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Star Trek Online Wiki
Crystal Spinner
Uncommon Inventory
Character Bind On Pickup
Unique - Max of one per character
Non-Combat Pet
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

Summon Crystal Spinner pet
Value: 30 Lobi Crystal icon
Crystal Spinner icon
Uncommon icon

The Crystal Spinner is Uncommon arachnid Ground Non-Combat pet that can be activated if present in your inventory, or triggered via ground powers.


The term "Cristal Spinner" is actually a generalization for many different breeds of arachnid life which are typically found in extreme environments. This one was raised on a planet covered in ice and snow, and has coloration to match it's environment. The webs that this breed spins in the wild are actually micro-crystalline lattices known for their brittle nature - they are used to lacerate prey, rather than trap them. This particular spider has been genetically modified to be unaggressive and cannot spin webs.


Ground Non-Combat Pet Pack - Arachnid Companion can be purchased from the Lobi Store for 30 Lobi Crystal icon. Once unpacked, you will receive crate which contains one of 4 possible breeds of arachnid. Crystal Spinner is obtained from the Ground Non-Combat Pet - Crystal Spinner. Once this crate is unpacked, pet becomes bound to the character that opens it and can no longer be traded.

You may own only one of these pets at a time, so if you already own one, you will not be able to unpack another one.

See also[]


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Pets and Companions
Pet Sehlat transparent
Pet Targ transparent
Ground (non-combat) Abomidorable SnowmanAlpha-117 CanineBeagleCatCrystal SpinnerDesert LeaperDilithium HortaDOT-7 Non-Combat DroneDriclae PupElachi Skitterer CompanionEpohhExocomp CompanionGingerbreadGumato CompanionHolographic ExocompHorga'hnHorta HatchlingKhellid CompanionMiniaturized Danube RunaboutMugato CompanionRaptor HatchlingRisian Feather MonkeyRisian CaracalRisian Tropical BirdSehlat CubSnowconianSnowmanTalarian Hook SpiderTardigrade CompanionArty Tardigrade PetLieutenant Tardigrade PetParty Tardigrade PetSkipper Tardigrade PetSmarty Tardigrade PetTargTholian SteamerYoung Nanov
Ground (combat) Bio-Engineered FuriadonCombat MugatoCombat-Trained Cobalt TardigradeCombat-Trained Verdant TardigradeDilithium Encrusted HortaEisilum Crystal HortaHolographic Combat DroneHortaJackal MastiffPolytrinic Acid HortaSynth Android (A600 series)
Space (non-combat) Aeon ShuttleCaptain's YachtClass F ShuttleCrystalline ShardDanube RunaboutDelta FlyerDelta Flyer (mirror)Ferengi Na'FarGekli CompanionPeregrine FighterPhoenix ReplicaStalker Stealth FighterTholian Widow FighterType-8 ShuttleType-10 ShuttlecraftTo'Duj FighterToronYellowstone Runabout
Space (combat) Peregrine FightersScorpion FightersTo'Duj Fighters
See also CosmozoanHangar petsPetSmall CraftWildlife

Creatures in Star Trek Online
Faction Monster
Animals Aehallh WormArmored hathamCocytan BeastDesert AcariDewan arthropodDriclaeEpohhFumarole WormGlikar'ma Ice SpiderJackal MastiffMookMugatoNanovOrithian CreeperOrithian Saber CatRegalian FleaspiderRihan sailbackRisian Tropical BirdSaurSehlatSnow PossumTalarian Hook SpiderTardigradeTargVihranenVivver catWarrigul
Cosmozoans Crystalline EntityFarpoint CnidarianGekliIdran Swarmer
See also CosmozoanPetWildlife