A Borg Cube
The Borg Collective is the term used to define the forced combined consciousness of trillions of individuals, using technology. The Borg are distinguished by their collective consciousness (often heard by a chorus of voices), their fusion of biological matter and technology, and their driving principle to assimilate all knowledge or eradicate threats, without regard to ethics.
The Borg are led by a figurehead, known as the Borg Queen. The Queen directs the actions of each Borg unit, and assigns priorities and tasks via subspace communications. No Borg drone or unit can function without being connected to the Collective, as witnessed in the kidnapping of Locutus shortly after the Battle of Wolf 359.
The Borg are also easily identified by their iconic vessels, whose basic shapes underscore their massive destructive potential. It's crew numbered up to 130,000 and on two occasions the Borg were confident enough to send just a single cube to assimilate Earth. On both occasions, the Cube was only narrowly defeated by Starfleet.
The first official contact between the Federation and the Collective came in 2365, although unofficial contacts and assimilations predate this. The Collective was severely weakened by the actions of the U.S.S. Voyager in 2378, however in 2409 the collective renew their assault on Alpha Quadrant powers at Vega.
Tactical Advice[]

Remodulating an energy weapon can take precious seconds in combat
The Borg have some unique mechanics that make them a challenging foe for new players first encountering them. Note that most of these mechanics are not present during their inclusion in the Starfleet Tutorial, and most players will first encounter them in “Where Angels Fear to Tread”.
Drones adapt to energy weapons (i.e. Phasers or Disruptors) after a few shots, then you will no longer deal damage to them (this is signposted in hovering green text reading "Adapted"). To counter this you must either;
- Use a Frequency Remodulator or similar device (these are often given to you in gateway missions, and can be replicated for free). This adds a button to your abilities tray. When the Borg adapt, click the ability and for a few seconds your character will remodulate their weapon. When it is complete, you will be able to deal damage again.
- All your bridge officers on the mission will need their own Frequency Remodulator.
- More effective Remodulators (such as the Fractal Remodulator or Tuned Anti-Borg Device), traits that improve its efficiency (i.e. Omega Graviton Pulse Module), and weapons with it integrated (i.e. the M.A.C.O. Phaser Battle Rifle) can be obtained.
- Cyclic Modulation weapons provide another way of remodulating, by changing the weapon's damage type.
- Use a weapon causing Physical Damage, such as the TR-116B Rifle - Sniper Rifle, Replica Thompson Submachine Gun, or Zefram Cochrane Shotgun. Alternatively, use a Melee weapon such as a Klingon Bat'leth or Vulcan Lirpa that deals Kinetic Damage. Both Physical and Kinetic damage bypasses Borg shield's and hence prevent them adapting.
- Beware that in close quarters (required by melee combat), drones will apply an Assimilate Damage over Time to your character which can cause your character to become a Borg drone and attack formerly friendly targets.
- Drones have the ability to transfer a nearby drone's excess Personal Shield into its main health bar. This removes shields, but gives them a health regen and a buff to physical and kinetic damage resistance.
Borg can anchor you to a spot and if you try to move you will suffer Electrical Damage and be pulled back. Borg can also adapt to Crowd Control abilities.
Their Tractor Beams are only effective within 5km, so remain more than 5km away from the ship.
The Borg Shield Neutralizer is highly effective. It is difficult to prevent, but your abilities should include ways to regenerate shields (i.e. Reverse Shield Polarity, Emergency Power to Shields and Shields Batteries) and improve your hull (i.e. Damage resistance consoles).
The Borg use a transporter version of Boarding Party, but you can still clear them with Tactical Team and restore disabled systems with Engineering Team.
Borg Plasma Torpedoes deal Plasma Damage over Time, so even when you are no longer being hit by them, they will continue to damage you.
- Use hull healing powers (i.e. Engineering Team or Miraculous Repairs) to repair your hull and clear the ongoing plasma damage.
- Hazard Emitters can also clear plasma damage.
- The Plasma torpedoes can be destroyed before they hit you. When you see a barrage start, trigger Beams: Fire at Will to take them out.
The group consciousness of the Borg civilization is created by linking each Borg drone to the collective by a sophisticated subspace network that ensures each member is given constant supervision and guidance. The collective is broadcast over a subspace domain similar to that utilized by transporter technology. Being part of the collective offers significant biomedical advantages to the individual drones. The mental energy of the group consciousness can help an injured or damaged drone heal or regenerate damaged body parts or technology. This is instrumental in the Borg ability to adapt with great speed to defensive tactics used against them. Increasingly, the Borg are utilizing cybernetic technology, replacing large parts of the original body in order to increase reaction time and intelligence. This has also led to the Borg being more willing to take aggressive action than ever before. Ever since the Collective learned about the Omega Particle they have developed an almost spiritual reverence of the molecule. They believe it to be an embodiment of the ultimate goal of the Borg; perfection itself.

Borg regenerate in alcoves until they are needed
- In 2063, Borg from the 24th century attempt to alter Earth's history by preventing First Contact. They were defeated by the mutually time-displaced U.S.S. Enterprise-E without altering contemporary Humans or Borg. However a remnant of Borg forces were frozen until 2153. They succeeded in sending a message to contemporary Borg but were not identified by the Humans of the era as the Borg.
- By the 24th century, the Borg had begun to encroach on the Beta Quadrant and assimilated the El-Aurian homeworld. A pair of exobiologists pursured rumors of the Borg; discovering and following a Borg ship. They, and their daughter Annika Hansen were assimilated.
- Activities of the Borg were first noticed by the Romulan and Federation when several of their outposts along the common Neutral Zone were "removed" by an unknown power in 2364.
- In 2365 the omnipotent being known as Q introduced the U.S.S. Enterprise-D to the Collective, giving Starfleet time to prepare countermeasures in case the Borg should decide to strike against the Federation.
- A single Borg Cube rampaged through the Beta Quadrant in late 2366, leaving a trail of devastation on course to Earth. Jean-Luc Picard was assimilated by the Borg into Locutus of Borg and helped them to overcome any defense Starfleet could devise. This resulted in the devastating Battle of Wolf 359, where more than 40 Federation and Klingon Starships were destroyed. In an desperate attempt to disrupt the Borg Collective, Locutus was retrieved from the Cube and Data managed to implant a fatal command into the hive consciousness ultimately resulting in the destruction of the Cube in orbit of Earth. The Borg Queen was on board when the ship was destroyed.
- A second invasion in 2373 was averted by the U.S.S. Enterprise-E after the Borg traveled back in time to prevent the first contact between Humans and Vulcans. The Borg Queen was killed by Captain Picard in 2063. The wreckage of the Borg vessel would be discovered in the 22nd century leading to a predestination paradox when the regenerated Borg sent the coordinates of Earth to the Delta Quadrant.
- The U.S.S. Voyager has had several dealings with the Borg. In 2373 the Borg would attempt to expand into the parallel dimension known as Fluidic Space, causing an all out war with the Undine, an enemy that could resist any attempt of assimilation. Kathryn Janeway liberated the drone known as Seven of Nine and repelled the Undine invasion of the Milky Way.
- The Borg Queen's vessel, the Diamond, was destroyed by Voyager in 2375.
- When an alternate 2404 version of Kathryn Janeway travels back in time to 2378 to allow Voyager to get back home faster than possible in the original timeline. A fatal blow is dealt to the Collective when the Unicomplex is infected by her with a neurolytic pathogen. The Borg Queen is forced to self-destruct the whole complex, dying in the process. Retrofitted with technology from the future, Voyager fought her way through the disrupted Borg forces and used a Borg Transwarp Hub to return to the Alpha Quadrant, ending her seven-year journey through the Delta Quadrant.
- Borg activity declines and completely ceases to register in 2383 to the knowledge of Starfleet. The Collective is believed to have been defeated permanently.
The Borg Queen
- The Collective returns in force, invades Vega Colony and creates a foothold in the Hotep and surrounding sectors of the Alpha Quadrant in 2409. Despite these incursions, the invasion can be contained by the Federation, as well as Klingon and Romulan Republic forces.
The Collective is determined by the single imperative to perfect its life-form biologically and technologically, and to assimilate and incorporate knowledge to achieve perfection. The Borg Collective, in certain cases, creates a representative to speak for the Borg, as in the case of Locutus and Seven of Nine. These representatives retain some capacity for independent thought.
The Borg Queen, almost resembling a person, is the manifestation of the hive consciousness. It is her task "to bring order to chaos". It is not clear to what extent she is able to formulate thoughts and imperatives outside the collective hive consciousness, and how exactly she is able to implement policies.
Missions Involved[]

“Communication Breakdown”: The player discovers the staging area of a Borg invasion of the Alpha Quadrant in the Pollux System.
“Assimilation of the Innocent”: The Borg launch their invasion, targeting the Vega System.
“Sleepers”: Romulan Republic players, acting as a double agent within the Tal Shiar, board a disabled Cube in the T'liss System.
“Where Angels Fear to Tread”: The player rescues the crew of the I.R.W. Areinnye from Borg attack in the Burgus System.
“A Gathering Darkness”: The player rescues a research team from the Borg-assimilated world of Omicron Kappa II.
“Assimilation”: The player must prevent the Borg from devising a method of assimilating the Undine.
“Fluid Dynamics”: The player joins a joint fleet tasked with halting a Borg invasion of Fluidic Space.
“Empire Defense Against Borg Invasion”: Klingon Empire players seek and engage Borg vessels hiding in the T'Kanis Nebula.
- Adventure zone - "Borg Invasion of Defera": The Borg launch a large-scale invasion of the Deferi homeworld.
“Infected: The Conduit”: The Borg invade the Sibiran System and attack Starbase 82.
“Infected: Manus”: The players board Starbase 82 to rescue any survivors. They encounter and defeat Manus of Borg, a drone which demonstrates a capacity for independent thought.
“The Cure Applied”: The players rescue the crew of the I.K.S. Kang from assimilation, and modify the Federation cure for the Borg nanovirus to be effective on Klingons.
“The Cure Found”: The player protects the I.K.S. Kang from attack by the Borg until they can escape the Vorn System.
“Khitomer Vortex”: The player must halt a Borg temporal incursion in the Quadra Sigma System.
“Khitomer in Stasis”: The players chase Donatra through a temporal vortex to Vega IX in early 2409, where her forces are upgrading long-dormant drones which had been in stasis beneath the colony for years. The players stop the Borg, but Donatra escapes.
“Into the Hive”: The player infiltrates a Borg Unicomplex to take on the Borg Queen.
“Hive Onslaught”: The Queen retreats to her flagship to make her final stand.
“Borg Disconnected”: The player joins the Cooperative in preventing the resurrected Borg Queen from re-integrating liberated Borg ships into the Collective.
“Friends in Unlikely Places”: The player assists Hugh and the Cooperative in liberating the crews of several Borg vessels in the Jarleth System. The player also searches the Borg Battlefield for clues as to who was responsible for decimating an entire Borg fleet with no losses.
“Butterfly”: In an attempt to alter time and change events leading to the Iconian War, the player and the K.I.S. Annorax create an alternate timeline where the Collective have assimilated Romulus.
“Quark's Lucky Seven”: According to a report by Starfleet Intelligence in 2410, a Unimatrix Vessel is being tracked but its fleet is kept at bay.
“The Measure of Morality (Part 1)”: The Borg appear within a Excalbian simulacrum.
“The Measure of Morality (Part 2)”: The Borg appear within a Excalbian simulacrum where they are taken controlled of by the Borg Queen Seven of Nine who sought to assimilate their Excalbian creators and their vast powers to serve her own Collective. The Queen used the Excalbians own power to create her own fleet of assimilated ships in order to fully assimilate their world but were defeated by the Excalbians advocates for good and simulacrums of legendary starships and their crews.
“Red Shift”: When attempting to take the Emperor's prize, Marshal Janeway is betrayed by the Inquisitor, Captain Killy and Captain Kuumaarke. She summons assimilated Starfleet personnel from all around Jupiter Station to attack them.
- “One Night in Bozeman”: The Borg make a further attempt to alter the events of First Contact between Humans and Vulcans in 2063.
- The Borg are among the hostile factions players engage in Deep Space Encounters in the Beta and Delta Quadrants.
Borg One Zero One ( “Assimilation of the Innocent”)
Tactical Cube ( “Infected: The Conduit”)
Manus of Borg ( “Infected: Manus”)
Armek of Borg ( “The Cure Applied”)
Assimilated Carrier ( “The Cure Found”)
I.R.W. Valdore ( “Khitomer Vortex”)
Tosk of Borg ( “Khitomer in Stasis”)
Borg Queen ( “Into the Hive”)
Borg Queen's Octahedron ( “Hive Onslaught”)
External links[]
- Borg Collective at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.
- Borg Collective at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
Factions by Quadrant
| |
α | Breen Confederacy • Cardassian Union • Deferi • Drantzuli • Federation (Starfleet) • Ferengi Alliance • Kentari Union • Lukari Concordium • Na'kuhl • Tholian Assembly • True Way Alliance • Tzenkethi Coalition |
β | Federation (Starfleet • DSC Starfleet • TOS Starfleet) • Gorn Hegemony • Iconian • Klingon Empire (Klingon Defense Force) • Klingon Empire Rebels • Klingons (2256) • Nausicaan • Orion Syndicate • Romulan Republic • Romulan Star Empire • Reman Resistance • Son'a • Vulcan |
γ | Dominion • Fek'Ihri Horde • Hur'q |
Δ | Automated Personnel Unit • Benthan • Borg Collective • The Cooperative • Bluegill • Hazari • Hierarchy • Hirogen • Kazon • Kobali • Krenim • Malon • Ocampa • Octanti • Talaxian • Turei • Tuterian • Vaadwaur Supremacy • Voth |
Others | Borg Kingdom • Coalition • Creatures • Devidian • Elachi • Terran Empire • Undine (Species 8472) • Vorgon |