Star Trek Online Wiki

Medical commendation ranks are obtained through collecting commendation XP gained by duty officer assignments.

Commendation tiers[]

Tier 1 - Nurse/Field Medic Rank Cxp Medical 1[]

  • 2,500 Commendation XP required
  • Accolade "Nurse" or "Field Medic"
  • "Nurse" or "Field Medic" Title

Tier 2 - Doctor Rank Cxp Medical 2[]

  • 15,000 Commendation XP required
  • Accolade "Doctor"
  • "Doctor" Title

Tier 3 - Surgeon Rank Cxp Medical 3[]

Tier 4 - Chief Medical Officer Rank Cxp Medical 4[]

  • 100,000 Commendation XP required
  • Accolade "Chief Medical Officer"
  • "Chief Medical Officer" Title

Medical assignments[]

Assignment Duty officers Crit. Success Success Failure Disaster Duration
Analyze Genetic Samples x1 Doctor, x1 Biologist Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Logical doffLogical Doctor, Biologist Unruly doffUnruly 8h
Analyze Recovered Genetic Samples x1 Doctor, x1 Biologist Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Logical doffLogical Doctor, Biologist Unruly doffUnruly 8h
Assist in Time Displacement Rehabilitation for Crew of U.S.S. Bozeman 1x Counselor or Medic or Nurse, 1x Medical Congenial doffCongenial, Emotional doffEmotional, Telepathic doffTelepathic Counselor, Medic, Nurse Aggressive doffAggressive, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous 2h
Away Team Medical Triage Assessment Medical Congenial doffCongenial, Logical doffLogical Nurse Unruly doffUnruly Unruly doffUnruly 2h
Contain Outbreak of <disease> Doctor, 4x Any Officer Aggressive doffAggressive Doctor Emotional doffEmotional 20h
Develop Sedatives from Bateret Incense 1 x Medical deptreq Biochemist, 1 x Medical deptreq Medical Efficient doffEfficient, Logical doffLogical, Biochemist, Unruly doffUnruly 4h
Develop Technique to Synthesize Unrefined Ketracel-White Biochemist Logical doffLogical Biochemist Stubborn doffStubborn 20h
Evaluate Biochemical Properties of Jevonite 1 x Medical deptreq Biochemist, 1 x Medical deptreq Medical Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Logical doffLogical, Stubborn doffStubborn Biochemist Stubborn doffStubborn, Unruly doffUnruly Stubborn doffStubborn, Unruly doffUnruly 20h
Evaluate Biochemical Properties of Shapeshifting Lockets 1 x Medical deptreq Biochemist, 1 x Medical deptreq Medical Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Logical doffLogical, Stubborn doffStubborn Biochemist Stubborn doffStubborn, Unruly doffUnruly Stubborn doffStubborn, Unruly doffUnruly 20h
Field Test Biogenic Weaponization of <disease> Biologist/Doctor/Research Lab Scientist Biologist, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Biologist, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Honorable doffHonorable, Peaceful doffPeaceful, Unruly doffUnruly 4h
Gauge Jem'Hadar Physiological Limits 1 x Shroud doff Shroud, 2 x Medical deptreq Medical Resilient doffResilient, Stubborn doffStubborn, Logical doffLogical Shroud doffShroud, Doctor Emotional doffEmotional 4 hours
Immunize Local Colonies against <disease> Doctor Efficient doffEfficient Doctor Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous 3h
Medical Conference on Ketracel White 1 x Science deptreq Biologist or 1 x Medical deptreq Biochemist, 2 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Logical doffLogical Medical, Science Emotional doffEmotional, Spiritual doffSpiritual Emotional doffEmotional, Spiritual doffSpiritual 8h
Medical Relief to the <colony name> Medical 3h
Medical Treatment for Prisoners Medical, Prisoner Emotional doffEmotional, Telepathic doffTelepathic Counselor, Nurse Aggressive doffAggressive, Stubborn doffStubborn, Unruly doffUnruly Aggressive doffAggressive, Stubborn doffStubborn, Unruly doffUnruly 15m
Perform Pharmacological Trials on Bateret Incense Derived Sedatives 1 x Medical deptreq Doctor, 2 x Medical deptreq Medical, 2 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Efficient doffEfficient, Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Logical doffLogical Doctor Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly 8h
Perform Pharmacological Trials on Ferasan Nepeta Leaf Derived Stimulants 1 x Medical deptreq Doctor, 2 x Medical deptreq Medical, 2 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Efficient doffEfficient, Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Logical doffLogical Doctor Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly 8h
Perform Pharmacological Trials on Jevonite Derived Antitoxins 1 x Medical deptreq Doctor, 2 x Medical deptreq Medical, 2 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Efficient doffEfficient, Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Logical doffLogical Doctor Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly 8h
Perform Pharmacological Trials on Shapeshifting Lockets Derived Therapies 1 x Medical deptreq Doctor, 2 x Medical deptreq Medical, 2 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Efficient doffEfficient, Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Logical doffLogical Doctor Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly 8h
Perform Pharmacological Trials on Tulaberries Derived Innoculations 1 x Medical deptreq Doctor, 2 x Medical deptreq Medical, 2 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Efficient doffEfficient, Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Logical doffLogical Doctor Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly 8h
Post-Chrysalis Treatment Doctor Emotional doffEmotional, Resolve doffResolve Doctor Stubborn doffStubborn Stubborn doffStubborn 20h
Post-Chrysalis Treatment for Additional Volunteers Doctor Emotional doffEmotional, Resolve doffResolve Doctor Stubborn doffStubborn Stubborn doffStubborn 20h
Provide Medical Aid for Elachi Abductees Security x1, Science x1, Medical x2 Emotional doffEmotional, Peaceful doffPeaceful Security Officer, Biologist, Medic, Nurse, Aggressive doffAggressive, Logical doffLogical 5d
Provide Medical Support in Combat Zone Nurse x1, Medical x2 Resolve doffResolve Nurse Emotional doffEmotional, Peaceful doffPeaceful, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous 20h
Quarantine Colony with <disease> 20h
Reclaim Assimilated Borg Drones 1 x Medical deptreq Medical, 1 x Science deptreq Science, 1 x Engineering deptreq Engineering Stubborn doffStubborn, Teamwork doffTeamwork Biochemist, Doctor, Biologist, Research Lab Scientist, Systems Engineer 20 hours
Research Biogenic Weaponization for <disease> Biologist/Research Lab Scientist Resilient doffResilient, Stubborn doffStubborn, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Biologist, Research Lab Scientist 20h
Research Potential Therapies for <disease> 1 x Doff dept Starfleet Science Biologist or
Research Lab Scientist
Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Logical doffLogical, Stubborn doffStubborn Biologist, Research Lab Scientist 20h
Schedule Counseling Session Counselor, Any Officer Tactful doffTactful, Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory, Telepathic doffTelepathic, Emotional doffEmotional, Logical doffLogical, Teamwork doffTeamwork Counselor Stubborn doffStubborn, Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly Seductive doffSeductive, Aggressive doffAggressive 2h
Test an Experimental Cybernetic Augmentation Device 1 x Resolve doff Resolve, 2 x Medical deptreq Medical Stubborn doffStubborn Resolve doffResolve, Doctor Stubborn doffStubborn 6 hours
Transport Biogenic Weaponized Form of <disease> Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Biologist, Quartermaster 45m
Treatment for Major Injuries Congenial doffCongenial Doctor Stubborn doffStubborn 45m
Treatment for Minor Illness Congenial doffCongenial Doctor Stubborn doffStubborn 30m
Treatment for Serious Illness 1 x Medical deptreq Doctor, 1 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Efficient doffEfficient, Logical doffLogical Doctor Stubborn doffStubborn, Unruly doffUnruly 45m