Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction Cross-faction Instigate Defection
Location Type:
Current Map
Cxp espionage icon Espionage
Very Rare
Requires duty officers:
Base outcome chances:
  • Critical: 6%
  • Success: 35%
  • Failure: 49%
  • Disaster: 10%
194 / 523 Experience Point icon
23 / 62 Expertise icon
Commendation XP:
161 / 835 Cxp espionage icon
5 / 625 Dilithium Ore icon
40 / 980 Energy credit icon
You will receive the following reward:

Duty Officer 1 Rare Duty Officer (Bound)

On critical success:

Duty Officer 1 Very Rare Duty Officer (Bound)


We have identified a low-ranking

Faction Federation KDF officer who may be willing to feed us information.
Faction Klingon Starfleet officer who may be...amenable to external influence.

Send in an operative and see if we can exploit this situation to our benefit.


This assignment is unique.


Faction Federation For Federation-aligned players:

Faction Klingon For Klingon-aligned players:

Possible locations[]

  • This assignment appears to be available in all "space" maps (but no ground maps).
    • Aenigma Nebula (but not Captain's Table ground map)
    • Badlands (and in sector space)
    • Bajor system/sector space (but not Bajor:Hathon ground)
    • Defera system/sector space (but neither Defera ground nor Invasion Zone)
    • Drozana system/sector space (but not Drozana station ground)
    • DS9 system/sector space (but not DS9 promenade)
    • Empersa (sector space)
    • Kobali Prime system/sector space (but not ground)
    • Nukara Prime in sector space (but not ground)
    • Risa system/sector space (but neither Classic Beach nor Summer Resort ground maps)
    • Sherman System/sector space (but not K-7 ground)
    • Sierra System/sector space (but not SB39 ground)
    • Sol system/sector space (but neither ESD nor SFA)
    • Solanae Dyson Sphere "space" zones (but not Ground Battlezone)


  • A (critical) success result awards a special duty officer from the opposing faction.
  • Faction Klingon The Founders of the Federation doffFounders of the Federation trait on KDF duty officers might be hard to find. You may search for the next 3 traits listed/required for Critical.