- For information on space/starship damage, see Damage type (space).
Damage during ground combat in Star Trek Online can be divided into several different categories:
- Weapon damage is caused by Ground Weapons.
- Ranged weapon damage is boosted by the Weapon Proficiency skill and the [WpnDmg] mod on kit frames, and affected by the Weapon Penetration skill unlock.
- All flanking weapon damage is boosted by the Outmaneuver Foe and Improved Flank Damage skill unlocks.
- Ranged and melee criticals are boosted by the Weapon Criticals skill, and the [WpnCrit] mod on kit frames.
- Kit damage is caused by kit module abilities, including grenades, bombs, mines, turrets, drones, and assorted science abilities. It is the ground combat equivalent of Exotic damage in space.
- This damage is boosted by the Kit Performance Expert skill, and the [KPerf] mod on kit frames.
- The [Kp/Wpn] mod on Epic kit frames boosts both Weapon Proficiency and Kit Performance.
The Command, Intel, Temporal Operative and Commando Captain Specialization trees also affect weapon and kit damage in various ways.
In addition to those two categories above, damage can also be placed into these other categories, which overlap with the ones above:
- Energy damage is the common name for the type damage dealt by direct fire ranged energy weapons.
- Kinetic damage is dealt by deployed, thrown or self-propellant explosive devices, and also by certain abilities.
- Physical damage is dealt in ground combat by armed and unarmed melee attacks, and a small handful of other sources.
- Environmental damage is a catch-all term for cold, fire, radiation and toxic damage, which can be sustained from natural ambient conditions on a planet, or alien atmospheres, as well as a few special weapons and kit abilities.
- Other damage types exist as well for a few specific weapons and abilities, some exclusive to enemies.
Lastly, damage can be divided into 16 different attribute modifiers[main 1] or "elements": Phaser, Disruptor, Plasma, Tetryon, Polaron, Antiproton, Proton, Kinetic, Physical, Cold, Fire, Radiation, Toxic, Electrical, Psionic and FeedbackPulse.
Energy damage[ | ]
Overview[ | ]
There are six primary Energy Damage types, each having a bonus effect, known as a Proc. Most weapons come with one of these bonuses, while some rarer weapons may contain multiple.
Most Ground Weapons deal Energy Damage, and include Pistols, Rifles, and Assault Weapons; your damage can be boosted when using these weapons with the personal traits Pistol Training, Rifle Training and Assault Training respectively. See the Ground Weapon and Special Ground Weapons pages for details about how each type of weapon functions. Some deployable Turrets through the use of Kits can also deal Energy Damage, depending on the turret used.
Energy Harness Armor boosts outgoing Energy Damage. The [Ene] modifier on Personal Shields provides an energy damage buff when you take damage.
Personal Shields and Body Armor may come with one or more damage resistance modifiers, each giving 20% resistance against the damage type indicated by the suffix(es) in the item name: [Pha], [Dis], [Pla], [Tet], [Pol] and [Ap]. Body armor (but not shields) may also have a hybrid damage resistance modifier, which splits it among two types: [PhaDis], [PlaTet] and [PolAp].
Most body armor also provide overall energy damage resistance, though Environmental Suits generally do not, in addition to Kinetic and Physical damage resistance. Energy Dampening Armor provides the highest base energy resistance, with Polyalloy Weave Armor second. Any other item that states it has "All Energy Damage resistance" in its description will do the same.
All energy damage boosts:
- Blood of the Warrior from the K.H.G and Adapted M.A.C.O. sets
- Jem'Hadar Shroud from the Jem'Hadar Armored Shroud
Note: The Threat Control Commander rank skill provided resistance against Energy Damage, but has since been removed from the game with the skill revamp.
This article or section is in need of an update list all the kit abilities that deal these types of damage in their respective sections, and all damage and resistance boosts from set bonuses Please help out STO Wiki by adding the necessary changes! |
Phaser[ | ]
Phaser damage is displayed as orange in color, or sometimes pale yellow. Andorian and 23rd century Federation phasers are a blue or sometimes pink in color. The term "phaser" is an acronym for Phased Energy Rectification. A type of particle weapon, phasers damage targets with streams of nadion particles, the same underlying technology as disruptor weaponry. Against living targets, this can be to either lethal or non-lethal effect, depending on the power of the stream. Federation bridge officers by default are equipped with phaser pistols.
Energy bonus: 5% chance: +2 Hold
Kit frames with the [+Pha] mod increase Phaser weapon damage by 20%. Shields and armor with the [Pha] suffix modifier take 20% less Phaser damage than usual. [PhaDis] can be found on Armor only and provides resistance to both Phaser and Disruptor damage. Diburnium Reinforced Body Armor is another choice.
Users | Cardassian | Terran | True Way | Federation | Kazon |
Phaser-based kit abilities:
- Orbital Strike (Starfleet players)
- Seeker Drone Fabrication (Starfleet players)
- Support Drone Fabrication (Starfleet players)
- Turret Fabrication (Starfleet players)
- DOT-7 Drone Fabrication's DOT-7 Short-Ranged Fusion Welder attack
Phaser damage boosts:
- Bio-Molecular Conduits from the 8472 Counter-Command Elite set
Disruptor[ | ]
Disruptors are a type of directed energy used in weapons, and are green or dark green in color. Disruptors cause damage to the target by breaking the bonds of atoms. Klingon Defense Force bridge officers by default are equipped with Disruptor pistols.
Energy bonus: 5% chance: -10% Damage Resistance Debuff
Kit frames with the {+Dis] mod increase Disruptor weapon damage by 20%. Shields and armor with the [Dis] suffix modifier take 20% less Disruptor damage than usual. [PhaDis] can be found on Armor only and provides resistance to both Phaser and Disruptor damage. Diburnium Reinforced Body Armor is another choice.
Users | Elachi | Gorn | Klingon | Nausicaan | Orion | Reman | Romulan |
Disruptor-based abilities:
- Orbital Strike (KDF players)
- Seeker Drone Fabrication (KDF players)
- Support Drone Fabrication (KDF players)
- Turret Fabrication (KDF players)
- Engineering Kit Module - Override Shield Safeties
- Terran Task Force Personal Shield passive proc
Disruptor damage boosts:
- Bio-Molecular Conduits 2-piece set bonus from the 8472 Counter-Command Elite set
- Interference Algorithm 2-piece set bonus from the Terran Task Force Special Ops set (also boosts Physical damage).
Plasma[ | ]
Plasma energy beams are green/cyan in color. Romulan Republic bridge officers by default are equipped with Plasma pistols.
Energy bonus: 5% chance: Applies a non-stacking DoT
Kit frames with the {+Pla] mod increase Plasma weapon damage by 20%. Shields and armor with the [Pla] suffix modifier take 20% less Plasma damage than usual. [PlaTet] can be found on Armor only and provides resistance to both Plasma and Tetryon damage. Exo-Plating Armor is another option.
Note that Plasma-based Weapon Damage is separate from Plasma damage caused by Kit abilities.
Users | Borg | Na'kuhl | Romulan Republic | Turei |
Plasma-based kit abilities:
-- Tactical --
-- Engineering --
- Orbital Strike (Romulan Republic players)
- Seeker Drone Fabrication (Romulan Republic players)
- Support Drone Fabrication (Romulan Republic players)
- Turret Fabrication (Romulan Republic players)
- Phaser, Disruptor, Plasma and Polaron Flamethrower turrets produced by an Ultra Rare quality [Engineering Kit Module - Beam Turret] will deal Plasma damage at close range with their Plasma Incinerator flamethrower attack, and may also proc an Intense Plasma Fire DoT, regardless of the player captain's faction.
-- Universal Kit Modules --
Plasma damage boosts:
- Romulan Imperial Navy Profession-Specific Kit [+Plasma] [CritX] [PSG]x2
- Plasma Weapon Specialist, a Romulan character trait.
Tetryon[ | ]
Tetryon energy beams are blue in color. Tetryons are subatomic particles that exist outside of normal space. When brought into normal space from subspace (artificially or naturally) they become highly unstable.
Energy bonus: 5% chance damage to Shields
Kit frames with the {+Tet] mod increase Tetyon weapon damage by 20%. Shields and armor with the [Tet] suffix modifier take 20% less Tetryon damage than usual. [PlaTet] can be found on Armor only and provides resistance to both Plasma and Tetryon damage. Photonic lifeforms are more susceptible to Tetryon damage.
Other sources of Tetryon damage on the ground:
- [Holographic Combat Drone]
- Drone Summon Passive, which also summons the above drone.
Users | Hirogen | Tholian | Vorgon |
Polaron[ | ]
Polaron are pink/purple/magenta in color. These weapons were heavily utilized by the Jem'Hadar and Breen during the Dominion War. Some Jem'Hadar Polaron ground weaponry can have bonus effects based on the Nanoenergy cell used.
Energy bonus: 5% chance: Weapons Malfunction for 5 sec
Kit frames with the {+Pol] mod increase Polaron weapon damage by 20%. Shields and armor with the [Pol] suffix modifier take 20% less Polaron damage than usual. [PolAp] can be found on Armor only and provides resistance to both Polaron and Antiproton damage.
Users | Breen | True Way | Dominion | Kobali | Krenim | Vaadwaur |
Polaron-based kit abilities:
- Orbital Strike (Dominion players)
- Seeker Drone Fabrication (Dominion players)
- Support Drone Fabrication (Dominion players)
- Turret Fabrication (Dominion players)
Antiproton[ | ]
Antiprotons, when confined into a beam, are normally crimson with a black void border. Up close, the energy looks a lot more unstable, similar to Plasma and Tetryon energy. Undine antiproton weapons are pale yellow in color.
Energy bonus: +20% Critical Severity
Kit frames with the {+Ap] mod increase Antiproton weapon damage by 20%. Shields with the [Ap] suffix modifier take 20% less Antiproton damage than usual. [PolAp] can be found on Armor only and provides resistance to both Polaron and Antiproton damage. A 2-piece set bonus from the Dyson Joint Command ground set also boosts Antiproton resistance.
Users | Borg | Crystalline Entity | Fek'Ihri | Iconian | Undine | Voth |
Antiproton-based kit abilities:
- Engineering Kit Module - Biotech Turret
- Mass Gravimetric Detonation
- Universal Kit Module - Overcharge Turret
Antiproton damage boosts:
- Chroniton Acclimation from the Temporal Defense Initiative Operative set (also boosts Antiproton resistance)
Proton[ | ]
Protons, are whitish-blue in color. It is rare and experimental, used by very few weapons, primarily utilizing reverse-engineered Voth technology. Should a Proton Weapon land a critical hit, it has a high chance of dealing additional proton damage that completely bypasses the target's shields.
Energy bonus: 50% chance: on critical: Additional Proton Damage (Ignores Shields)
No NPCs currently use Proton damage against the player.
Sources of proton damage available to players:
- [Dyson Experimental Proton Beam Rifle]
- Protonic Polaron weapons from the Dyson Joint Command Reputation Store
- the Secondary Fire mode of the [Synchronic Proton Distortion Prototype Assault Rifle]
Players standing within the range of a [Triolic Pattern Enhancer] or using an [Ophidian Cane] (or both) will take increased Proton damage.
Proton damage boosts:
- 2-piece set bonus from the Dyson Joint Command ground set
Damage Types per faction[ | ]
The various Factions deal damage types specific to them in ground combat. Since defensive equipment may provide resistance against only a subset of all damage types, knowing in advance what damage to expect from a given foe and using the right equipment to counter it can increase the chances of survival.
- ↑ Mines
- ↑ Many enemies utilize grenades; exhaustive list to be done
- ↑ Bat'leth users
- ↑ Fused Constructs
- ↑ Most ground enemies will engage you in melee combat if you get in close range.
- ↑ Tortured Souls
- ↑ Boss NPCs
Kinetic damage[ | ]
Kinetic damage is dealt by explosive devices of various kinds. In addition to the Kinetic Damage, these weapons often have secondary effects, in some cases dealing additional Energy Damage or Exotic Damage to the target in a single hit or as a DoT or AoE.
On the ground, Kinetic Damage is dealt by Mines, Bombs and Mortar type turrets deployable by the use of Kits, and Grenades thrown by using Kits or abilities. The TR-116A and TR-116B rifles also deal kinetic damage.
Kinetic Damage is more effective against armor than shields, and there is a dedicated resistance against Kinetic Damage. All Body Armor types provide varying levels of resistance against Kinetic Damage.
Note: Melee attacks such as martial arts or with the Bat'leth do NOT count as Kinetic damage. Instead, this is Physical damage.
Grenades[ | ]
There are four basic types of Grenade--Photon, Plasma, Smoke and Stun--though Smoke grenades do not cause kinetic damage. There are also other types of grenade which are specially obtained. It is important to note that shields drastically reduce the damage of grenades.
- Photon Grenade - Causes AoE kinetic damage upon contact, causing damage and knockback to the enemies within the blast radius at the point of contact. It has a large blast radius, however enemies can enter and exit the blast radius before the AoE kinetic damage occurs.
- Bio-Molecular Photon Grenade - A specialty photon grenade that partially ignores shields, reduces runspeed and causes radiation damage.
- Neutronic Grenade - A specialty photon grenade that partially ignores shields, and debuffs the enemies' outgoing energy damage and movement speed.
- Plasma Grenade - Causes small AoE kinetic damage, but also leaves a plasma damage hazard at the point of detonation.
- Cryonic Grenade - A specialty "plasma" grenade that partially ignores shields, causing kinetic and cold damage and leaves a freezing hazard.
- Stun Grenade - Low kinetic damage in the AoE, however it explodes on contact and causes all enemies within the AoE which holds them in place for a period of time. This hold is not fragile, so won’t break upon being damaged by character and allies.
- Cryo Grenade - a ground device that deals kinetic and cold damage.
- Active Immunity Grenade - A specialty grenade that partially ignores shields, reduces runspeed and causes toxic damage, with a chance to spread the infection.
- Tactical Kit Module - Corrosive Grenade - A specialty grenade that partially ignores shields, does shield-penetrating toxic damage, reduces damage output and leaves a toxic DoT.
- Universal Kit Module - Crystalline Spike - not a grenade per se, but is thrown like one and causes kinetic damage and knockback when it expires or explodes.
The following grenades do not actually cause any damage, and so are outside the scope of this article:
Mines[ | ]
Similar to grenades, mines are placed by Engineering or Intel officers on the ground and only detonate either when an enemy walks over them, or after a set amount of time.
- Chroniton Mine Barrier - Kinetic damage and runspeed reduction.
- Engineering Kit Module - Active Immunity Mine Field - a mine version of the Active Immunity Grenade, dealing Kinetic and infectious Toxic damage.
- Subspace Anesthezine Mine - an Intel ability. Unlock Anesthezine grenades, these deal Kinetic damage and inflict numerous debuffs.
- Engineering Kit Module - Flash Bombs
- Universal Kit Module - Crawler Swarm
- Enhanced Crawler Mine from the Na'kuhl Temporal Operative set (also leaves a toxic hazard)
- Wrecking Ball from the Commando specialization tree leaves behind a kinetic damage mine whenever you roll.
Bombs[ | ]
Bombs act like mines, except they explode on your command, not due to proximity.
- Engineering Kit Module - Transphasic Bomb, which arm after 3 seconds.
- Engineering Kit Module - Flash Freeze Bomb, which deals both Kinetic and Cold damage.
Mortar[ | ]
- Quantum Mortar Fabrication
- Photon Grenade Launcher Fabrication
- Engineering Kit Module - Neutronic Mortar
Other sources[ | ]
- Tactical Kit Module - Chroniton Micro-Torpedo Spread
- Coordinate Bombing Strike
- Graviton Spike
- Micro Photon Torpedo Launcher
- Micro Cryonic Warhead (part Kinetic, part Cold damage)
- Protomatter Munition Deployment (part Kinetic, part Physical damage)
- Seismic Agitation Field - Creates a kinetic damage hazard that knocks those in range toward the center, and causes them to stumble.
- Repulsor Burst
Physical damage[ | ]
Physical damage is dealt by unarmed martial arts attacks, melee weapons, or using a ranged weapon's "bash" melee attack to shove away enemies in close proximity. The majority of sources of non-weapon Physical damage have 100% shield penetration. Physical, like Kinetic, is damage the Borg cannot adapt to.
Other sources of Physical damage:
- Special melee weapons:
- Ranged weapons:
- Kit modules:
- Temporal Operative Bridge Officer and Kit abilities:
- Other:
- Bite, a trait for Gorn players and bridge officers
- Pounce, a trait for Caitian players and bridge officers
- Temporal Stasis, a 3-piece set bonus ability from the Temporal Defense Initiative Operative set
- Imminent Decay from the Temporal Operative skill tree.
- Tzenkethi Retrofit Armor's Tzenkethi Kinematics ability, which deals physical damage and boosts physical melee damage
Note that Nanopulse Edge Bat'leths and Lirpas cause Plasma damage, and Sonic Antiproton weapons from the Nukara Strikeforce Reputation Store deal extra Kinetic damage, not Physical.
Physical damage on the ground can be boosted by the two-piece set bonus from set Terran Task Force Special Ops set. Except the Energy Dampening type, all other Body Armor types provide varying levels of resistance against Physical Damage. Note: Damage dealt by any kind of explosion is Kinetic Damage and thus reduced by Kinetic Resistance, and NOT by Physical Resistance.
Environmental damage[ | ]
Environmental Damage, mentioned in such places as the Absorption Lattice ability, collectively refers to Cold, Fire, Radiation and Toxic damage. Environmental Suits provide resistance to these kinds of damage. The [Temp] modifier gives additional Cold and Fire resistance, while [RadTox] gives additional Radiation and Toxic resistance. Both Joined and unjoined Trill players and bridge officers have innate Radiation and Toxic resistance.
Cold[ | ]
Cold damage can be sustained during ground combat. The Breen are known to deal this type of damage frequently, and Cold damage is also caused by Fek'Ihri Tortured Souls. Most Cold damage attacks can inflict Slow and DoT debuffs, as well as Holds. This makes them incredibly useful for halting approaching enemies. Most Cold damage attacks are either light blue or white, with a fog effect.
Sources of Cold damage on the ground available to the player:
- Equipment:
- Dielectric Oscillation Personal Shield - when hit by a melee attack
- Weapons:
- Devices:
- Cryo Grenades
- Fire Suppression Device, when used on Tholians that are not wearing an EV suit.
- Kit modules from the Holiday Item Vendor:
- Cryonic Grenade
- Cryotronic Modulation
- Micro Cryonic Warhead
- Cryo Mine Barrier
- Flash Freeze Bomb
- Freeze Armor
- Cryo Stasis Field
- Endothermic Induction Field
- Cryonic Pulse
- Hurricane Turret (Summer Event)
- Traits:
- Cryo Immobilizer Module, a trait from the Nukara Strike Force reputation
- Cryonic Visor Beam, available on Breen bridge officers
Cold damage can be resisted by:
- Devices:
Fire[ | ]
Fires on the ground can sometimes cause fire damage if walked into, depending on the map. Fire damage sources available to the player:
- Weapons:
- Abilities:
- Exothermic Induction Field creates a fire damage hazard.
- Chaos Blaze creates a fire damage hazard and confuses foes.
- Molten Terrain from the Summer Event
Fire damage resistance:
- Traits:
- Circulatory Redundancies (Saurians)
- Cold Blooded (Gorn, Saurians and Aliens)
- Other:
- The Damage Resist Beta (Ground) Endeavor Perk
Note that Plasma fires do not necessarily deal Fire damage, but rather energy, kinetic, or kit damage depending on the source.
Radiation[ | ]
Radiation damage can be dealt by weapons with the [DoT1], [DoT2], and [DoT3] modifiers, as well as these sources:
- Weapons
- the Crystal Radiation Projector Assault weapon claimed with Crystal Shards in late 2016
- Bio-Molecular Phaser and Disruptor weapons from the 8472 Counter-Command Reputation Store
- Counter-Command Bio-Molecular Phaser and Disruptor Rifles from the 8472 Counter-Command Elite set.
- Withering Disruptor weapons from the Terran Task Force Reputation Store
- Thoron Infused Polaron weapons from the Delta Alliance Reputation Store
- Kit modules and other:
- Bio-Molecular Photon Grenade
- Methuselah Drone Fabrication
- Nanite Sonic Pulse
- Photonic Overcharge
- Photonic Overload
- Protomatter Munition Deployment
- Generate Solar Gateway
- Stasis Drone
- Unstable Bio-Molecular Personal Shield from the three-piece set bonus, and the increased proc chance from the same bonus.
- Radiant Detonation Module, a passive reputation ground trait
Other Radiation-related factors:
- Invigorating Radiation, a ground trait that heals HP and removes Damage-over-time effects when receiving Radiation damage
- Permeating Radiation, a ground trait causes outgoing Radiation damage to slow your target's run speed
Toxic[ | ]
Bluegills and Hortas deal this type of damage. Bluegill Ravagers use an Acid Spew toxic hazard, and both Ravagers and Pestilants use Acid Spit for direct toxic damage (not Acid damage; see below). Hortas use a Corrosive Acid ability that also does toxic damage. The Fek'Ihri can also deal this type of damage during ground combat. You may also encounter Toxic damage as an environmental hazard on certain missions, such as the Neurocine Gas during the mission “Hearts and Minds”. Modified Regalian Fleaspiders during the same mission also deal Toxic damage with a Ravishing Toxic Spit attack, as do the Orithian Creepers during the mission “Alpha”.
- If you walk into insect swarms, such as the Vihranen Swarms on New Romulus, they will deal Toxic Damage with their Insect Swarm attack.
Toxic damage sources available to the player include:
- Active Immunity Grenade
- Active Immunity Mine Field
- Active Immunity Overload
- Biotoxin Injection
- Bite, a trait for Gorn players and bridge officers
- Corrosive Blood, an innate trait of Bolian players and bridge officers
- Corrosive Grenade
- Crawler Swarm
- Na'kuhl Temporal Operative Minigun and the Enhanced Crawler Mine from the 3-piece set bonus
- Horta (combat pet)
Toxic damage resistance:
- Biotech Carapace
- Corrosive Blood, mentioned above, also provides Toxic resistance to Bolians
- Counter-Command Exo-Armor with a [Tox] modifier at Ultra Rare quality and the 4-piece set bonus.
- M.A.C.O. Armor, Adapted M.A.C.O. Armor, Klingon Honor Guard Armor, and Adapted K.H.G. Armor get a [Tox] modifier at Ultra Rare.
- Na'kuhl Temporal Operative Armor
- Undine Biotech Battle Armor
- Fluidic Antigens
- Peak Health
Other damage types[ | ]
These less common damage types may be inflicted with Special Ground Weapons and kit modules, including explosives or other abilities.
Electrical[ | ]
Sources of Electrical damage on the ground include:
- Weapons
- Ferengi Energy Whip
- Trill Guardian Staff - primary attack
- Jaylah's Staff
- Lukari Piezo-Electric Wrist Apparatus - 2pc set bonus also boosts Electrical Damage
- Sompek Pulsewave
- Terran Task Force Bat'leth and the associated 3-piece set bonus
- Vaadwaur Polaron Assault Debilitator
- Voth Antiproton Shocktrooper Cannon
- Kit abilities
- Fuse Armor
- Sabotage
- Hurricane Turret from the Lohlunat Festival
- [Tactical Kit Module - Containment Field]
- [Engineering Kit Module - Electrostatic Field]
- [Science Kit Module - Integrated Electrical Field]
- [Universal Kit Module - Ball Lightning]
- [Universal Kit Module - Stasis Drone]
- [Universal Kit Module - Sompek Lightning]
- [Universal Kit Module - Chain Conduit Capacitor]
- using Stasis Field with the Electrical damage Research Lab Scientist
- using Sweeping Strikes with the Electrical damage Assault Squad Officer
- using Weapons Malfunction with the Electrical damage Damage Control Engineer
- using Tachyon Harmonic on a non-living target wit the Electrical damage Technician
- Devices, traits, set bonuses, etc.
- Experimental Anti-Borg Device
- the Violent Discharge from the Crystalline Nanofiber Shell
- Neural Network Overload from the Terran Task Force reputation
- Lukari Restoration Initiative Operative Set 2: 25% passive electrical bonus
Psionic[ | ]
Devidian, Lethean, Reman and Undine foes can deal this type of damage. Psionic damage attacks are known to ignore personal shielding and deal direct damage to a player's health, but notably do not affect non-biological targets such as turrets. Psionic damage can be dealt by:
- Lethean players and NPCs can use the Rapture ability
- Reman players and NPCs can use the Mind Drain ability
- Psionic damage modifiers found on the Fluidic Kit frames from the Special Equipment Pack - Fluidic Kits
- [Psionic Resonance Enhancement Cell] add psionic damage to ranged weapons
- [Vulcan Lirpa [Psi] [Stn]], rewarded from the mission “Hearts and Minds”
- [Engineering Kit Module - Psionic Empathy Feedback] reflects some incoming Psionic and Energy damage back as Psionic damage
- [Universal Kit Module - Crystal Prism]'s Pahvan Crystal Prism
- Ophidian Cane deals AoE psionic damage
The [Phase-Shifted Personal Shield], a reward from the mission “Skirmish”, provides protection from psionic damage, scaling by level. The [Counter-Command Personal Shield] from the 8472 reputation does as well. [Engineering Kit Module - Nanite Medical Generator] gives Bonus Psionic (and Toxic) resistance rating.
Bleeding[ | ]
Certain melee weapons deal bleeding damage over 10 seconds and ignores shields, including;
References[ | ]
Table of all ground weapons[ | ]
Ground Weapons
| ||||||
Damage Type | Pistol | Rifle | Assault | Melee & Other | ||
Expose | Exploit | Expose | Exploit | Expose | ||
Standard Weapons and Special Weapons | ||||||
Antiproton | ||||||
Disruptor | ||||||
Phaser | ||||||
Plasma | ||||||
Polaron | ||||||
Tetryon | ||||||
Non-Standard | ||||||
Q's Winter Wonderland ? |
Elite Fleet Ground Weapons (standard + extra proc) | ||||||
Damage Type | Pistol | Rifle | Assault | Melee Physical damage | ||
Expose | Exploit | Expose | Exploit | Expose | ||
Phaser | ||||||
Disruptor | ||||||
Plasma | ||||||
Tetryon | ||||||
Polaron | ||||||
Antiproton |
Reputation and Lock Box (dual-proc and new proc) | ||||||
Damage Type | Pistol | Rifle | Assault | Set Items & Other | ||
Expose | Exploit | Expose | Exploit | Expose | ||
Antiproton -based |
Disruptor -based |
Phaser -based |
Plasma -based |