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The D'deridex class is a family of Romulan starships in use since the 24th Century, used by both Romulan and Reman forces alike. It is composed of the playable starships listed to the right, and may appear in the D'deridex Battlecruiser NPC mob.



The following table compares all D'deridex variants.
Ship Rank Tier Hull  Hull modifier  Shield modifier  Fore weapons Aft weapons Can equip dual cannons? Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Ship Devices Hangar Bay slots Uni BOffs Turn rate Impulse modifier IR Cost
Romulan Republic,United Federation of Planets,Klingon Empire,Dominion
D'deridex Warbird Battlecruiser 30
Rank background icon
Commander Rank icon (Romulan)
4 33750 1.35 1 4 3 2 3 2 4 {{{hangars}}} [[File:{{{uniconsole}}} icon.png|16px|link={{{uniconsole}}}]] Lieutenant TacticalCommander EngineeringLieutenant EngineeringLieutenant Science 5 0.15 30 10,000 Refined dilithium icon • 1 SRFED4
Romulan Republic,United Federation of Planets,Klingon Empire,Dominion
D'ridthau Warbird Battlecruiser 30
Rank background icon
Commander Rank icon (Romulan)
4 33750 1.35 1 4 3 2 4 2 4 {{{hangars}}} Console - Universal - Molecular Phase Inversion Field icon Lieutenant TacticalCommander EngineeringEnsign EngineeringLieutenant ScienceLieutenant Universal 5 0.15 30 150,000 Refined dilithium icon
Romulan Republic,United Federation of Planets,Klingon Empire,Dominion
D'deridex Warbird Battlecruiser Retrofit 50
Rank background icon
Vice Admiral Rank icon (Romulan)
5 40500 1.35 1 4 4 3 3 3 4 {{{hangars}}} Console - Universal - Projected Singularity icon Lieutenant Commander TacticalEnsign TacticalCommander EngineeringLieutenant Commander ScienceEnsign Universal 5.5 0.15 30 2,000 Zen small icon • 1 SRFED5
Romulan Republic,United Federation of Planets,Klingon Empire,Dominion
Fleet D'deridex Warbird Battlecruiser Retrofit 50
Rank background icon
Vice Admiral Rank icon (Romulan)
5 44550 1.485 1.1 4 4 3 4 3 4 {{{hangars}}} [[File:{{{uniconsole}}} icon.png|16px|link={{{uniconsole}}}]] Lieutenant Commander TacticalEnsign TacticalCommander EngineeringLieutenant Commander ScienceEnsign Universal 5.5 0.15 30 20,000 Fleet Credits • 4 Fleet Ship Module icon
Romulan Republic,United Federation of Planets,Klingon Empire,Dominion
Legendary D'deridex Miracle Worker Warbird Battlecruiser 1
Rank background icon
Lieutenant Rank icon (Romulan)
6 53475 1.55 1.15 4 4 3 5 3 4 {{{hangars}}} Legendary D'deridex Consoles icon Lieutenant Commander Tactical-Temporal OperativeCommander Engineering-Miracle WorkerLieutenant Commander ScienceLieutenant UniversalEnsign Universal 6 0.16 45 12,000 Zen small icon
Romulan Republic,United Federation of Planets,Klingon Empire,Dominion
D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser 1
Rank background icon
Lieutenant Rank icon (Romulan)
6 46575 1.35 1 4 4 3 4 3 4 {{{hangars}}} Console - Universal - Molecular Cohesion Nullifier icon Lieutenant Commander Tactical-CommandEnsign TacticalCommander EngineeringLieutenant Commander ScienceLieutenant Universal 5 0.15 30 3,000 Zen small icon
Romulan Republic,United Federation of Planets,Klingon Empire,Dominion
Fleet D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser 1
Rank background icon
Lieutenant Rank icon (Romulan)
6 51233 1.485 1.1 4 4 3 5 3 4 {{{hangars}}} [[File:{{{uniconsole}}} icon.png|16px|link={{{uniconsole}}}]] Lieutenant Commander Tactical-CommandEnsign TacticalCommander EngineeringLieutenant Commander ScienceLieutenant Universal 5 0.15 30 20,000 Fleet Credits • 5 Fleet Ship Module icon


D'deridex-class variants

Class Information

Purchasing the Legendary D'deridex Miracle Worker Warbird Battlecruiser for 12,000 Zen small icon unlocks all existing ship variants.
Ship Variant - ROM - D'deridex Warbird Battle Cruiser (Alpha)
D'deridex class (Alpha)
Measuring over 1300 meters in length, and easily dwarfing Starfleet's Galaxy-class starships, the D'deridex class is one of the largest and most powerful vessels used by the Romulan Star Empire.
Ship Variant - ROM - D'deridex Warbird Battle Cruiser (Beta)
D'deridex class (Beta)
A custom variant of the D'deridex, featuring a brown hull paint.
Ship Variant - ROM - D'deridex Warbird Battle Cruiser (Delta)
D'deridex class (Delta)
A custom variant of the D'deridex, featuring a blue and red hull paint.
Ship Variant - ROM - D'deridex Warbird Battle Cruiser (Republic)
D'deridex class (Republic)
The D'deridex, as used by the Romulan Republic.
Ship Variant - ROM - D'deridex Warbird Battle Cruiser (Gamma)
D'deridex class (Gamma)
SKIN UNLOCK: Legendary Romulan Captain Bundle, 12,000 Zen small icon
A custom variant of the D'deridex, featuring a white hull paint.
Ship Variant - ROM - D'ridthau Warbird Battle Cruiser (T4)
D'ridthau class
SKIN UNLOCK: D'ridthau Warbird Battlecruiser, 150,000 Refined dilithium icon
The D'ridthau class is a more compressed variant of the standard D'deridex-class Battlecruiser, but still quite large. A distinctive wing pattern spans the hull and a much longer nose. The nacelles are twice as long and the ship sports two more nacelle-like devices at its rear base.
Ship Variant - ROM - D'khellra Warbird Battlecruiser (T6)
D'khellra class
SKIN UNLOCK: D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser, 3,000 Zen small icon
An update of the feared D'deridex class, the D'Khellra-class incorporates technology first utilized on the Faeht class and Aelahl classes to give this ship improved capabilities for the difficult challenges the Republic will face in the Delta Quadrant.

Despite having "D'Khellra" in its name, the Fleet D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser does not unlock the D'Khellra-class customization parts.
Ship Variant - ROM - D'deridex Warbird Battle Cruiser (Unity)
D'deridex class (Unity)
SKIN UNLOCK: Legendary Romulan Warbird Bundle, 12,000 Zen small icon
The I.R.W. Unity was a specially constructed D’Deridex-class Warbird commissioned by Romulan Proconsul Neral in 2367. The Unity was built with lavish recreational and diplomatic facilities and was tasked with hosting delegations of colonies important to the Empire’s stagnating economy to establish influence with a softer touch. Her defensive capabilities were augmented as well to engage in “gunboat diplomacy” if the Empire’s new subjects decided not to roll out the red carpet.

The Unity made several successful tours showing the flag throughout the Empire until it was attacked and captured by a cadre of Garidian rebels in 2379. The rebels took advantage of the confusion surrounding Shinzon’s coup to seize the Unity while it was visiting their homeworld. Once under their control, the Garidians re-painted the hull in stark gray and red; it was now a symbol of defiance against Imperial authority. The Unity stayed in service through the end of the 24th century and eventually joined the Romulan Republic fleet, where it serves today, proudly retaining its distinctive paint scheme.

External links[]

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Starship classes in Star Trek Online      
By name
Starships flown by Federation Starfleet, Starfleet Intelligence, and Section 31
AkiraAmbassadorAvengerCheyenne (Constellation)ChimeraConstitutionCrossfieldCardenasDefiantEmissaryEngleEuropaExcelsiorGalaxyGeminiHermesHooverIntrepidLunaMageeMirandaNebulaNimitzNovaNXOberthOlympicPerseusPioneerPrometheusSaberSagittariusShepardSovereignTridentVestaWalkerWells
Starships flown by the Klingon Defense Force, Klingon Intelligence and House Pegh
An'quatAntaakB'relB'RotlhBirokBortasBortasqu'bortaS birCh'TangCharghChargh'poHChontayD4D4xD5D7D9DujHodDurgathDuvqu'GorkonHajHegh'taHoH'SuSHouse Mo'Kai RaidersK'majK't'ingaK'TancoKahlessKamaragKethaKi'tangKivraKlavekKlinzhaiKlothosKolothKorKorathKortarKoro't'ingaKrennKurakM'CharM'ChlaMartokMat'HaMoghMoQMur'EqNa'Qjej (Cleave)Naj'sovNegh'TevNegh'VarNing'taoNorghNovPachPeghqu'PuyjaqRozhenkoQa'TelQaw'DunQeHpu'QibQinQojQorghQu'DajQughQui'tuQul'poHQulDunSarcophagusSechSlithus FSomrawSuQobTa'SubTo'DujTor'KahtToronTy'GokorVo'QuvVoD'lehvoDlehVor'chaVor'KangVor'ral
F = Ferasan design
Starships flown by the Gorn Hegemony
NPC-only: BalaurDdraigKulshedraMakarNagaTuataraVishapZilant
Lethean NemosinOnirosXechas
Starships flown by the Nausicaans
NPC-only: • RavagerStingerSyphonTalonunnamed drone classunnamed escort class
Starships flown by the Orion Syndicate
NPC-only: BrigandSlavemasterWarbargeunnamed corvette classunnamed interceptor classunnamed ring ship
Starships flown by the Romulan Republic, Romulan Star Empire and Reman Resistance
AelahlAr'kalaAr'kifAvesBaratanCaprimulD'deridexD'ridthauD'KhellraDaeinosDeihuDelethDhaelDhelanDinaesDynnasia DFaehtFalchionFlambardGalasHa'apaxHa'fehHa'nomHaakonaHarpiaHathosIkkabar DJaeihJarokJhu'aelKaraKestrelKhaiellKholhrKhopeshLaeosaMalemMogaiMorriguNijilOkhalaR'MorScimitarScorpionShamshirSilikSui'MorSurhuelhT'laruT'lissT'varoTaenenTal'auraTalonTalvathTebokThraiTiercelTulwarTytonValdoreValkisVandros DVarelVastam
D = Dewan design
Other species • Xindi: Olaen
• Fek'Ihri: Kar'FiS'torr • NPC-only: Drek'HiFer'JaiK'NorrS'Kul
• Hur'q: Nekcrid AssemblyVedcrid HiveVridyat Ravager • NPC-only: Chidyat Swarmer
• Hirogen: Apex
• Vaadwaur: Astika]
By type
Federation and allies Cruiser (Constitution)
Heavy Cruiser (Cheyenne • Constellation • Dakota • Stargazer)
Advanced Heavy Cruiser (Excelsior • Resolute)
Advanced Light Cruiser (Centaur, Miranda, Reliant, Saratoga, ShiKahr, Soyuz)
Exploration Cruiser (Andromeda • Celestial • Galaxy • Envoy • Monarch • Venture)
Heavy Battlecruiser (Europa • Nimitz)
• Heavy Strike Wing Escort (Akira • Alita • Armitage • Oslo • Thunderchild • Zephyr)
Light Science Vessel (Oberth)
Stike Wing Escort (Engle, Mirror Universe)
Support Cruiser (Ambassador • Narendra • Yamaguchi)
Temporal Cruiser (Gemini • Sagittarius)
Temporal Escort (Perseus • Theseus)
Utility Cruiser (Pioneer)
Klingon Empire and allies Advanced Light Battlecruiser (QeHpu')
• Destroyers (Scourge, Vandal)
Dreadnought Carrier (Sarcophagus)
Dreadnought Cruiser (D9)
• Flight-Deck Cruisers (Corsair, Dacoit, Marauder)
Flight-Deck Assault Cruiser (Blackguard)
Gorn Multi-Mission Explorer (Ahgamas • Ihgomas • Khaimas)
• Gorn Support Vessels (Draguas, Phalanx, Varanus)
Heavy Battlecruiser (Negh'Tev • Negh'Var • Qu'Daj • VoDleh)
• Intel Battlecruisers (Qib, Na'Qjej)
Lethean Pilot Escort (Nemosin • Oniros • Xechas)
Pilot Bird-of-Prey (D4x, Kelvin Timeline)
• Raptors (Mat'Ha)
Pilot Raptor (Klavek • Kortar • Qui'tu)
Recon Raptor (Ketha)
Siege Destroyer (Guramba • Kolasi)
Small Craft (DujHod, Kivra, Rozhenko, To'Duj, Toron)
Temporal Destroyer (Chargh'poH • Krenn)
Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Battlecruiser (Durgath)
Temporal Science Vessel (Qul'poH • Korath)
Romulan Warbird (Dhelan • Dhael • Hathos)
Advanced Light Warbird Battlecruiser (Deleth)
Advanced Warbird (Ha'apax • Haakona • Kara)
Assault Warbird (Ha'feh)
Command Warbird (Baratan • Deihu • Vastam)
Dewan Pilot Escort (Dynassia • Ikkabar • Vandros)
Dreadnought Warbird (Scimitar • Falchion • Tulwar • Khopesh • Shamshir • Flambard)
Dreadnought Warbird (Thrai)
Heavy Warbird (Mogai • Valdore • Morrigu)
Explorer Warbird (Galas • Surhuelh • Taenen)
Flight-Deck Assault Cruiser (Silik)
Guardian Warbird (Ha'nom)
Intel Carrier Warbird (T'laru, Kelvin Timeline)
Intel Warbird (Faeht)
Light Warbird (T'liss • T'varo • Malem)
Light Warbird Battlecruiser (Aelahl)
Miracle Worker Warbird (Nijil • Tebok • Varel)
Pilot Warbird (Jaeih • Khaiell • Okhala)
Research Warbird (Laeosa)
Science Destroyer Warbird (Aves • Caprimul • Harpia • Tyton)
Small Craft (Scorpion, Tiercel, Kestrel, Jarok • Talon)
Tactical (Carrier) Warbird (Ar'kif • Ar'kala • Jhu'ael)
Temporal Destroyer (Talvath • Tal'aura)
Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird (Valkis)
Temporal Science Vessel (R'Mor • Sui'Mor)
Temporal Warbird (Kholhr)
Warbird Destroyer (Daeinos • Dinaes)
Warbird Battlecruiser (D'deridex • D'ridthau • D'Khellra)
Dominion Jem'Hadar FighterAttack ShipDreadnought CarrierHeavy Strike Wing EscortLight BattlecruiserVanguard Starships