Unforgiven of Ferasa is an assignment chain available to the KDF that awards a unique Very Rare duty officer and repeatable assignments including quality melee weapons and flight deck officers.
There are 10 assignments in this chain. Repeatable assignments unlocked through this chain are listed under the corresponding assignment in this table. Some step are nearly identical to the Federation Assignment chain: Caitian Diaspora.
5. Intercept Caitian Courier[]
Location: Current Map Commendation: ?
Tier: 0
Rarity: Common
Duration: 4 Hours
Level: ?
Repeatable: ?
Requires Duty Officers:
Tactical X2
Any Officer X1
Possible Locations: Drozana System
6. Analyze Genetic Samples[]
7. Assess Psychotropic Triggers in Augmented DNA[]
Attempt to prove your science team's theory about Ferasan Nepeta Leaves acting as a psychotropic trigger for the augmented DNA in the recovered genetic samples.
8. Access Classified Ferasan Database[]
Classified Ferasan political and historical database may provide an answer for the source of the augmented DNA. The Ferasans have declined requests through formal channels, but there are other options...
Requires: 2x Systems Engineer
9. Collect Medical Records of Pre-Apotheotic Caitian Traitors[]
Description: The Caitian traitors who attempted to sabotage the early Ferasan eugenic Apotheotic program with thefts and treachery fled into what is now Federation space. Their descendants still live, however, and collecting information on them may prove an invaluable bargaining chip to pull the Ferasans closer to Imperial influence.
Locations (list is not exhaustive): Eta Eridani sector block, Regulus Block, Deferi Sector (Colonial).
- 2021 June 3 Alpha Quadrant - Defera Sector, Operations Officer - Colonial
490 Energy Credits; 5 Dilithium Ore; 1324 Colonial XP; 4763 Bridge Officer Skill Points; 5456 Skill Points;
Officers Required: 2
Security Officer, Medical (success Doctor)
Requires: 2 Contraband
10. Blockade Caitian Detention Facility[]
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