Star Trek Online Wiki
Console - Universal - Invasive Control Mechanisms
Epic Universal Console
Character Bind On Pickup
Cannot Equip more than 1 of this Item
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

+3.8 Auxiliary Power Setting
+28.5 Starship Stealth
(Improves Stealth and Cloaking)
+33% Flight Speed while Cloaked
+33% Flight Turn Rate while Cloaked
Invasive Control Mechanism
Kinetic Dmg, Confuse + Electrical DoT
180' targeting arc
Launch up to 8 projectiles over the course of 4 seconds, each seeks out a different Foe
To each Foe hit: ____ Kinetic Damage and Confused for up to 15 sec
When confused: ___ Electrical Damage each sec
2 min recharge
Value: 0 Energy credit icon
Console - Universal - Invasive Control Mechanisms icon
Epic icon
Special Ability: Invasive Control Mechanism icon (Federation) Invasive Control Mechanism

The Console - Universal - Invasive Control Mechanisms is a unique Ship Console which passively boosts Auxiliary Power, Stealth, and improves maneuverability while Cloaked. The console also grants an ability which fires projectiles that Confuse enemies while dealing Kinetic and Electrical damage.

In-Game Description[ | ]

Secret Command Codes icon
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Acquisition[ | ]

The Console - Universal - Invasive Control Mechanisms comes equipped on the Section 31 Intel Dreadnought Cruiser when opened from a Special Requisition Pack - Section 31 Intel Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] or [Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack].
