High Justicar Mathan, a male Benthan
NPC Faction
Notable Species:
Capital World:
Benthan IV
Foreign Policy:
Law & order
Delta Alliance
Alliance Relations:
The Benthans are a humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant and members of the Delta Alliance.
Benthans possess advanced starships and the Benthan Guard is dedicated, sometimes fanatically, to the rule of law (to the point of legalism), and its members see themselves as a force for order in the Delta Quadrant.
Duty officers[]
Missions involved[]
Delta Rising[]
“Wanted”: The Benthan Guard deputizes the player without further ado in order to jointly combat a group of Kazon in the Argala System.
“Ocampan Freighter Patrol”: The Benthan Guard helps defend an Ocampan convoy led by Kela against alien scavengers.
“Shivolia System Patrol”: The Benthan Guard aids the player in defense against a Hierarchy attack in the Shivolia System.
“Kendren System Patrol”: The player repairs Danil's ship following an attack by Hazari and the Hierarchy. Danil is attempting to arrest Daimon Qwen, who has been engaging in criminal activity in the Kendren System.
“Nanipia System Patrol”: The player has to choose whether to help the Benthans in detaining a Malon ship in the Nanipia System. In case the player assists them, hired Hazari vessels will try to free the Malon. Siding with the Malon will instead force the player to fight the Benthan Guard.
“Orendal System Patrol”: The Hierarchy uses a captured Benthan Guard Cruiser to lure the player into trap.
“Alliances”: Mediated by the player and Neelix, High Justicar Mathan agrees to a list of demands provided by Y'Dren of the Hazari, in exchange for them joining the alliance against the Vaadwaur.
“Better With Friends”: Player is sent to honor newly-formed alliances with the Delta Quadrant species by helping them fight off the Vaadwaur.
“Revolution”: A Benthan cruiser intercepts the player (commanding a Vaadwaur ship at the time) in the Molinya System, threatening to compromise the mission. The player is forced to engage the Benthan ship and disable her. If the player chooses to spare the Benthans, they are then destroyed by Commander Eldex.
“The Battle of Korfez”: Benthan vessels are a part of a Benthan Guard squadron sent to assist Harry Kim's small taskforce tasked with liberating Korfez IV. They are tasked with beaming out local colonists. Players must protect them from Vaadwaur attack.
“Takedown”: The Benthan Guard participates in the Delta Alliance's attack on Vaadwaur Prime.
“What's Left Behind”: A Benthan is among several races imprisoned on an Elachi subspace outpost.
“Dust to Dust”: If the player accepts Hanchon Jetanian's assistance, Thelik of the Benthan Guard helps the Delta Alliance in repelling a Vaadwaur invasion of Kobali Prime.
Iconian War[]
“Butterfly”: In a holodeck simulation showing what would happen if Voyager had not woke the Vaadwaur from stasis, the player speaks to a member of the Benthan Guard at an ill-fated attempt to form the Delta Alliance, the Benthan explaining that the Hierarchy has stepped up their aggression and escalated tensions among the other races of the Delta Quadrant.
“Midnight”: The B.G.S. Ngaio, a Benthan Guard Cruiser, aids in the Iconian Resistance's last stand in the Sol System.
According to the information discovered by the Alliance Intelligence Network, Benthan Guard ships can be a match for Alpha Quadrant technology, and cooperating with them when possible may be a far safer course of action than opposing them.
- The Benthans were introduced in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Vis à Vis".
See also[]
External links[]
- Benthan at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.
- Benthan at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
| ||
Details | Benthan | |
Ground Forces | None | |
Starships | Benthan Guard Frigate • Benthan Guard Cruiser • Benthan Guard Battleship | |
NPCs | Benthan Representative • Danil • Frenek • Mathan • Stalha • Thelik | |
NPC starships | B.G.S. Ngaio |
Factions by Quadrant
| |
α | Breen Confederacy • Cardassian Union • Deferi • Drantzuli • Federation (Starfleet) • Ferengi Alliance • Kentari Union • Lukari Concordium • Na'kuhl • Tholian Assembly • True Way Alliance • Tzenkethi Coalition |
β | Federation (Starfleet • DSC Starfleet • TOS Starfleet) • Gorn Hegemony • Iconian • Klingon Empire (Klingon Defense Force) • Klingon Empire Rebels • Klingons (2256) • Nausicaan • Orion Syndicate • Romulan Republic • Romulan Star Empire • Reman Resistance • Son'a • Vulcan |
γ | Dominion • Fek'Ihri Horde • Hur'q |
Δ | Automated Personnel Unit • Benthan • Borg Collective • The Cooperative • Bluegill • Hazari • Hierarchy • Hirogen • Kazon • Kobali • Krenim • Malon • Ocampa • Octanti • Talaxian • Turei • Tuterian • Vaadwaur Supremacy • Voth |
Others | Borg Kingdom • Coalition • Creatures • Devidian • Elachi • Terran Empire • Undine (Species 8472) • Vorgon |