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A Dinasian male.

The Dinasians were a warp-capable humanoid race indigenous to Dinasia II.

200,000 years ago they had relations with the Iconian civilization, and deeply desired access to Iconian biomedical technology. However, the Iconians feared that they might damage themselves or others with the technology and refused to give it to them, even when a plague broke out on the Dinasian homeworld. They did, however, send aid and supplies to assist the Dinasians.

Desperate to get their hands on the technology, the Dinasians joined an alliance of envious races such as the Iccobar in an invasion of the Iconian empire, hoping to get their hands on the World Heart Although Iconia was destroyed, they failed to find the Heart and had gone extinct by the 24th Century. ( “Midnight”)

Missions involved
