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Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction NeutralEridan Belt
Ponor Sector
Beta Quadrant

Eridon Belt Sector Map

The Eridan Belt is a system located in the Ponor Sector of the Beta Quadrant. The Eridan Belt is a region of space serving as an Exploration Cluster.

System Description[]

The Eridan Belt Stretches into vast swaths of unpopulated galactic space. Many of the plants here are found singly orbiting remote stars, so this area of space is a lonely frontier.

Duty Officer Assignments[]

  • Colonial Site surveying in the Eridan Belt.
  • Eridan Belt Renown.
  • Establish additional First-In colonies in the Eridan Belt.
  • Establish additional Military Bases in the Eridan Belt.
  • Establish Logistical Base in the Eridan Belt.
  • Fortify additional Colonies in the Eridan Belt.
  • Geological Analysis in the Eridan Belt.
  • Industrial Replicator Resupply Run to the Colonies in the Eridan Belt.
  • Medical Supplies Resupply Run to the Colonies in the Eridan Belt.
  • Water Purification System Resupply run to Colonies in the Erdan Belt.
  • Weather Control Systems Resupply run to Colonies in the Eridan Belt.


  • Eridan Wanderer Explore the Eridan Belt 15 Times
  • Eridan Nomad Explore the Eridan Belt 35 Times
  • Eridan Explorer Explore the Eridan Belt 70 Times