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Star Trek Online Wiki

Trade commendation ranks are obtained through collecting commendation XP gained by duty officer assignments and (to a smaller portion) by the “Tour the Galaxy” event.

Commendation tiers[]

Tier 1 - Trader Rank Cxp Trade 1[]

  • 2,500 Commendation XP required
  • Accolade "Trader"
  • "Trader" Title

Tier 2 - Entrepreneur Rank Cxp Trade 2[]

  • 15,000 Commendation XP required
  • Accolade "Entrepreneur"
  • "Entrepreneur" Title

Tier 3 - Magnate Rank Cxp Trade 3[]

  • 50,000 Commendation XP required
  • Accolade "Magnate"
  • "Magnate" Title

Tier 4 - Executive Rank Cxp Trade 4[]

  • 100,000 Commendation XP required
  • Accolade "Executive"
  • "Executive" Title

Trade missions[]

  • “Tour the Galaxy”: Each collection of blocks of space (Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Deferi, Borg, Undine) you visit rewards 40 trade CXP. The bonus for visiting all locations is another 50 trade CXP, thereby adding up to 320 trade CXP.

Trade assignments[]

Assignment Duty officers Crit. Success Success Failure Disaster Duration
Barter Gold-Pressed Latinum for <commodity> Any duty officer x 1 Cunning doffCunning, Telepathic doffTelepathic, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Quartermaster, Trader Aggressive doffAggressive 1h
Barter Gold-Pressed Latinum for <commodity> 1x Any duty officer Cunning doffCunning, Telepathic doffTelepathic, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Quartermaster, Trader Aggressive doffAggressive 1h
Barter Gold-Pressed Latinum for <commodity> 1x Any duty officer Cunning doffCunning, Telepathic doffTelepathic, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Quartermaster, Trader Aggressive doffAggressive 1h
Barter Gold-Pressed Latinum for <commodity> 1 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Cunning doffCunning, Telepathic doffTelepathic, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Quartermaster, Trader Aggressive doffAggressive 1h
Barter with Civilian Resupply Contractors for <Commodity> 1 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Cunning doffCunning, Telepathic doffTelepathic, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Quartermaster, Trader Aggressive doffAggressive 2h
Bribe Ferasan for Information about Jem'Hadar in Sector Trader Congenial doffCongenial, Tactful doffTactful, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Trader Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly Aggressive doffAggressive, Unruly doffUnruly 20h
Broker Ongoing Aid for B'omar Refugees from <planet>. 12h
Dispose of Spoils from Caitian Raid Quartermaster x 1 or Trader x 1, Any Officer x 2 Congenial doffCongenial, Cunning doffCunning, Efficient doffEfficient Quartermaster, Trader Stubborn doffStubborn Unruly doffUnruly 8h
Emergency Supplies to Colonies in the <star cluster> Doctor, Quartermaster or Trader Cunning doffCunning, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous, Aggressive doffAggressive Science, Geologist, Medical, Doctor, Quartermaster, Trader, Tactical Peaceful doffPeaceful Peaceful doffPeaceful 15m
Establish Long Distance Trade Routes 1x Advisor Diplomat or Trader Efficient doffEfficient, Logical doffLogical Advisor, Diplomat, Trader 1d 16h
Exchange <Commodity> for Energy Credits Any duty officer x 1 Cunning doffCunning, Telepathic doffTelepathic, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Aggressive doffAggressive 30m
Exchange Terraforming Systems for Energy Credits Any civilian or officer 30 m
Haggle for <Gamma Quadrant commodity> 1 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Telepathic doffTelepathic, Cunning doffCunning, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Quartermaster, Trader Aggressive doffAggressive 2h
Inspect Civilian Freighter Security Officer x 2 30m
Investigate Rumors of Rich Dilithium Vein Any Officer x4 Stubborn doffStubborn, Teamwork doffTeamwork, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Miner, Explosives Expert, Geologist Aggressive doffAggressive, Emotional doffEmotional 18h
Mine Dilithium Motherlode 5 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Stubborn doffStubborn, Teamwork doffTeamwork, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Miner, Explosives Expert, Maintenance Engineer Aggressive doffAggressive, Emotional doffEmotional 18 hours
Mine Motherlode of Valuable Minerals 5 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Resilient doffResilient, Stubborn doffStubborn, Teamwork doffTeamwork Miner, Geologist, Maintenance Engineer Aggressive doffAggressive, Emotional doffEmotional 18 hours
Negotiate Delivery of Rare Commodities Any Officer x2 Resolve doffResolve, Cunning doffCunning Trader Stubborn doffStubborn 4h
Provisions Resupply Run to Colonies in the <star cluster> 1 x any duty officer Cunning doffCunning Quartermaster, Trader 1h
Recover Jem'Hadar Supply Cache Quartermaster Efficient doffEfficient Quartermaster 20h
Redirect Tal Shiar Convoy to Ambush Coordinates Quartermaster or Trader x1, Any Officer x2 Cunning doffCunning, Resolve doffResolve, Quartermaster, Trader Logical doffLogical, Stubborn doffStubborn 2h
Retrieve Earth Relic from Temporal Causality Loop 1x Trader, 1x Any Officer Congenial doffCongenial, Founders of the Federation doffFounders of the Federation, Cunning doffCunning Trader Cold Blooded doffCold Blooded, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous 2h
Secure Trade Route with Minor Species 2x Any duty officer Honorable doffHonorable, Tactful doffTactful Advisor, Diplomat, Trader Stubborn doffStubborn, Unruly doffUnruly 20h
Smuggle Intelligence Out Of Tal Shiar Headquarters Quartermaster or Trader x1, Any Officer x2 Cunning doffCunning, Resolve doffResolve, Quartermaster, Trader Logical doffLogical, Stubborn doffStubborn 2h
Special Deal on Entertainment Provisions 1 x Any duty officer Cunning doffCunning, Telepathic doffTelepathic, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Quartermaster, Trader Honorable doffHonorable 1h
Special Deal on Entertainment Provisions 1 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Telepathic doffTelepathic, Cunning doffCunning, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Quartermaster, Trader Honorable doffHonorable 1h
Special Deal on Entertainment Provisions 1x Any duty officer Cunning doffCunning, Telepathic doffTelepathic, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Quartermaster, Trader Honorable doffHonorable 1h
Special Deal on Entertainment Provisions Any Officer Telepathic doffTelepathic, Cunning doffCunning, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Quartermaster, Trader Honorable doffHonorable 1h
Supply Classified Project Quartermaster/Trader Efficient doffEfficient, Resolve doffResolve Quartermaster, Trader Unruly doffUnruly, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Unruly doffUnruly, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous 8h
Trade for <commodity> Any duty officer x 1 Telepathic doffTelepathic Quartermaster Aggressive doffAggressive 3h
Trade for <commodity> Any duty officer x 1 Telepathic doffTelepathic Quartermaster Aggressive doffAggressive 2 h
Trade Negotiations with Indigenous Groups in the <star cluster>. Any x2 Cunning doffCunning, Tactful doffTactful Diplomat, Trader 2h
Turn Over Confiscated Contraband 1 x Any Officer (except Prisoner) Security Officer Stubborn doffStubborn, Unruly doffUnruly, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous 20 hours
Unexpected Business Opportunity with <commodity> 1x Quartermaster/Trader, 2x Any Officer Congenial doffCongenial, Cunning doffCunning Aggressive doffAggressive, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous Aggressive doffAggressive, Unscrupulous doffUnscrupulous 8h