more survivability options available to it.

Scourge Zerstörer[]

Klingon Scourge Destroyer (C-Store)

Scourge class

The Scourge Destroyer is a Captain (Tier 4) level Klingon Destroyer. The Scourge Destroyer is as ruthless as it is elegant, and borrows a lot of its design from the Vandal. The main differences between the Scourge and the Vandal are that the Scourge has sweeping hull wings on the port and starboard side of the ship and the entire upper-half of the hull is longer and is generally more beefed up.

Krenn Temporaler Zerstörer[]

Krenn Temporal Destroyer

Krenn class

The Krenn Temporal Destroyer is a 29th Century Timeship recovered from the Tholian Assembly. Most of the advanced technology from these ships have been stripped, and have been replaced with contemporary equipment. The Krenn Class Temporal Destroyers are not only from the future, but they also appear to be from the Mirror Universe. They are very similar to the Korath Temporal Science Vessels, however, as a mirror universe ship, it is built more for combat. This ship, and its counterparts, have drifted through the spacial rift located in the Azure Nebula.

Peghqu' Schwerer Zerstörer[]

Peghqu Heavy Destroyer

Peghqu' class

The Peghqu' Heavy Destroyer is a Tier 5 (Lieutenant General) level Klingon Destroyer. It is similar to a Raptor, but it is much more versatile. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers are not the only elite group working on new starships. An engineering team at the Empire Shipyards have designed a heavy ship with increased maneuverability that is nimble enough to outmaneuver a cruiser but strong enough to take a barrage from an escort. Only experienced ship commanders with the backing of the High Council will have the chance to fly this ship. The Peghqu' has a similar design to that of a Raptor, only is more boxed-in and features more exposed lighting elements on the hull.

Scourge Zerstörer - Nachrüstung[]

Klingon Scourge Destroyer (C-Store)

Scourge class

The Scourge Destroyer Retrofit is an upgraded version of the standard Scourge Destroyer, but is upgraded with more modern technoloy. The general systems layout is similar to that of the Somraw Raptor Retrofit, but features a higher turn rate and power to engines.

Flotte: Scourge Zerstörer - Nachrüstung[]

Klingon Scourge Destroyer (C-Store)

Scourge class

The Fleet Scourge Destroyer Retrofit is an upgraded version of the standard Scourge Destroyer, but is upgraded with more modern technoloy. The general systems layout is similar to that of the Somraw Raptor Retrofit, but features a higher turn rate and power to engines. The Fleet Scourge Destroyer replaces the Ensign Engineering with an Ensign Science Bridge Officer station, and adds an additional Science Console slot as well as stronger hull and shield strength.

Flotte: Schwerer Peghqu'-Zerstörer[]

Peghqu Heavy Destroyer

Peghqu' class

The Peghqu' Heavy Destroyer is a Tier 5 (Lieutenant General) level Klingon Destroyer. It is similar to a Raptor, but it is much more versatile. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers are not the only elite group working on new starships. An engineering team at the Empire Shipyards have designed a heavy ship with increased maneuverability that is nimble enough to outmaneuver a cruiser but strong enough to take a barrage from an escort. Only experienced ship commanders with the backing of the High Council will have the chance to fly this ship. The Peghqu' has a similar design to that of a Raptor, only is more boxed-in and features more exposed lighting elements on the hull. The Fleet Peghqu' receives an additional Engineering console slot as well as stronger overall shield and hull strengths.


Guramba Siege Destroyer

Guramba class

The Guramba Siege Destroyer is comparable in many ways to the heavy raptor, though it has slightly weaker defenses and more firepower. A Nausicaan built ship, the Guramba has an imposing, almost insect-like appearance. While the Guramba lacks a cloaking device, it has the ability to reconfigure into siege mode where its firepower is increased and it is able to fire its disruptor Javelin.



Kolasi class

The Tier 6 Kolasi Siege Destroyer was built upon the success of the devastating Nausicaan Guramba Siege Destroyer. Like its predecessor, it can enter Siege Mode, a battle configuration designed to destroy enemies quickly. The ship actually transforms from a nimble destroyer into a siege weapon. When in Siege Mode, the Kolasi diverts its power from Engines to Weapons. It also modifies all its energy weapons allowing them to drain a target's Weapon Power in order to charge up its massive Javelin Beam – a devastating disruptor weapon. The Kolasi Siege Destroyer has a single hangar bay equipped with Nausicaan Stinger Fighters. These light craft are equipped with Disruptor Pulse Cannons and Micro Photon Torpedoes.


Mobius Temporal Destroyer[]

Mobius Temporal Destroyer

Mobius class

The Mobius Temporal Destroyer is a 29th Century Timeship recovered from the Tholian Assembly. Most of the advanced technology from these ships have been stripped, and have been replaced with contemporary equipment. The Mobius Class Temporal Destroyers are not only from the future, but they also appear to be from the Mirror Universe. They are very similar to the Wells Temporal Science Vessels, however, as a mirror universe ship, it is built more for combat. This ship, and its counterparts, have drifted through the spacial rift located in the Azure Nebula.

Chimera Heavy Destroyer[]

Chimera Heavy Destroyer

Chimera class

The Chimera Heavy Destroyer is a Tier 5 (Vice Admiral) level Federation Escort. It is similar to an Escort, but has many qualities of Light Cruisers and Science Vessels. Starfleet Corps of Engineers (SCE) has been working on a special new destroyer class starship, designed for high-level combat situations. The project was so secret that access to the Utopia Planitia shipyard was restricted for months while the project was completed. Now, Starfleet Command has decided to offer the ships to its most experienced captains.

Fleet Chimera Heavy Destroyer[]

Chimera Heavy Destroyer

Chimera class

The Chimera Heavy Destroyer is a Tier 5 (Vice Admiral) level Federation Escort. It is similar to an Escort, but has many qualities of Light Cruisers and Science Vessels. Starfleet Corps of Engineers (SCE) has been working on a special new destroyer class starship, designed for high-level combat situations. The project was so secret that access to the Utopia Planitia shipyard was restricted for months while the project was completed. Now, Starfleet Command has decided to offer the ships to its most experienced captains. The Fleet variant gains an additional Engineering console slot as well as better overall hull and shield strength.

Romulan Republic[]

See also: Romulan playable starship

Romulan Temporal Destroyer[]

Ship Variant - ROM - Tal'aura Temporal Destroyer (T6)


Like Starfleet's Klein-class and Klingon Chargh'poH-class, the Tal'aura-class Temporal Destroyer (T6) is a Mirror universe version of the Sui'Mor-class Romulan timeship from the 29th century. Vessels of this class have been stolen by the Tholian Assembly and stripped of most of their advanced technology, only to be stolen again by the Ferengi Lobi Crystal Consortium. The Ferengi have been repairing and refitting them for use in modern-day warfare – and then selling them for a modest fee.

This ship is available to Romulan Republic players from the Lobi Crystal Consortium for 800 Lobi Crystal icon and comes with the following:

  • Enhanced Manheim Device universal console
  • 1.21 Terrawatts starship trait
  • Lieutenant Commander Tactical-Temporal Operative bridge officer seating
  • Tal'aura and Talvath ship costume variants
  • Tal'aura and Talvath ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL ROMULAN TEMPORAL SHIPS)
  • Romulan Temporal Bridge
  • A.R.W. registry name prefix option

Warbird Destroyer[]

Ship Variant - ROM - Daeinos Warbird Destroyer (T5)


The Daeinos Warbird Destroyer (T5) is the Romulan Republic's variant of Starfleet's Chimera-class and Empire's Peghqu'-class Heavy Destroyer. Ships of this class have some similarities to Escorts, but also have many qualities of Light Cruisers and Science Vessels.

This ship is available to 1000-day Romulan Republic Veterans and Lifetime Subscribers and comes with the following:

  • Dynamic Tactical System universal console
  • Romulan Type 3 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD DESTROYERS)

The Fleet Daeinos Warbird Destroyer (T5) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:

  • Romulan Fleet 1 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD DESTROYERS)
Ship Variant - ROM - Dinaes Warbird Destroyer (T6)


The Dinaes Warbird Destroyer (T6) was developed after the success of the Daeinos-class Heavy Destroyer prototype.

This ship is available to 1000-day Romulan Republic Veterans and Lifetime Subscribers and comes with the following:

  • Enhanced Dynamic Tactical System universal console
  • Weapon System Synergy starship trait
  • Lieutenant Commander Engineering/Command Lieutenant Commander Engineering/Command bridge officer seating
  • Romulan Type 4 ship material (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD DESTROYERS)

The Fleet Dinaes Warbird Destroyer (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player's Fleet. The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength. This ship also comes with the following:

  • Romulan Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL WARBIRD DESTROYERS)

Cross-Faction Destroyers[]

Hazari Destroyer[]


Hazari Destroyer

Ruthless bounty hunters and mercenaries, the Hazari pride themselves on always completing the jobs they accept. Their ships reflect this sense of both aggressiveness and pride, by adhering to simple, streamlined designs that favor maneuverability and firepower.

Nihydron Destroyer[]

Nihydron Destroyer

Nihydron Destroyer

The Tier 5 Nihydron Destroyer incorporates the Coalition's many shared technical advances into a front-line strike vessel built primarily for maneuverability and offense.

Sphere Builder Arehbes Destroyer[]


Arehbes class

The Tier 5 Arehbes is the most common starship in the Sphere Builder fleet. This nimble craft was designed to rapidly engage their targets in and out of the Delphic Expanse. The Arehbes Destroyer has a balanced hull and shield strength and an average turn rate.

Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer[]


Llaihr class

Bearing a vague resemblance to the Dhelan Warbird on which it is derived from, the Llaihr class Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer is still recognisable as having been a Romulan Warbird at some stage, with a distinct main body/command section and forward-swept wings. Despite this, the ship's altered Borg appearance gives it a distinctly insectile feel. The Llaihr comes with a [Console - Universal - Shrapnel Torpedo Launcher], which allows the vessel to fire a series of Shrapnel Torpedoes, which fracture into smaller self-propelled projectiles shortly before reaching their target, allowing for bonus shield penetration. The ship itself is slow to turn, despite being Tactically orientated, but possesses advanced technology which may make this a formidable ship to face.

Shrapnel Torpedo

Mandukar class

A fearsome warship, the Tier 6 Mandukar-class destroyer is a potent part of the Tal Shiar fleet. A powerful fusion of Romulan and Borg technology, the vessel is equipped with nanotech fabricators that allow it to deploy deadly Shrapnel Torpedoes in combat.


While not Destroyers per se, due to having a slightly different Starship Mastery package, Juggernauts share the tactically-focused layout of warships by having 8 weapons and, while lacking an experimental weapon slot or hangar bay, are very large and durable.

Schiff Rang Hülle Shield Array icon Vordere Waffen Hintere Waffen Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Auxiliary Battery icon BOffs Turn rate icon Impulse Engines icon Kosten


Vaadwaur Miracle Worker Juggernaut[]



Warships share the same Starship Mastery package as Destroyers, but have an eighth standard weapon slot in lieu of an experimental weapon slot.

Schiff Rang Hülle Shield Array icon Vordere Waffen Hintere Waffen Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Auxiliary Battery icon BOffs Turn rate icon Impulse Engines icon Kosten


See also: Dominion playable starship

Jem'Hadar Vanguard Warship[]

Jem'Hadar Vanguard Warship

Vanguard Warship

When the Dominion needs a heavy offensive powerhouse, this is the new starship of choice to send into the thick of it all. More sturdy and robust than the older Escorts, without sacrificing much in the way of firepower. This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Miracle Worker Specialist Bridge Officer seat.

The Jem'Hadar Vanguard Warship [T6] comes equipped with a Power Dispersal Channel Universal Console. Activating this ability will briefly drain nearly all of your power levels and disable your starship, but will unleash a devastating burst of radiation in a long wide cone in front of your starship. Foes unfortunate enough to be caught in this blast will suffer extreme radiation damage and have their power levels slowly drain over time.

This starship may only be flown by Dominion captains, but becomes unlocked for other factions by reaching Level VI of its Starship Mastery.


Breen Chel Grett Warship[]

Chel Grett (playable)

Chel Grett class

The Breen Chel Grett Warship is the backbone of the Breen fleet, and played a powerful role in the latter stages of the Dominion War. Its appearance is largely unchanged from that period, and differs from the designs of many other species in its asymmetrical layout. The main hull consists of multiple blade-like hulls fitted in an overlapping manner to a central perpendicular "wing". The largest of these "blades" is located towards the port side of the wing, and curves towards the center line. Shorter hull blades are mounted on the starboard wing, also curving towards the center line to form a vague "C"-shaped profile when viewed from above. The ship itself is extremely versitile, capable of performing task of Escorts, Cruisers and Science Vessels. As a result, it is one of the most generalised ships available.

Breen Chel Boalg Warship Promo Picture

Chel Boalg class

The Breen Confederacy's engineers have been hard at work improving their starships in recent years. The Tier 6 Chel Boalg Warship is the newest to appear in their fleet. This warship's design builds upon the success of the powerful Chel Grett by updating its technology to modern standards. The end result is a starship that is durable, powerful and versatile.

Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship[]

Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship

S'torr class

The Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship is a fearsome Fek'Ihri design, with highly specialized technology onboard that shows why the Fek'Ihri have been haunting the Klingons for centuries.

Ferengi Nandi Warship[]

Ferengi Nandi Warship

Nandi class

Developed by the Lobi Crystal Consortium (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Quark Enterprises) under contract for the Risian Hospitality Association, the Ferengi Nandi Warship offers the finest in both firepower and luxury for the discerning ship commander. Featuring expanded science bridge officer seating as well as tactical improvements over other Ferengi warships, the Nandi is durable, stylish and extremely desirable. Impress your enemies with the vastness of your wealth before you blow them into scrap!

Husnock Warship[]

Husnock Warship

Husnock Warship

Though the Husnock were eradicated as a species in 2366, their home planet and star system remained – along with everything in it, even starships. Alliance engineers have taken recovered Husnock Warships and restored them to operational capacity. These massive vessels are well-armed, and can withstand a great deal of punishment in combat engagements.

Krenim Imperium Warship[]

Krenim Imperium Vessel

Krenim Warship

The tier 6 Krenim Imperium Warship is a formidable starship with incredible offensive capabilities. While it is slower and less maneuverable than many destroyers and escorts, it makes up for this with greater weaponry and more durable hull and shielding.

Undine Nicor Bio-Warship[]


Nicor class

Fitting the profile of many Undine ships, the Nicor maintains a long, almost cylindrical central hull, capped at both ends by a claw-like arrangement of protrusions. Long wing-like protrusions extend from the dorsal and ventral hull towards the aft of the hull. It has no visible bridge, windows, or portholes, seeing as these weaknesses in the superstructure would likely be breached by the intense pressure of Fluidic Space. The ship itself is one of the most powerful vessels ever encountered, as it is capable of combining with 8 other Bio-ships to fire a focussed Fluidic Beam Array at an object, such as a planet, with the capability to disintegrate it. Whilst the ship may be not as survivable as other ships, the Nicor is capable of dishing out extreme damage.


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See also[]

Vorlage:Playable ship nav
