An Orb on Bajor
Bajoran Orbs (also known as Tears of the Prophets) are artifacts that originated from the Prophets in the Bajoran wormhole. Several orbs were sent by the Prophets to the Bajoran people and each has different qualities.
They are considered sacred, spiritual artifacts to the Bajorans. Interaction with one may grant an "Orb Experience" to speak with the Prophets or even bring about a change, for example engage in time travel. Several were stolen by the Cardassians during their occupation of Bajor while others have yet to be found.
Known orbs[]
- Orb of Possibilities (see also: [Shard of Possibilities])
- Orb of Prophecy and Change
- Orb of Peace
- Orb of Contemplation
- Orb of Time
- Orb of Wisdom
- Orb of the Emissary
- At least five others on Bajor
Missions involved[]
“Spoils of War”: The Orb of Possibilities is stolen from Cardassia by the True Way. The player tracks it to the Badlands and retrieves it.
“Jabberwocky”: The player attempts to return the Orb of Possibilities to Hathon on Bajor, but has an Orb experience in which the Prophets reveal the Orb is from another universe. The player travels to the Mirror Universe and returns the Orb to the temple in that version of Hathon.
“Counterpoint”: Using the Orb of Possibilities, Admiral Leeta transports mirror-Terok Nor over to the prime universe.
“Assault on Terok Nor”: After boarding mirror-Terok Nor and defeating Leeta, she beams out and the player retrieves the Orb of Possibilities, thereby returning Terok Nor to its universe.
“Of Bajor”: Kubus Pohl asks the player to consult the Orb of Prophecy and Change to determine why the Prophets allowed a Dominion fleet to attack Deep Space 9.
“Armistice”: On her rescue from the penal colony in the Olt System of the Gamma Quadrant, Kai Opaka reveals that the Orb of Peace was discovered and helped end the conflict between Ennis and Nol-Ennis.
Missions mentioned[]
“Sun, Sand, and Scavenging”: One of the temporally-displaced items unearthed on Risa during the Lohlunat Festival is reported to be a replica of the Orb of Time.
External links[]
- Orb at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.
- Orb at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.