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Borg Assimilated Carrier
Assimilated Carrier
Critter Rank 4 icon
Vorn System

The Assimilated Carrier (official designation unknown; presumably part of the KDF seventh fleet) is a Borg-assimilated Vo'Quv Dreadnought and the final boss of “The Cure Found”.

Like any other Vo'quv, the assimilated carrier has very low maneuverability and launches waves of assimilated fighters. The carrier itself poses less of a threat than the craft it spawns, so players should focus on clearing these support craft quickly.



Missions involved[]

  • “The Cure Found”: The Borg have assimilated a Klingon shipyard, and this ship is the last casualty.


v · d · e
Borg Collective
Faction Borg
Details Borg CollectiveBorgUnicomplexKer'rat System • Borg Transwarp HubBorg Invasion
Ground Forces Assimilated Undine • Drone • Medical Drone • Tactical Drone • Heavy Tactical Drone • Elite Tactical Drone • Infected Drone • Worker Drone • Elite Tactical Assimilated Gorn
Starships Tractor Probe • Planetary Assimilation Probe • Regeneration Probe • Probe • Nanite Probe • Sphere • Nanite Sphere • Cube • Tactical Cube • Assimilated To'Duj Fighter • Assimilated Bird of Prey • Assimilated Raptor • Assimilated Negh'Var Warship • Unimatrix 0047 Command Ship
NPCs Armek of Borg • Borg Queen • Donatra • Manus of Borg • Ogen • Tosk of Borg
NPC starships Assimilated Carrier • Borg Cube 19721 • Borg Queen's Octahedron • I.R.W. Valdore • Siege Cube 1 of 5 • Siege Cube 2 of 5 • Siege Cube 3 of 5 • Siege Cube 4 of 5 • Siege Cube 5 of 5