Star Trek Online Wiki
Dilithium Horta icon
Rare icon
Dilithium Horta
Rare Ground Device
Bind On Pickup
Unique - Max of one per character

Value: 0 Energy credit icon


Non-combat pet. The Dilithium Horta is an acidic silicon-based life-form first found on Janus VI. Hortas are difficult to detect with tricorders and their hardened skin is resistant to phaser fire. They tunnel through solid stone by secreting a corrosive acid that can also be used as a weapon. Usually found in caves and underground caverns, Hortas feed on the rocks and minerals found in their natural habitat. Horta are sentient and have life cycles that extend for thousands of years.

This one is unusually docile and radiates a pattern of high-energy photons banded around its dilithium crystal shell.


Dilithium Horta


Dilithium Horta Summons your Horta pet, which appears to have at some point eaten a considerable pile of Dilithium Crystals. The Dilithium Horta does not have any offensive abilities and will go away when combat starts.

  • Toggle
  • Targets Self
  • 0.25 sec activate
  • Summon Dilithium Horta


This item is available from [Special Requisition Pack - Dilithium Horta], which can be looted from a [Cardassian Lock Box].



This Horta subspecies was first seen in the 2 Year Anniversary Event. Unlike the others, this variant is purple. The name Dilithium Horta was later announced in a dev blog post. [1]

This Horta is different from the Dilithium Encrusted Horta "Combat Pet".

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Pets and Companions
Pet Sehlat transparent
Pet Targ transparent
Ground (non-combat) Abomidorable SnowmanAlpha-117 CanineBeagleCatCrystal SpinnerDesert LeaperDilithium HortaDOT-7 Non-Combat DroneDriclae PupElachi Skitterer CompanionEpohhExocomp CompanionGingerbreadGumato CompanionHolographic ExocompHorga'hnHorta HatchlingKhellid CompanionMiniaturized Danube RunaboutMugato CompanionRaptor HatchlingRisian Feather MonkeyRisian CaracalRisian Tropical BirdSehlat CubSnowconianSnowmanTalarian Hook SpiderTardigrade CompanionArty Tardigrade PetLieutenant Tardigrade PetParty Tardigrade PetSkipper Tardigrade PetSmarty Tardigrade PetTargTholian SteamerYoung Nanov
Ground (combat) Bio-Engineered FuriadonCombat MugatoCombat-Trained Cobalt TardigradeCombat-Trained Verdant TardigradeDilithium Encrusted HortaEisilum Crystal HortaHolographic Combat DroneHortaJackal MastiffPolytrinic Acid HortaSynth Android (A600 series)
Space (non-combat) Aeon ShuttleCaptain's YachtClass F ShuttleCrystalline ShardDanube RunaboutDelta FlyerDelta Flyer (mirror)Ferengi Na'FarGekli CompanionPeregrine FighterPhoenix ReplicaStalker Stealth FighterTholian Widow FighterType-8 ShuttleType-10 ShuttlecraftTo'Duj FighterToronYellowstone Runabout
Space (combat) Peregrine FightersScorpion FightersTo'Duj Fighters
See also CosmozoanHangar petsPetSmall CraftWildlife

Creatures in Star Trek Online
Faction Monster
Animals Aehallh WormArmored hathamCocytan BeastDesert AcariDewan arthropodDriclaeEpohhFumarole WormGlikar'ma Ice SpiderJackal MastiffMookMugatoNanovOrithian CreeperOrithian Saber CatRegalian FleaspiderRihan sailbackRisian Tropical BirdSaurSehlatSnow PossumTalarian Hook SpiderTardigradeTargVihranenVivver catWarrigul
Cosmozoans Crystalline EntityFarpoint CnidarianGekliIdran Swarmer
See also CosmozoanPetWildlife