Exocomp Legume Creel
Diagnostic Engineer — Ground
[GR] Chance for flank attacks to deploy an Exocomp ally
- Faction: Cross-Faction
- Quality: Very Rare
- Species: Exocomp
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Master Chief Petty Officer
- Department: Engineering
- Specialization: Diagnostic EngineerActive Roster (Ground): On flanking attack, provides a chance to deploy an Exocomp that will provide fire support. It will remain in the field for a while before transporting away. Moderate internal cooldown.
On flanking Foe: 20% chance: Exocomp Legume Creel deploys to provide support for 45 sec (15 sec recharge) - Traits
- This duty officer is obtained from “Firewall”.
- Legume Creel spawns with the same abilities as Support Drone Fabrication I, and therefore also benefits from Assault Drone Fabrication. The instant the flanked enemy that spawned him dies, Legume Creel will despawn.
- Legume Creel is likely intended to be the Mirror Universe counterpart of Peanut Hamper. Peanuts are a type of legume seed, while creel and hamper are synonyms for baskets.
- The quote in the dossier is likely a reference to the Space Core character from the video-game Portal 2.