Star Trek Online Wiki
Photonic Displacement icon (Federation)
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Photonic Displacement icon (Klingon)
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Photonic Displacement icon (Romulan)
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Photonic Displacement icon (TOS Federation)
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No icon (Dominion)
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Photonic Displacement is a space ability, which temporarily cloaks the player's starship, while debuffing weapon, engines and shield power levels. This ability is granted by [Console - Universal - Photonic Displacer] which comes with the Science Vessel Refit (Zen Store, 750 Zen small icon, Faction Federation Tier 2.

Basic Information[]

  • Profession: None
  • Locale: Space
  • Game Description: Generates a photonic duplicate(decoy) of your ship while masking your own ship's energy signature.

    Auxiliary Power and Starship Stealth Skill improve the masking component of the ability. The effect can be maintained for a short duration, and can be deactivated sooner if desired. Maintaining this ability drains some power from your weapon, shield and engine systems.You cannot fire while under the effect of the ability.

    Typically cannot be activated if your ship is separated or otherwise modified (e.g. when in Saucer Separation or Multi-Vector Attack Mode mode).

Detailed Information[]

Ability Ranks[]

Ability/User Rank CD Ability Effects
N/A 2m
  • +_____ Stealth
  • -20 Weapon Power Setting
  • -20 Shield Power Setting
  • -20 Engine Power Setting
  • Creates a photonic displacement of your ship for up to 15 seconds.