Overview[ | ]
Return Fire is a Damage and Recharge Time buff that increases as the user's health decreases. The Recharge Time reduction affects all abilities, even captain skills.
Basic Information[ | ]
- Specialization: Command
- Locale: Ground
- Game Description: A skilled commander can turn the tide of any battle through decisive actions, turning a desperate situation around with a single order. Issuing the Return Fire order will grant you and your 4 nearest allies a bonus to outgoing damage for several seconds, as well as instantly reducing any remaining recharge times. This effectiveness of these bonuses scales up as you and your allies get lower on health, becoming most effective if used in the most dire of circumstances.
Detailed Information[ | ]
- Used by: Captain, Bridge Officers
- Target: Self and Allies
- Attack Type: N/A
- Ability Type: PBAoE Buff
- Activation: 1sec
- Range: 30.5m
- Shares cooldown with:
- None
- Starts cooldown on:
- Self only
- Modified by:
- Skills
- None
- Stats
- None
- Duty Officer
- None
- Skills
- Trained by:
- Kit (All ranks)
- Bridge Officer Trainer (Rank I, Rank II)
- Captain training (Rank III)
Ability Ranks[ | ]
Ability/User Rank | CD | Ability Effects |
Rank I: Lt. Commander | 20s |
Rank II: Commander | 20s |
Rank III: Commander | 20s |
Rank IV: Player Only | 20s |
Notes/References[ | ]
- This ability affects bridge officers as well as nearby players, regardless of whether they are in your group or not.