Overview[ | ]
Sanctuary is a very defensive Self Buff that cloaked the user and regenerates his health. While this ability is running the user is disabled and his runspeed is debuffed.
Basic Information[ | ]
- Specialization: Command
- Locale: Ground
- Game Description: Set up a personal Sanctuary Field. While within this field, you will be sent slightly out of phase with your surroundings, providing you with a perfect Stealth but also disabling all abilities. Sanctuary also provides a heal over time while the protection remains active.
Detailed Information[ | ]
- Used by: Captain, Bridge Officers
- Target: Self
- Attack Type: N/A
- Ability Type: Self Buff
- Activation: Instant
- Range: N/A
- Shares cooldown with:
- None
- Starts cooldown on:
- Self only
- Modified by:
- Skills
- None
- Stats
- None
- Duty Officer
- None
- Skills
- Trained by:
- Kit (All ranks)
- Bridge Officer Trainer (Rank I, Rank II)
- Captain training (Rank III)
Ability Ranks[ | ]
Ability/User Rank | CD | Ability Effects |
Rank I: Lt. Commander | 1min |
Rank II: Commander | 1min |
Rank III: Commander | 1min |
Rank IV: Player Only | 1min |