- Attack Pattern Omega
- + Damage, + Resistance, movement debuff immunity, + Flight Speed, + Flight Turn Rate
Basic Information
- Type: Bridge officer ability
- Profession: Tactical
- Region: Space
- Game Description: Attack Pattern Omega grants a damage buff and resistance while making you immune to movement debuffs, including Teleport. It also bestows a short burst of speed and maneuvering to quickly close in or escape out of range.
- Starts 15 seconds cooldown on:
Detailed Information
- Target: Self
- Activation: 0.5 seconds
- Global Cooldown: 30 seconds
- Base Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Interacts with:
- Skills: None
- Subsytems Power: Engine - increases Flight Speed and Turn Rate
- Duty Officers:
- T'likchik'zi, Zemok Jenro: Reduce recharge time for Attack Patterns by 15%
- Specialization: Conn Officer: 5-20% chance on use:Chance for Attack Pattern Omega to apply lesser buff to team
- Traits:
- Assault Formation Theta: Attack Pattern Omega, Decloaking grants Torpedo: High Yield 3, weapon crit chance, and turn rate.
- Deadly Appearances: Decloaking and Attack Pattern Omega grants Shield Pen, Weapon Haste
- Omega Bond: Pilot Abilities and Attack Pattern Omega grant Buff to Team.
- She's a Predator: Attack Patterns grant Ambush, Heal Hull, recharge Cloak
- The Best Defense: +25% Hull Healing buff along with normal effect
- Terran Machinations: When activating any Attack Pattern Bridge Officer: +30% Exotic Damage for 15 sec. When activating Control Bridge Officer Abilities: 10% Firing Cycle Haste
- Trained by:
- Rank I - Bridge Officer Trainer
- Rank II - Bridge Officer Trainer
- Rank III -
- Non-common Bridge Officer Candidates
- Requires 7 Engineering Skill points
Ability Details
Ability/User Rank | Ability Effects |
Rank I: Lt. Commander | For 15 seconds:
Rank II: Commander | For 15 seconds:
Rank III: Commander | For 15 seconds:
Numbers for ability power are base values taken from tooltips and are heavily modified by skills.