Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction Iconian

A Herald Construct

The Herald Construct is the ground ensign for the Iconian Heralds.

Missions Involved[]

Tips for Battling Constructs[]

  • Constructs attack using their Herald Antiproton Beam projectors. It is advisable to keep them away from each other, as they can fuse into Fused Constructs, and away from Herald Defilers, as they can reconstruct fallen Constructs.

External link[]

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Faction Iconian
Details IconianBluegill • Dewan • Elachi • Herald • SolanaeAndromeda Dyson SphereIconiaIconian gatewayWorld Heart
Ground Forces Swarmer • Construct • Fused Construct • Thrall • Defiler • Harbinger
Starships Swarmer • Iconian Probe • Mir Fighter • Baltim Raider • Quas Cruiser • Vonph Battleship • Iaidon Dreadnought
NPCs M'Tara • T'Ket • L'Miren‎ • B'Tren • K'Wenn • S'Kenn • T'Lerr • V'Lar
NPC starships None