Star Trek Online Wiki

Commendation: None page contains all the assignments without any commendation XP rewards and are based on Fleet Marks Fleet Marks, Romulan Marks Romulan Marks, items or even pets rewards.

None Commendation assignments[]

Assignment Duty officers Crit. Success Success Failure Disaster Duration
Analyze Remaining Protomatter in the Mutara Nebula Any Officer x4 Geologist, Matter-Antimatter Specialist, Efficient doffEfficient, Logical doffLogical 4h
Analyze Terran Military Command Any Officer x4 Counselor, Diplomat, Tactful doffTactful, Teamwork doffTeamwork 4h
Analyze The State Of The Changelings Any Officer x4 Doctor, Nurse, Resilient doffResilient, Resolve doffResolve 4h
Analyze Tzenkethi Power Distributors Any Officer x4 Aggressive doffAggressive, Armory Officer, Security Officer, Teamwork doffTeamwork 4h
Attempt to Contact The Traveler Any Officer x4 Systems Engineer, Trader, Resolve doffResolve, Congenial doffCongenial 4h
Communicate with Mirror Universe Dominion Any Officer x4 Biologist, Security Officer, Resolve doffResolve, Telepathic doffTelepathic 4h
Connect with Rebel Cells Among Klingon-Cardassian-Bajoran Faction Any Officer x4 Assault Squad Officer, Ground Warfare Specialist, Resolve doffResolve, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous 4h
Decrypt Biometric Star Charts Any Officer x4 Assault Squad Officer, Quartermaster, Resolve doffResolve, Teamwork doffTeamwork 4h
Determine Terran Empire Fleet Strength Any Officer x4 4h
Develop Chroniton Shielding for Transporters Any Officer x4 Shield Distribution Officer, Transporter Officer, Resolve doffResolve, Logical doffLogical 4h
Establish Contact with Klingon Augment Colony Any Officer x4 Diplomat, Trader, Honorable doffHonorable, Stubborn doffStubborn 4h
Explore Creation of Stable Kerr Loops Using Excited Superstrings Any Officer x4 Astrometrics Scientist, Matter-Antimatter Specialist, Resolve doffResolve, Efficient doffEfficient 4h
Inquire Into Jem'Hadar Behavior Any Officer x4 Assault Squad Officer, Honorable doffHonorable, Security Officer, Stubborn doffStubborn 4h
Intercept Tzenkethi Encoded Transmissions Any Officer x4 Doctor, Nurse, Resilient doffResilient, Resolve doffResolve 4h
Investigate Subspace Interactions with Metreon Radiation Any Officer x4 Diagnostic Engineer, Warp Theorist, Resolve doffResolve, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous 4h
Investigate Terran R&D Any Officer x4 Cunning doffCunning, Development Lab Scientist, Trader, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous 4h
Investigate The Divisiveness Of The Beverage, Root Beer Any Officer x4 Diplomat, Emotional doffEmotional, Entertainer, Logical doffLogical 4h
Petition Starfleet for Access to Slingshot Technique Calculations Any Officer x4 Advisor, Diplomat, Resolve doffResolve, Tactful doffTactful 4h
Radiation Analysis of Kemocite Reaction with Warp Plasma Any Officer x4 Explosives Expert, Quartermaster, Resolve doffResolve, Unruly doffUnruly 4h
Raise Epohh Adult - <type> Science x2 Efficient doffEfficient, Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory Biologist 1d
Raise Epohh Moppet - <type> Science x2 Efficient doffEfficient, Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory Biologist 1d
Raise Epohh Pup - <base type> Science x2 Efficient doffEfficient, Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory Biologist 1d
Raise Feather Monkey Science Officer x2 Biologist 20 hours
Re-Create Gravitational Model of Black Star Any Officer x4 Conn Officer, Gravimetric Scientist, Resolve doffResolve, Teamwork doffTeamwork 4h
Recon Dominion Race Activities Any Officer x4 Aggressive doffAggressive, Armory Officer, Security Officer, Teamwork doffTeamwork 4h
Recover Artifacts from Taurus II Any Officer x4 Assault Squad Officer, Quartermaster, Resolve doffResolve, Teamwork doffTeamwork 4h
Research Biological Durability and Survivability Any Officer x4 Biochemist, Biologist, Efficient doffEfficient, Medic 4h
Research Communication Capabilities Any Officer x4 Efficient doffEfficient, Sensors Officer, Technician, Telepathic doffTelepathic 4h
Research Feeding and Digestive Capabilities Any Officer x4 Chef, Free-Thinker doffFree-Thinker, Geologist, Teamwork doffTeamwork 4h
Research History of New Romulus Any duty officer x 1 Efficient doffEfficient, Tactful doffTactful, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous 20h
Research Intelligence Levels and Ketracel White Any Officer x4 Diplomat, Peaceful doffPeaceful, Research Lab Scientist, Teamwork doffTeamwork 4h
Research Lingering Temporal Anomalies in Sarpeidon System Any Officer x4 Sensors Officer, Technician, Resolve doffResolve, Eidetic Memory doffEidetic Memory 4h
Research Tagged Epohhs 1 x Science deptreq Science Efficient doffEfficient, Logical doffLogical Biologist, Research Lab Scientist 20 hours
Research Tagged Feather Monkeys Science Officer x1 Efficient doffEfficient, Logical doffLogical Biologist, Research Lab Scientist 20 hours
Research Technology Leaps Any Officer x4 Logical doffLogical, Research Lab Scientist, Teamwork doffTeamwork, Technician 4h
Seize an Example of Borg Temporal Vortex Technology Any Officer x4 Resolve doffResolve, Aggressive doffAggressive Tactical 4h
Simulate Protomatter Regenerative Properties Any Officer x4 Efficient doffEfficient, Geologist, Logical doffLogical, Matter-Antimatter Specialist 4h
Stop a Rogue "Mudd" Android Any Officer x4 Armory Officer, Security Officer, Aggressive doffAggressive, Teamwork doffTeamwork 4h
Study Agonizer Technology to Develop Countermeasures Any Officer x4 4h
Study Hur'q Swarming Patterns Any Officer x4 Assault Squad Officer, Quartermaster, Resolve doffResolve, Teamwork doffTeamwork 4h
Study the Suggestive Effect of Ceti Eels Any Officer x4 Doctor, Nurse, Resilient doffResilient, Resolve doffResolve 4h
Survey Terran Troop Capability Any Officer x4 Armory Officer, Assault Squad Officer, Efficient doffEfficient, Teamwork doffTeamwork 4h
Transmit Tzenkethi Counter-Tactics Any Officer x4 Diplomat, Honorable doffHonorable, Stubborn doffStubborn, Trader 4h
Understanding Terran Light Sensitivity Any Officer x4 Biologist, Efficient doffEfficient, Logical doffLogical, Research Lab Scientist 4h
Use Manheim Effect to Expand Temporal Algorithm Predictions Any Officer x4 Deflector Officer, Development Lab Scientist, Resolve doffResolve, Efficient doffEfficient 4h