Star Trek Online Wiki
Star Trek Online Wiki
Combat Mugato
Rare Ground Device
Consumed On Use
Bind On Pickup
Unique - Max of one per character
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

to self: Creates a level 51 Combat Mugato for 60 sec
Value: 0 Energy credit icon
Combat mugato icon
Rare icon


The Mugato is a large primate, native to the planet Neural. Mugato are covered in white fur and grow both horns on their heads and spines on their backs during adulthood. As the Mugato matures, it also develops a deadly venomous bite. The Mugato is a summonable combat pet.

Although found natively only on the planet of Neural, poachers and trophy hunters have caused their numbers to spread among the stars. They are known to attack without apparent provocation and posses incredible strength in addition to a venomous bite that can be fatal if not treated quickly.


Obtained from opening [Special Requisition Pack - Ground Combat Pet] (which can be looted from a [Ferengi Lock Box]) as a KDF officer. Federation officers instead receive a [Dilithium Encrusted Horta]. Also obtained from an uncommon prize token, Phoenix Prize Pack (10 charges). Note though that you can only hold one set of these at a time, you can't buy more than one from the token, even if you store them in your bank. Once exhausted you need to buy another.


Has 10 charges.

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Pets and Companions
Pet Sehlat transparent
Pet Targ transparent
Ground (non-combat) Abomidorable SnowmanAlpha-117 CanineBeagleCatCrystal SpinnerDesert LeaperDilithium HortaDOT-7 Non-Combat DroneDriclae PupElachi Skitterer CompanionEpohhExocomp CompanionGingerbreadGumato CompanionHolographic ExocompHorga'hnHorta HatchlingKhellid CompanionMiniaturized Danube RunaboutMugato CompanionRaptor HatchlingRisian Feather MonkeyRisian CaracalRisian Tropical BirdSehlat CubSnowconianSnowmanTalarian Hook SpiderTardigrade CompanionArty Tardigrade PetLieutenant Tardigrade PetParty Tardigrade PetSkipper Tardigrade PetSmarty Tardigrade PetTargTholian SteamerYoung Nanov
Ground (combat) Bio-Engineered FuriadonCombat MugatoCombat-Trained Cobalt TardigradeCombat-Trained Verdant TardigradeDilithium Encrusted HortaEisilum Crystal HortaHolographic Combat DroneHortaJackal MastiffPolytrinic Acid HortaSynth Android (A600 series)
Space (non-combat) Aeon ShuttleCaptain's YachtClass F ShuttleCrystalline ShardDanube RunaboutDelta FlyerDelta Flyer (mirror)Ferengi Na'FarGekli CompanionPeregrine FighterPhoenix ReplicaStalker Stealth FighterTholian Widow FighterType-8 ShuttleType-10 ShuttlecraftTo'Duj FighterToronYellowstone Runabout
Space (combat) Peregrine FightersScorpion FightersTo'Duj Fighters
See also CosmozoanHangar petsPetSmall CraftWildlife

Creatures in Star Trek Online
Faction Monster
Animals Aehallh WormArmored hathamCocytan BeastDesert AcariDewan arthropodDriclaeEpohhFumarole WormGlikar'ma Ice SpiderJackal MastiffMookMugatoNanovOrithian CreeperOrithian Saber CatRegalian FleaspiderRihan sailbackRisian Tropical BirdSaurSehlatSnow PossumTalarian Hook SpiderTardigradeTargVihranenVivver catWarrigul
Cosmozoans Crystalline EntityFarpoint CnidarianGekliIdran Swarmer
See also CosmozoanPetWildlife