Star Trek Online Wiki
Warp Signature Masking icon (Federation)
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Warp Signature Masking icon (Klingon)
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Warp Signature Masking icon (Romulan)
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Warp Signature Masking icon (Federation)
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No icon (Dominion)
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Intelligence vessels are all capable of passive warp signature masking. This passive ability grants an Intel ship a tiny amount of Stealth, which will render the Intel craft undetectable at long range. This passive stealth bonus is removed when the starship activates its cloaking device.

v · d · e
Carrier, Dreadnought Carrier commands
Cruiser Cruiser commands
Raider, Scout Ship Raider Flanking
Science-based starship Sensor AnalysisSubsystem Targeting
Romulan Warbird Singularity Core abilities
Jem'Hadar Vanguard ship Vanguard Wingmen
Intel starship Gather IntelligenceWarp Signature Masking
Command starship Inspiration
Pilot starship Pilot Maneuvers
Temporal starship Molecular Reconstruction
Miracle Worker starship Innovation Effects
Specific starships Cloaking: CloakCloak of T'KuvmaBattle CloakEnhanced Battle CloakDark Mode
Romulan CloakRomulan Battle CloakRomulan Enhanced Battle CloakScimitar Battle Cloak
Agony Phaser Spinal LancePhaser Spinal LanceJavelinPlasma Spinal LanceChroniton LanceGravitic Lance
Plasma DisintegratorJuggernaut ArrayViridian Juggernaut ArrayWorld Razer Juggernaut Array
Improved Hull RegenerationLong Range Sensor MaskingEnergy DistributorAutomated Defense Screens
Tactical ModeSiege ModeLaunch Support CraftTranswarpDeploy Consumption ArrayDeploy SwarmMorph Reversal

See also: Starship Separation