- 1 x Any Officer (except Prisoner)
- 5 x
- Success: 95%
- Disaster: 5%
Turn over confiscated contraband to the appropriate authorities.
Success: Your superiors commend you for your outstanding actions.
Disaster: Falsely accused of complicity in trading contraband, your officer has been detained by your superiors.
Possible locations[]
This assignment is given out by an NPC Security Officer.
Federation NPC Security Officers can be found at the following locations:
- The Control Center of Earth Spacedock
- In the lounge area outside the transporter room of Starbase 39
- The main area of Deep Space K-7
- The Brig behind Ro Senna's Security Office on the promenade on Deep Space 9
- The Tactical floor of the Fleet Starbase.
Klingon NPC Security Officers can be found at the following locations:
- Inside the Council Chambers of the Great Hall in First City
- In the central area of Ganalda Station.
- The Brig behind Ro Senna's Security Office on the promenade on Deep Space 9
- The Tactical floor of the Fleet Starbase.
There are also a Romulan NPC Security Officers located at New Romulus Command, who will give assignments to Romulan-faction captains of either allegiance.
All NPC Security Officers give the same assignment; you may only have one in progress at a time.
This assignment is unique. This assignment does not have a critical success outcome.
- 5 x
- 1 x Any Officer (except Prisoner)
- Success:
Security Officer (NB. This refers to a duty officer type that completes the assignment - not to be confused with an NPC "Security Officer" that gives this assignment.)
- Disaster:
- Success:
- This assignment does not have a critical success outcome, and does not reward any
- To reduce the chances of the disaster outcome to 0%, either a Common+ doff
Security Officer with any traits, or any Rare+ duty officer with no disaster traits can be used.