Cardassian Kanar
Uncommon Ground Device
Consumed On Use
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers
+64% Hit Points over 3.5 sec
Cardassian Kanar is an uncommon consumable out-of-combat self heal.
Consuming Cardassian Kanar will boost your Hit Points by 64% over a period of 3.5 seconds. Up to 20 can be stacked together.
Description & Stats[]
Thick, syrupy alcoholic beverage that varies in color.
This consumable will restore some of your hit points. It can only be used out of combat.
- Targets Self
- 1.25 sec activate
- 1/1 charges
- +64% Hit Points over 3.5 sec
- 20 - Niwan in Club 47 on Earth Spacedock
- 20 - Bartender (Starfleet Academy) - Starfleet Academy: 602 Club
- 20 - Belan on Drozana Station
- 20 - Hadron, Gar'Con, Woadroh "Woadie" Bhoith, and Zhyi'Ahne in Quarks Bar on Deep Space 9
- 20 - Bartender in Paradise City on Nimbus III
- 20 - Cap at The Captain's Table
Tuffli | Henry |
Henry | DeAngelo |
Rivera | DeAngelo |
This item can be obtained in game for free:
- as low percentage drops from ground combat anywhere in the game. Though perhaps slightly more likely when fighting Cardassian NPC's, it is certainly not limited to such encounters.
- as a relatively high percentage result of “Pour a Drink”, available from your ship's Bartenders. If you achieve a "good quality" result from this one-minute assignment, you have a 50% chance of obtaining Kanar – or, at the very least, it is one of two possible results at that quality level.
- Not to be confused with Bajoran Distilled Kanar, a unique item from the mission “Second Wave”.
- Having a Cardassian Bartender duty officer will allow the purchase of Cardassian Kanar from your replicator.
External links[]
- Kanar at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.