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Random static encounter

Deep Space Encounter

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Deep Space Encounters (also known as random encounters) are seen in sector space. Players, whilst in sector space, will be able to see "Enemy Contact" or "Enemy Signal Contact" on their screen. The contacts lead to Deep Space Encounters.


There are two methods for players to enter into a Deep Space Encounter. These are:

Static Encounter

A static encounter is a view as a red swirling vortex in sector space. When approached, players are shown a dialog window where the player can choose to enter the battle or continue on their way. If a player chooses to enter the battle they will be loaded into one of the Deep Space Encounter instances, possibly with other players, to fight off the enemy.

Dynamic Encounters

Along with static encounters are dynamic "forced engagement" encounters. These are created from enemy starships flying around sector space and if a player gets too close to them the enemy ship will give chase. If they get very close to a player, the player is then automatically loaded into a Deep Space Encounter instance to fight them. These battles are more random than static encounters as they force the player to fight, and enemy ships can and will engage you rather than you having to engage them. Players who get to within 0.75 Light Years of the enemy vessel will be automatically pursued, and players who enter within 0.1 Light Years of the enemy ships are forcibly engaged.

Note: Dynamic Deep Space Encounters were removed at the end of Season 4. Players must now choose to engage a deep space encounter, as they will no longer auto aggro players.

Crystalline Entity

The Crystalline Entity is visible as an Enemy Signal Contact in the Alpha Centauri Sector Block. If a player flies close to it they will be hailed from Admiral Grigori Yanishev and instructed on how to complete the fleet action.

Fighting Area

Areas that players fight in are automatically generated by the Genesis Engine. The enemy ships that are involved in the Deep Space Encounter and the graphics of the area itself varies depending on which front the player is in.
