Contraband is available as reward item from Duty Officer Assignments and is a requirement to complete some. It can be traded with other players and/or purchased from in game exchange system.
[Contraband] has a value of 2000 .
Exchange value: 30,000 ec.
- You need to have [Contraband] to complete the following Duty Officer Assignments :
Assignment: Turn Over Confiscated Contraband - (5)
Assignment: Assemble from Prototype - (1)
Assignment: Recover Scientist from Dominion Prison Camp -(5)
Assignment: Sell Banned Weaponry to House - (1)
Assignment: Blackmail Local Governor - (1)
Assignment: Transport Contraband to House - (3)
Assignment: Capture and Deliver Decendants of Caitian Unforgiven to Ferasans - (2)
Assignment: Experiment with Feasibility of Assassination Utilizing Telekinesis - (3)
Assignment: Entertain Influential Black Market Contacts - (5)
Assignment: Bribe Locals for Assistance in Tracking Facility 4028 Fugitives - (4)
Assignment: Bribe Additional Locals for Assistance in Tracking Facility 4028 Fugitives - (4)
Normally contraband is acquired through duty officer assignments. Contraband can be traded in the exchange. Using Hangar - Advanced Orion Slavers on carriers has a chance of stealing Contraband from enemy craft, however this is disabled in PvP.
Duty officer assignments[]
- Contraband is available from the following assignments (rewards shown for Success / Critical):
Assignment: Investigate Reports of Trafficking in Contraband - (2 / 3)
Assignment: Barter Gold-Pressed Latinum for Contraband - (2 / 3)
Assignment: Confiscate Contraband From Crew - (1 / 2)
Assignment: Inspect Civilian Freighter - (1 / 5 )
Assignment: Investigate Illegal Gambling - (2 / 2)
Assignment: Strike Against Fugitive Support Network - (2 / 3)
Assignment: Disable Andorian/Bolian/Human/Tellarite Freighter - (1 / 3)
Assignment: Disable Ferengi Freighter - (2 / 5)
Assignment: Intimidate Unaligned System - (2 / 5)
Maraud Facility Assignments (Common, 45 minutes) - (2 / 5)
- Assignment: Assault Starfleet Starship Refitting Station
- Assignment: Blockade Federation Transport Terminal
- Assignment: Bombard Federation Manufactory
- Assignment: Capture Starfleet Ammunition Depot
- Assignment: Offensive on Federation Mining Conlony
- Assignment: Raid on Federation Experimental Research Station
- Assignment: Raid on Starfleet Photonics Research Center
- Assignment: Raid Starfleet Foundry
- Assignment: Seizure of Federation Refinery
Maraud Facility Assignments (Common, 6 hours) - (2 / 5)
- Assignment: Raid on Industrial Complex
- Assignment: Raid on Mining Colony
- Assignment: Raid on Research Facility
Assignment: Scavenge Battle Wreckage from Skirmish - (1 / 3)
- Contraband is also available only in Critical from the following assignments:
Assignment: Debrief Prisoner - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Deliver Defeated Changeling to Starfleet Security - (0 / 5)
Assignment: Infiltrate Intelligence Database - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Secure Consulate on Karemma - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Smuggle Bateret Incense Out of Bajoran Space - (0 / 5)
Assignment: Sabotage - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Track Fleet Movement - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Trace Jem'Hadar Supply Routes - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Infiltrate the Orion Syndicate - (0 / 3)
Assignment: Investigate Rumors of Intelligence - (0 / 5)
Assignment: Arrange for an Accident to Acquitted Orion - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Assassinate a Coward of House - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Blackmail Federation Sector Transit Controller - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Contact Federation Separatists -(0 / 3)
Assignment: Execute Changeling Spy - (0 / 5)
Assignment: Frame House - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Gather Intelligence on House - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Interrogate Prisoner - (0 / 2)
Assignment: Investigate Rumors of Orion Splinter Cell - (0 / 3)
Assignment: Smuggle Ferasan Nepeta Leaves off of Ferasa - (0 / 3)
Assignment: Surgically Alter an Agent for Insertion at Federation Outpost - (0 / 3)
- The following similarly named assignments do not reward any Contraband:
Assignment: Disable Vulcan Freighter - (0 / 0)
Maraud Facility Assignments (Rare, 6 hours) - (0 / 0)
- Assignment: Raid on Outpost on Ganymede
- Assignment: Raid on Research Facility on Mercury
- Assignment: Raid on Terraforming Stations on Venus
- Assignment: Raid on Training Facility on Titan
Maraud Facility Assignments (Uncommon, 8 hours) - (0 / 0)
- Assignment: Cripple Vulcan Science Station
- Assignment: Pillage Ferengi Trading Post
- Assignment: Ransack Tellarite Mining Colony
- Assignment: Unauthorized Raid on Andorian Military Outpost
- Assignment: Unauthorized Raid on Illegal Bolian Farming Colony
- Assignment: Unauthorized Raid on Illegal Human Colony
Assignment: Raid on Evacuation Station on Mimas - (0 / 0)
Assignment: Scavenge Minefield - (0 / 0)