Pages in category "Repeatable assignments rewarding over 50 Dilihium Ore on non-critical"
The following 99 pages are in this category, out of 99 total.
- Assignment: Advanced Analysis of Particle Trace Data Samples
- Assignment: Agony Report: Industrial Torture
- Assignment: Analyze Remaining Protomatter in the Mutara Nebula
- Assignment: Analyze Terran Military Command
- Assignment: Analyze The State Of The Changelings
- Assignment: Analyze Tzenkethi Power Distributors
- Assignment: Attempt to Contact The Traveler
- Assignment: Authorize Crew to Decorate Hydroponics Bay
- Assignment: Basic Analysis of Energy Data Samples
- Assignment: Basic Analysis of Physical Data Samples
- Assignment: Basic Analysis of Technological Data Samples
- Assignment: Black Market Provisioning
- Assignment: Build Dossier about the Mirror Emperor
- Assignment: Caitian Field Flight Training Program
- Assignment: Cold-Weather Training Excercises
- Assignment: Commendation Achievement: Bridge Officer (Very Rare)
- Assignment: Commendation Achievement: Bridge Officer (Very Rare, KDF)
- Assignment: Communicate with Mirror Universe Dominion
- Assignment: Connect with Rebel Cells Among Klingon-Cardassian-Bajoran Faction
- Assignment: Consign Prisoners to Colonial Labor Battalion
- Assignment: Decrypt Biometric Star Charts
- Assignment: Deliver Defeated Changeling to Klingon Intelligence
- Assignment: Deliver Defeated Changeling to Starfleet Security
- Assignment: Deliver Gifts from the Chancellor to Rura Penthe's Guardsmen
- Assignment: Deliver Prototype Technology to Allies in Gamma Quadrant
- Assignment: Determine Terran Empire Fleet Strength
- Assignment: Develop a Timeline of Terran Empire History
- Assignment: Develop and Distribute Candy Cane MREs
- Assignment: Develop and Distribute Casks of Warnog
- Assignment: Develop and Distribute Kegs of Spiced Bloodwine
- Assignment: Develop Chroniton Shielding for Transporters
- Assignment: Dilithium Mining in an Unstable Asteroid Cluster
- Assignment: Discover Q's Intentions
- Assignment: Engineering Achievement: Bridge Officer (Very Rare)
- Assignment: Establish Contact with Klingon Augment Colony
- Assignment: Execute Changeling Spy
- Assignment: Execute Mutineers
- Assignment: Explore Creation of Stable Kerr Loops Using Excited Superstrings
- Assignment: Explore Methods of Mirror Portal Creation
- Assignment: Extract Colossal Dilithium Ore Deposits
- Assignment: Extract Draconis System Minerals (Tier 3)
- Assignment: Ferasan Field Flight Training Program
- Assignment: Forced Labor Camp
- Assignment: Forced Labor Requisition
- Assignment: Formal Gift Exchange
- Assignment: Grant Leave to Crew Members
- Assignment: Grant Passage To Colonists
- Assignment: Host A Holiday Party For Your Crew
- Assignment: Inquire Into Jem'Hadar Behavior
- Assignment: Intercept Tzenkethi Encoded Transmissions
- Assignment: Investigate Illegal Gambling
- Assignment: Investigate Rumors of Rich Dilithium Vein
- Assignment: Investigate State of Romulan Empire in Mirror Universe
- Assignment: Investigate Subspace Interactions with Metreon Radiation
- Assignment: Investigate Terran R&D
- Assignment: Investigate The Divisiveness Of The Beverage, Root Beer
- Assignment: Make Honor Offerings to Great Houses
- Assignment: Mine Dilithium Motherlode
- Assignment: More Than Nine Lives
- Assignment: Permit Crippled Warrior to Perform the Hegh'bat
- Assignment: Petition Starfleet for Access to Slingshot Technique Calculations
- Assignment: Pilgrimage to Boreth
- Assignment: Present Crew Members with Gifts
- Assignment: Radiation Analysis of Kemocite Reaction with Warp Plasma
- Assignment: Re-Create Gravitational Model of Black Star
- Assignment: Reborn Not Reformed
- Assignment: Recon Dominion Race Activities
- Assignment: Recover Artifacts from Taurus II
- Assignment: Relocate Colonists
- Assignment: Research Biological Durability and Survivability
- Assignment: Research Communication Capabilities
- Assignment: Research Feeding and Digestive Capabilities
- Assignment: Research Intelligence Levels and Ketracel White
- Assignment: Research Interphase Phenomenon in Tholian Space
- Assignment: Research Lingering Temporal Anomalies in Sarpeidon System
- Assignment: Research Technology Leaps
- Assignment: Research Winter Cultural Celebrations of non-Klingon Representatives in the KDF
- Assignment: Research Winter Cultural Celebrations of the Planet Earth
- Assignment: Seize an Example of Borg Temporal Vortex Technology
- Assignment: Share a Meal and Drinks with Crew Members
- Assignment: Simulate Protomatter Regenerative Properties
- Assignment: Snowball Fight!
- Assignment: Stop a Rogue "Mudd" Android
- Assignment: Study Agonizer Technology to Develop Countermeasures
- Assignment: Study Hur'q Swarming Patterns
- Assignment: Study Terran Use of Future Technology
- Assignment: Study the Suggestive Effect of Ceti Eels
- Assignment: Survey Terran Troop Capability
- Assignment: Tainer Retainer
- Assignment: Targ Hunting in the Hamar Mountains
- Assignment: Test Effectiveness of Adaptive Outerwear Designed for Gorn
- Assignment: Test Effectiveness of Upgraded Thermal Outerwear
- Assignment: Thick as Mudd
- Assignment: Transfer Changeling Spy to Starbase
- Assignment: Transmit Tzenkethi Counter-Tactics
- Assignment: Turn Over Confiscated Contraband
- Assignment: Understanding Terran Light Sensitivity
- Assignment: Use Manheim Effect to Expand Temporal Algorithm Predictions
- Assignment: Wings with Eyes and Ears