The Atosee System is a system located in the Balancar Sector of the Alpha Quadrant. It had at least one M-class planet, Atosee Prime, which was destroyed by a Tzenkethi protomatter projectile in 2410.
Missions involved[]
- “The Renegade's Regret”: In her debrief with the Alliance officer and Captain Geordi La Forge, former Coalition Captain Neth Parr mentions Tzenkethi attack on the Atosee Prime as a turning point in her career - disgusted by actions of her superior, Admiral Aarn Tzen-Tarrak, Parr decided to betray her people and assist the Alliance in thwarting further Tzenkethi attacks.
The C.S.S. Steadfast stood behind the annihilation of Drantzuli eggs on Atosee moon