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Faction Both Bribe Ferasan for Information about Jem'Hadar in Sector
(5 of 10)
Location Type:
Current Map
Cxp trade icon Trade
Requires duty officers:
  • Trader
Base outcome chances:
  • Critical Success: 5%
  • Success: 54%
  • Failure: 38%
  • Disaster: 3%
778 Expertise icon
Commendation XP:
227 Cxp trade icon


A Ferasan claims to have information directly related to the abandoned Jem'Hadar starship. Perhaps some persuasion might open his lips...

Completing this assignment will open up additional possible assignments in this story chain.


This assignment is unique.

Possible locations[]

  • This assignment spawn chance is based on the rotation of the DOF mission lists.
  • This mission has a bigger chance to appear in the borders going from the Beta Ursae sector block (Cardasia, Bajor, Trill sectors) towards the Alpha Triangulis sector Block ( Algira, Dubhe, Minos Korva sectors). Avoid going too far from the border between sectors or the DOF mission list will be reset to the generic galaxy wide DOF list.
  • Several players have mentioned seeing this mission in the Deep Space Nine's DOF vendor (near Quark's).
  • The mission can also show up on the intersection going from the Defera -> Cardassia -> Arawath(top right corner of Cardassia sector).

Technique: Head to CARDASSIA sector (bottom area), cross the border towards Algira sector at low speed, as soon you get the "Algira sector" notification, stop your ship. Check the DOF missions in both "current map" and "departments, operations". If the mission is not there. Go back to Cardassia sector and try again after the DOF list updates ( check the reset times in your main DOF screen).

Not recommended to do this with the Deep Space Nine's vendor, as he updates ONCE PER DAY. versus the once every 4 hours of sector maps. This behavior is shared with similar missions from the Chrysalis mission list. (as April 2019)

  • Finding this mission can be difficult and may take time since the change from Sector Blocks to entire quadrants. One location it has been found is the Dubhe sector as of February 26, 2019.
  • KDF version was just seen on the Trill side of the Trill/Minos Korvas sectors border.
  • Found the mission coming from Tzenketh Sector to Bajor Sector on the left side right by the corner. Crossed while watching the Current Map and it appeared. Fed(Disc) January 8, 2020.
  • Found the mission from Betazed sector on top right side(fly down on sr-5195) Fed 01.03.2020
  • Found crossing from Algira Sector into Orias Sector (almost dead center of the block) FED 01 JUN 20
  • Chris-crossed the lower half of Alpha Quadrant daily for about a week, keeping doff assignments up and watching trade under 'current map'. Appeared when I crossed from Deneb to Draylon Sectors. 08-31-21. Just stop and hold position. Keep the Ferasan Nepeta Leaves handy. Its basically chance, luck and covering the region.
  • Found crossing from Algira to Orias Sector, Oct 2021 FED. NOTE: The first time I crossed, the mission wasn't there. Going back to Algira, log out of the character and come back in, then crossed to Orias and the mission was under CURRENT TAB.
  • Found it as KDF crossing Algira Sector into Cardassia sector (was activelly looking crossing the 4 sectors in that corner). February 2023
  • Extreme top left of Cardassia Sector crossing into Mariah Sector. Under Current Map, Trade. 23 July 2023.
  • Found this in the Cardassia sector across from the Arawath sector near the Bavar System. I took a hint from another wiki that said to look for and assign the mission Investigate illegal gambling. Once the sector updated, the mission to Bribe showed up. Looked for a week and was about to give up on it.
  • Found in Orias, going from Algira in current map tab - 10 Dec 2023
  • Found in Cardassia sector 19 Dec 2023
  • This finally showed up on my duty officer system today after nearly 3 weeks of daily flying around 6 or so sectors near DS9.

For those interested in popped up in the Cardassia sector, near the badlands battlezone -


Assignment chains
Faction Klingon Biogenic Weaponization
“Research Biogenic Weaponization”“Field Test Biogenic Weaponization”
Faction Cross-faction Biochemical Investigations
“Evaluate Biochemical Properties”“Analyze Biological Properties”“Research Practical Applications”“Perform Pharmacological Trials”
Faction Federation Caitian Diaspora
“Attend Caitian Diplomatic Dinner”“Accept Invitation by Caitian Scientist”“Supply Caitian Research Station”“Support Caitian Scientific Expedition Efforts”“Recover Stolen Samples from Ferasan Raid”“Analyze Recovered Genetic Samples”“Assess Psychotropic Triggers in Augmented DNA”“Access Classified Ferasan Database”“Locate Caitian Diaspora Site”“Rescue Caitian Hostage from Ferasa”
Faction Both Children's Toys
“Negotiate Delivery of Rare Commodities”“Infuse Alien Artifact with Rare Particles”“Fabricate Prototype Console from Alien Artifact”
Faction Both Colonial Team
“Initiate Contact with Colonization Team”“Assist Colonization Team with Site Survey”“Recruit Labor Aid”
Faction Cross-faction Colonization
“Colony Site Survey”“Establish Forward Base”“Establish First-In Colony”“Fortify Colonies”“Transport Settlers”“Establish Military Base”“Renown”“Support Colonization Efforts”/“Support Expansion Efforts”
Faction Cross-faction Consular Authority
“Deliver Communique”“Secure Consulate”“Install Security Improvements”“Station Deputy Ambassador”/“Station Provincial Administrator”
Faction Cross-faction Culinary Credentials
“Establish Culinary Credentials”“Promote Culinary Reputation”“Prepare Kalandra Sector Surprise”“Boil Klingon-Ferengi Fusion Cooking”“Prepare Traditional Klingon Ascension Feast”
Faction Both Epohh Raising
“Research Tagged Epohhs”“Raise Epohh Pup”“Raise Epohh Moppet”“Raise Epohh Adult”
Faction Cross-faction Extreme Bartending
“Drown Troubles with Saurian Brandy”“Acquire Case of Romulan Ale”“Locate Rare Vintage of Tranya”“Host Diplomatic Reception”“Talk Captain Out of Poor Choice of Professional Action”
Faction Both Facility 4028 Fugitives
Faction Federation“Attend Briefing At Facility 4028 About Escaped Dominion Prisoners”/Faction Klingon“Assemble War Conference Regarding Dominion Fugitives from Facility 4028”Faction Federation “Investigate Facility 4028 Prisoner Database for Leads”/Faction Klingon“Infiltrate Database of Facility 4028 for Prisoner Information”Faction Federation “Perform Forensic Sweep of Facility 4028”/Faction Klingon“Decrypt Facility 4028 Files for Information”“Bribe Locals for Assistance in Tracking Facility 4028 Fugitives”“Raid Safehouse of Facility 4028 Fugitives”
Faction Cross-faction Gaming Proficiency
“Host a Poker Game”“Dabo!”“Play Tri-Dimensional Chess”“Compete with a Strategema Master”
Faction Both Ghosts of the Jem'Hadar
“Investigate Unmanned Jem'Hadar Warship”“Tractor Unmanned Jem'Hadar Warship to Sector Base”“Perform Scientific Evaluation of Particle Traces on Jem'Hadar Warship”“Pursue Rumors of Origins of Unmanned Jem'Hadar Warship”“Bribe Ferasan for Information about Jem'Hadar in Sector”“Develop Technique to Synthesize Unrefined Ketracel-White”“Overpower Jem'Hadar Ground Expeditionary Force”“Persuade Cardassian Captain”“Infiltrate Deep Space Ketracel-White Production Facility”“Provide Sanctuary to Gul Tain”
Faction Cross-faction Project Chrysalis
“Supply Classified Project”“Recover Scientist from Dominion Prison Camp”“Provide Raw Materials for Chrysalis Process”“Detach Personnel for Training of Chrysalis Volunteers”“Post-Chrysalis Treatment”“Reintroduce Volunteer into Society”
Faction Both Tal Shiar Infiltration
“Initiate Contact with Rogue Tal Shiar Agent”“Plant An Operative Inside Tal Shiar Organization”“Smuggle Intelligence Out Of Tal Shiar Headquarters”“Convince High-Rank Tal Shiar Agent to Defect”
Faction Both Tau Dewa Aid
“Investigate Distress Call from Suliban Cell”“Relocate Survivors of an Elachi Raid”“Liberate Enslaved Arena Combatants”“Thwart Elachi Abductions”“Locate Suitable World for Refugees”“Provide Medical Aid for Elachi Abductees”
Faction Klingon Unforgiven of Ferasa
“Attend Ferasan Trial by Combat”“Clandestine Meeting with Ferasan Contact”“Assist Planning Raid on Caitian Research Station”“Dispose of Spoils from Caitian Raid”“Intercept Caitian Courier”“Analyze Genetic Samples”“Assess Psychotropic Triggers in Augmented DNA”“Access Classified Ferasan Database”“Collect Medical Records of Pre-Apotheotic Caitian Traitors”“Blockade Caitian Detention Facility”